Preeta says that Doctor Seema is conscious, Sherlin and Prithvi get tensed, Preeta says that they are leaving for the hospital and will reach there soon, Prithvi and Sherlin think that they are finished and now what will they do,Preeta thinks that karan might get angry at her,Karan thinks that she yelled on purpose as she wanted to tell him something,he hurriedly gets out and bumps into Sherlin, she falls but he does not pick her up, she gets up and she
says that she has an amazing Bathroom he says that he will go to the hospital and then they will both meet in jail. he take d Preeta’s hand and they both go out.

Sherlin thinks that she is now finished and not only the Luthra’s but even her mother will not forgive her as the doctor will tell everyone the truth, Karan is taking
Preeta outside, she stops him saying that he is always finding
ways to touch her and now when Sherlin needed his help he didn’t do anything,he says that he feels she is trying to say thanks but then is saying bad things,she also feels that she was wrong and says thank you, they both get into the car and leave. In the car Preeta says that she is sorry but she only yelled as Sherlin was coming, he also agrees and says that she did the right thing and he also says that that the next time she scolds him, she must think of his blessings.

Prithvi comes out,Sherlin i s standing scared, when he asks she says that she will go to Jail as the doctor will tell everyone the truth and she will be in jail, Prithvi says that this will not happen and he calls Sanju, asking him to help them as this is what he said and promised to do, Sanju agrees and when Prithvi says that he has to get to the City
Hospital before Preeta and Karan and kill Doctor Seema,he hearing this says that he also has a Quarrel with them, he feels joyed as now he will be able to settle the score.

Sherlin is worried and asks Prithvi, how many graves will they have to make in order to protect themselves, he says that hey have no other choice and this is the only thing that they will do.
Sanju reaches the reception and ask the sister there that he has brought food for Doctor Seema and needs to know her room number, she tells him and he leaves, Preeta and Karan are going to the room of doctor Seema,Karan’s fans surround him asking for a selfie and he agrees.

Sherlin is biting hr nails, Prithvi stops her saying that this is a gross thing and she must stop this, she says that he does not care for her as she will go to jail in an attempt to murder case, he will be alright and will live a life with Preeta
as he is a cheat, Prithvi hearing this he gets angry and says that he only lives for her and will die for her, she must not call him a cheat, Sherlin realizes her mistake and hugs him, he also forgives her ad says to relax.

Sanju says that the doctor’s life was so weird as she will die in the same hospital where she is worked for so many years, he tries to choke her and is about to kill her when the nurse comes, she yells in the hallway saying that someone is trying to kill Doctor Seema, Karan and Preeta run towards the room ad reach to her, the doctor also comes and asks as to what the problem is, Karan says that someone is trying too kill her and asks to take her home.

Sanju calls Prihvi who is very anxious to hear the death news, Sanju says that he was about to kill the doctor but at the end moment the nurse came, Prithvi say that there is no worry and he can kill her now, he says that he would have to go but Karan and Preeta are taking her home, he must follow her and so he ends the call.

Preeta and Karan are in the car, she says that she feels that Sherlin is the one behind all of this as when the reached the hospital the doctor would not let them enter the room saying that she was with some patient, she also says that she was about to see the face of the patient but was unable to because Karan started to fight. Karan says that he will ot take doctor Seema to her house, he says that he doesn’t know that who is in her family and there maybe only old parents. he says that he will take Doctor to his house, Preeta says that she will go to her house, Karan says that this cannot happen as she must come with him,Preeta says that her mother will not let this happen,Karan calls her mother and makes an excuse saying that can Preeta stay at his house as his Dadi is very ill, Sarla asks him if he is lying and is it because of Sherlin, Karan gets shocked.

