Karan tries to explain to Rishab that there is nothing, Rishab asks Preeta about the truth, Karan sys that there is nothing, Rishab says that this is not the truth and he has not asked her about anything but she must tell him as he is not blind, Rishab says that the things that happened today were dangerous and this could have proved to be a bad thing for her, Karan says that that was the truth, Preeta stops him and says that she must tell him, Karan says that they agreed that they will only tell him after they have gathered a proof, Preeta says that she knows but it is the right time as they have gotten into a situation that they cannot handle, She starts to tell him and is worried, Rishab asks and she says that she must tell him, she says that Sherlin is having an affair with some other guy
and she is about to become the mother of that person’s child. Rishab gets shocked and then they both starts to tell him about all of the incidents that occurred in their live and how they found out that Sherlin was pregnant, Rishab starts to cry and hears them.

Prithvi is walking angrily in the room throwing everything in the room, he picks up the glass, Sherlin stops him, he in anger says that he is about to drink a glass of water, she asks him about to what will happen as Sanju will tell everything to the Luthra’s and everything that have worked will be ruined. Prithvi says that they will then go to Jail is that is the place which was created for them, Sherlin says that this will not happen and they hug, Prithvi wonders if this will be their last Hug, Sherlin gets angry and sys that they both must think positive and ask him to think of something.

Rishab is very angry and says that they both have done something very bad, Karan says to Preeta that he told her that Rishab will not understand, Preeta asks Rishab for forgiveness but he says that he is not angry that they did such a thing but rather did not tell him anything as this would directly affect his life. He says that Kara is his little brother and must have of thought of this first, He thinks that if Sherlin is really pregnant then this will cause their marriage to end, He goes to sleep along with Karan.
Sarla is sleeping when her phone rings she wonders that it is Preeta and wakes Bi Jee, she ask her to go and check, Shrishti picks up the phone and angrily asks who is it, Prithvi says that it is him but she still talks angrily saying that he disturbed her sleep and asks him about what th matter, he asks her to and the phone to her mother, she at first says that it is someone who is mad but then says that it is her son in law, she takes the phone from her.

Prithvi sys that she is right and wanted y listen, he feels that {Preeta must also have to follow those rules and is really worried that Karan is trying to take Preeta from him and Karan does exactly that and what will happen to him if Karan takes Preeta from him, She consoles him saying that he must not cry as she is the one who has arranged for their marriage and she will see to it that this happens. Sarla ends the call, Shristhi ask her as to what was it, she says that Prithvi feels wrong about Karan and tis might lead to the end of their engagement, she orders Shrishti to go back to sleep.

Sherlin asks Prithvi what was all this, Prithvi says that this was their insurance as when Karan will accuse him then Sarla will support him, she asks him as to how will this help them now and he says that this will cause him entry in the Luthra’s house, he will be able to says that he came for Preeta, he leaves Sherlin follows him and ask for the plan, he says that there is no point in telling her as it will mean nothing, she asks to go with him, he says that if they go together then Luthra’s will find out and their plans and this will mean the end of everything, Sherlin finds that it is right and says that she will stay behind.Prihivi goes to the house and sees Sameer sleeping, he feels relieved that there is only one guarding Sanju.

Prithvi taunts Sameer to sleep, he walks to Sanju and tries to wake him but he is sleeping and does not wake, Prithvi throws some water at him and he wakes, Prithvi says that he came to help him and only came here for Sanju after knowing that there is a lot of trouble, he tries to leave at which Sanju sys that he will tell everyone his truth the next morning, when everyone comes out, Prithvi comes back ad says that they are really meant for each other as they can be friends and if he had studied a little more than Prithvi would have made him partner in his business, Sanju gets irritated and asks him to open the ropes, he is about to open them when the lights switch on and Mahesh and Rakhi come.

