How Will Twist of Fate End? Here is your answer (Highlights of the Season Finale)

If you have been wondering how this season of Twist of Fate that we are presently engrossed in will end, (whether it’s season three or season four to you), then this post answers that question.
The current season of the show chronicling events after the 7 years leap will rather end in a tragic death of Kiara (Pragya and Abhi daughter). After King discovers that Abhi, Pragya and Kiara are related, he feels cheated especially knowing that his love for Pragya and his intentions of marrying  her would not materialise.
In cahoots with Nikhil, Tanu and Aliya, he turns rogue towards Pragya and Abhi declaring them his enemy. It is in this mix-up and feud that Kiara gets caught between and leads to her untimely death. (although they are speculations Kiara didn’t really die).
Her ‘death’ causes a final separation for Abhi and Pragya and they both go their different ways, each carrying one of the girls. (the twin girls pragya later had for Abhi).
The series then takes another 20 years leap and continues with the lives of both girls. One bossy, spoilt and assertive having lived with Abhi; and the other homely and calm, having lived with Pragya. They girls may probably suceed in finally bringing their parents together for good.

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