Mahesh and Rakhi gets amazed and asks hi m why is he freeing Sanju, he gets scared and says that he came here for Preeta as his mother wanted to tackle her for early morning prayer, he says that he came her through the door but Rakhi says that she closed it, Prithvi says that Sameer might have opened it. Both of them agree to it and then Rakhi asks him to stay and listen to what Sanju as to says then he will understand why Preeta is with them. Mahesh seeing him says that if he has any problem then he can go himself, Prithvi says that he will go. Mahesh says that he does not understand Prithvi and he is a very confusing character, Mahesh sees Sameer and gets angry saying that he will teach him a lesson as he was sent to Guard Sanju, Rakhi stops him and requests him to take Sameer to his room.

Prithvi calls Sherlin and asks her for a solution as he gt into a lot of trouble, he then explains everything, Sherlin also gets confused saying that their game is over and now they must let go of everything, he asks her, she says that he has no choice and must face everything with honor, Prithvi gets angry and starts to yelled sees Preeta and then tries to talk Sherlin into it. Preeta gets amazed seeing him and ask the reason he says that he came here for her as his mother wanted to go to Mandir with her, he called her mother who told her that she was not home so he came her for her, he tells her that when he was entering then she saw Sanju and he woke, Preeta hearing this gets excited and runs towards Rishab’s room to wake him up. Prithvi gets confused as to who does Preeta love. Karan is standing behind Prithvi and calls shim asking what is he doing here.he says that he cam here for Preeta but Karan does not listen and taunts him at which Prithvi gets disgusted.

Rakhi asks as top what is he saying, Mahesh also asks why did he came here if he didn’t came to kidnap Preeta, they both get angry, Karan also comes and they ask him but Rishab says that Sanju is telling the truth but it is half the truth. Karan says that he came here to Kidnap Doctor Seema, hearing this everyone gets amazed and ask him to what the matter is. Karan tries to tell them but Rakhi stops him and ask Preeta, she tells them that the doctor knows a secret that is important for their family, they went to the hospital to ask her but she was attacked twice then they thought that she was in trouble an so brought her to the Luthra house but Sanju came to Kidnap her and when she saw him he attacked her but Karan came to help her. Rishab sys that they must ask Sanju but Mahesh gets angry saying that he wants to listen the truth from Karan, Rishab stops him and says that they can listen it from them later but now must listen to what Sanju has to say. Prithvi fears if Rishab knows everything regarding him and Sherlin.

Karan goes to interrogate Sanju and also beats him, Preeta also says that he must tell them the truth and he will not be sent to prison if he tells the truth, Prithvi fears if Sanju tells the truth and the all pressurize him but Sanju does not listen and says that he will not cheat the Peron who gave him this job as this his rule and he will follow it, he knows that the person will break him from the prison within twenty four hours.

Karan and Rishab are questioning Sanju and asks the reason for his loyalty, he says that he will be paid a lot of money and that is the sole reason, Rishab says that he will give him twice the amount, he then agrees to thrice but still Sanju says that he will not tell him after Prithvi says that he will pay him four times the amount. Sanju still does not agree, Rishab starts beating and does not listen even when everyone tries to stop them, Sanju then says that the person who paid him the money is with them in the same room, Sanju looks towards Preeta who is standing in front of Prithvi but Karan hits him thinking that he was talking about Preeta.  Prithvi thinks of a way to stop Sanju and goes towards him with a knife, Sanju realizes the plan and takes him outside, and he does not stop and takes

Prithvi is acting and also asks Sanju to act with him but he does not do it and forces him to come with him. He leaves and Preeta is very worried and goes after them both, Karan and Rishab also follow her.

Sanju says to Prithvi that he has a very clever mind and would become a don if he was in their line, Prithvi gets angry and says that they are in this problem because of him and he also got injured, Sanju says that it i9s just a little scratch and it will heal but Prithvi says that he has a lot of problems to face and this will result in his death. He gets a call from Sherlin who is very angry and constantly asking questions about what happened, Prithvi says that they are in a problem and will talk with her after coming back home. Sherlin ask so Prithvi makes Sanju talk with her and they both get into a fight and so Sanju asks Prithvi to handle her himself, Prithvi makes himself feel like and intelligent person, Sanju tell him that he must talk with her as otherwise she will get angry again, Prithvi turns back and sees Karan and Preeta following them.


Prithvi asks Sanju to drive fast, he tells Sherlin that he will tell her everything after coming back and now she must not call him. Preeta is very worried but Karan is adamant that it a plan and nothing else, Rishab asks him to be quiet and consoles Preeta, they follow them and Rishab then also says that something is wrong, Rishab spots Prithvi’s car and when they reach near it, Rishab says that there is something wrong as there is no movement in the car and if he was Kidnaped he would have tried to escape but there is nothing, and this means that it was a plan, Preeta does not listen but Rishab then makes her realize and she also understands, Karan says that she will understand after they catch him.

Mahesh asks Karina as to what she has to say, Dadi also asks her at which she says that Sherlin is about to become their Sons wife but she has never got the respect which she deserved and it is all because of Preeta as she dislikes her from the beginning and that is why even when Sherlin is trying so much, Preeta blamed that she is about to become mother of someone’s else child and it is all because of their support. Rakhi and Mahesh are confused, Karina’s says that she brought the doctor to their house to prove it, she ask as to what happened to their family’s rules, she says that Preeta is a very clever girl and she came here for their family’s wealth, Rakhi says that Preeta never said anything regarding Pregnancy, Karina is not moved and says that she is a very clever girl and wants to marry Rishab and that is the reason she made Karan her friend, she knew that Rishab love shim a lot and will not deny anything that he says. 

Karina taunts Rakhi that she cares for her sons but how can she neglect such an important thing that Preeta wants to take Sherlin’s place, Dadi says that Karina said something’s that should not have been spoken, Mahesh also agrees saying that Preeta is a good girl. Rakhi says to Karina that she knows that she doesn’t like Preeta and today she has said a lot, Rakhi says that Preeta is a very precious person   Rakhi is very angry with Karina, she says ton her that she knew that Karina never liked Preeta but this does not mean that she is a bad girl and Preeta is a very obedient person and is one of a Kind, Karina gets angry and thinks that Preeta has everyone in the palm of her hands. Sherlin thinks that she is worried About Prithvi and can’t even call him, she only wonders if he is alright, she is very tensed.

Sanju is driving the car, he say that his right eye is blinking, Prithvi asks in amazement about what he is saying to which he says that this means that danger is after him, Prithvi doesn’t understand at which Sanju gets frustrated and explains to him the reason as he almost died the last rime. Rishab is trying to convince Preeta that there is nothing wrong, Karan also says that she
must open her eyes.

Prithvi asks him to throw him out of the car but Sanju says that he will not do it, there is a lot of risk in it, Prithvi is adamant and then tries to struggle with Sanju, he gets distracted and so the car moves out of the road, Preeta is convinced that Prithvi is being kidnapped, Sanju asks what is he doing to which he says that they have seen both of them and this means that they have to struggle to make them believer that he is being Kidnapped. He asks Sanju to throw him out but Sanju says that he will not do it then after Prithvi forces him, Sanju throws him out of the car on a turn at which Preeta and Karan stop the car, Sanju escapes and thinks that he got into a big problem.

Mahesh and others are with the Doctor Seema and ask her as to what does she know about Sherlin’s Pregnancy, Karina taunts her saying that there is not proof, the doctor remembers everything that happened but doesn’t say anything even when Mahesh and Rakhi ask her saying that she feels dizzy.

Preeta comes to Prithvi who is in pain and bleeding, she is much tensed, Rishab and Karan also follow her and come to sit by his side. He says that he is very blessed to be with someone like her as he was saved just by her prayers, he thinks to himself that his planed worked. The doctor says that she feels relieved, everyone asks her as to what the matter is to which she says that she wants to talk in front of Karan and Sherlin, Rakhi says that she will call them, she also asks Mahesh to call the Police and they agree, Both of the phones are not reachable, Karina feels that they atre being such fools for believing in the doctor, Doctor Seema thinks that Sherlin is a very criminal minded girl and she will not let someone like her do anything wrong to such a nice family and will tell; everyone the truth about her as well as Sanju.

Preeta bandages Prithvi and says that they must take Prithvi to the hospital, Rishab gives him a hand and also asks Karan, He says that Prithvi is just acting and there is nothing wrong but when he asks Preeta, Karan jumps in and quickly gives him his hand, he picks him up but walking behind him thinks of his plan. Sherlin says that she is fed up of the middle class girl and what is her plan, Karina says that Preeta wants to prove that Sherlin is pregnant and she also brought the doctor with her, Sherlin gets tensed and asks as to what the doctor said, Karina sys that she was on medicine and is not fully awake but her family is with her and trying to know what she has to say, but the doctor is really afraid of someone, Sherlin thinks that this means that doctor has not said anything about her, Karina asks her the reason for being silent, Sherlin says that this means that everyone believes that she is pregnant, the doctor must say that there is nothing if the sort, Karina comforts her and says that she has not said anything and asked for Karan and Preeta to be with her, she says that Rakhi has called them , Sherlin ask her to which Karina says that Prithvi came and created a lot of drama, Karina asks her to come as she is the one being blamed and she wants her to be with them to defend herself, they are talking when Karina daughter comes and ask her to come with her as everyone is asking for her, Sherlin thinks of what Karina said and then sees Prithvi’s massage.

Karan and Preeta are taking Prithvi to the car, Karan gets a call from his mother Rishab asks him to pick it up but it gets disconnected, he asks him to call; her again, Prithvi says that he is hurting and then when he sits in the car Karan is very angry at him and looks at him with disgust, Prithvi says that he is also hurting in his body at which Preeta feels worried.

Shrishti calls Sameer, who is sleeping and when he wakes he gets angry asking her as to what is the matter, she asks him about what happened, he says that a lot happened after they talked and he thinks that she has missed very much but then he says that after they talked he went to sleep after realizing that both Preeta and Karan fooled but then h understood it, she was right all along, he says that after it Sanju came to kidnap
Doctor Semma and he was the brother of Neil who kidnapped her, she gets angry and he says that he was right and someone drugged him, Shrishti at this gets angry saying that he is lying and cuts the phone, he thinks about it and says that he is saying the truth and also someone came to drug him and free Neil , he thinks that he must go and check.
Shrishti goes and asks Sarla about Bath soap, she tells her but then asks her to bring Medicine for Janki who is not feeling well, she ask him to not call Preeta as she will then get worried, Shrishti then goes hurriedly. Karan stops the car in his house, Preeta asks the reason as she asked him to go to the hospital, Rishab steps out and is with Preeta that they must take Prithvi to the hospital, he says that the call he received was from their mother who told him that the doctor was awake and wanted to talk in front of them both.

He says that they must also call Sherlin, Rishab stops Karan but he does not listen and calls her, she is very tensed and he asks her to come to their house as the doctor is with them and she will inspect her in their house, Sherlin says that she is ill and will not come, Karan forces her but he does not listen, Karan then ends the call and says that they must do it without Sherlin. They are about to go inside when Prithvi gets a call from his office, eh accept it, Karan asks Preeta to come with them both and leave Prithvi a she can come later, Preeta asks to hi if she can go with Rishab and Karan and he agrees. After they leave Prithvi thinks about what he has to do after going inside as the Doctor will recognize him at first sight, he feels frustrated.

Sameer comes and Mahesh looks at him, He asks doctor Semma how she is feeling and says that he was drugged, everyone looks at him with amazement and do not believe him but he is adamant that he was drugged with something and the person broke Sanju out. When they are talking Rishab and everyone come and ask about what she has to say and when she is just about to say anything, she sees Prithvi, Rakhi also looks at him and then they all go and asks him about his injuries and tend to his wound.

Prithvi signals the doctor to not tell the truth in the amidst everyone is occupied with tending to his wounds, Karan asks if he is okay now and asks the doctor about the person who tried to hurt her and was the father of Sherlin’s child, the police walk in and asks the reason that they were called for and who called them. Mahesh says that he called them because Doctor Semma wanted to report something, Rishab says that she was being targeted and was not safe and there was a murder attempt on her life, Preeta asks doctor to not be afraid and tell the truth as the Police is also here, Prithvi is worried and when Karan sys to the police that he will explain and starts to say everything from the beginning when Sherlin was engaged to his brother and how they met Doctor Semma to when she tried to hide her pregnancy from all of their family. He then says that she is a very clever girl and does not deserve to be a part of their family.

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