Karan asks Sarla if Preeta can live with them, Sarla asks if this has anything to do with Sherlin, he is amazed and asks her how does she know it, Sarla says that she is her mother and knows what she thinks, Sarla says that she can go with him and asks him to hand her the phone, Preeta says that she will scold her and when she answers she says that she is coming home, Sarla says that she can go with Karan as the Luthra’s have done a lot for them and she must help them, Sarla only says that she must help them but in a limited manner and also think of herself, Karan asks Preeta as to what the matter is, she says that she has got the best mom Karan says that it means that she is coming to his house, Preeta nods and he says that they must involve her mother with them, Preeta says that they will do no
such thing and will do it themselves.
Prithvi and Sherlin are very tensed, She says to him to call Sanju Prithvi says that he will call them and when he calls them Prithvi says that he only wants to hear good news, Sanju says that it is impossible to kill Doctor Semma, he asks why to which Sanju says that Karan brought her to his house. Prithvi slams the phone, they both start to fight, and Prithvi says that he will go to the Luthra’s house and check everything personally, Sherlin says that she will also come.
Karan and Preeta are walking Doctor Semma, Sameer sees them and wonders who is with them, he asks them and they both tell him everything, he says that he will help them as he also loves Rishab and will do anything for him, Karan says that they both are very tied and need rest so he must guard the doctor and must not seep at any cost, Sameer gets excited and says that he will do it as he loves these things, Sameer hugs and Kisses Karan who get grossed, he takes him to the door and again advices him to not sleep.
Preeta and Karan are walking down the hallway, she says that Sameer was very excited to do the job, she says that he seemed just like Shristhri as she also has a lot in her mind and is always doing silly things, she goes to her room where Karan also follows but she stops him and forces him to go back, he wonders that she is calling him and he turns, she is not there and he feels that his heart is playing games with him.
Sanju enters the house and sees the guard, he tries to pass him but slips and so a Vase falls, the guard gets vigilant and comes to see who miss it but Sanju hides and goes into the house, He sees Sameer who is guarding the room and knows that the Doctor will be inside the room that is why he is guarding it, he thinks that he must find an escape route so that it will be easy to escape. Sameer sits down and feels very bored, he thinks of a way to get busy and decides to call Shristhri and tell her about the important work that Karan gave him and make her feel jealous, He calls her, she picks it up and thinking as to why did he call her, she says that he must not call her at this time as he sleep at around 10 pm and so he must not call her, he says that she sleeps a lot at which she says that h is not like other girls and sleeps a lot, he says that she is very beautiful, she feels joyed and they start talking, Sameer tell her everything, she feels that her own sister deceived her and now Sameer is showing off in front of her, she feels that they did not care for her talent. Shristhri yells at him and says that he must stop smiling as they only made him a security guard, he says that he is the security head, she then tries to degrade him, he says that she has nothing, Shristhri says that they both made a fool out of him and went to sleep, Sameer gets angry and ask her to go and sleep. She after cancelling the phone gets angry and says that they both did not even feel that she is worthy for a security guard and says that she feels deceived.
Sherlin calls Prithvi who is very tensed and says that he must go and check on the situation, he says that he will not as it means killing himself, she says that she only wants him to go and observe the things, as then they will know the situation better.

Prithvi says that he is really tensed but Sherlin says that if she got caught then she will be charged with attempt to murder, he will not go to prison, she asks him to go and murder Doctor Semma, he says that he will not go a he does not want to get caught because his life will be over and he will be in prison. H says that he will not go as he will not do anything of the sort because Luthra’s are also very clever.

Prithvi is with Sherlin and gets a call from Sanju who is saying that he is Luthra’s house but someone is guarding the room and he will kill the Doctor as soon as he gets a chance, Prithvi encourages him and says that he must kidnap her and not kill her, he will get trapped if he does so, Sanju agrees and then Sherlin asks him to for his job, he says that he will do it  as planned,
Prithvi after cancelling the call says that she must not take his love for granted, he likes Preeta and as soon as he marries her he will leave her, Sherlin gets tensed hearing these words.

Sanju thinks if Sherlin’s words got true and he got caught, he locks everyone in their rooms and then goes to kidnap the doctor, Sameer thinks that Karan and Preeta made a fool out of him and goes t heck on both of them, he opens the door of Preeta and find her sleeping then he goes and checks o Karan and he is also sleeping, Sameer picks him up but Karan is sleeping and he tries to sleep with him, Karan kicks him out.

Sanju sees that everyone is locked into their rooms and when he is about to kidnap the doctor, Sanjana comes and wonders who is sleeping, she remembers that it is the doctor who checked Sherlin, she wonder what the Doctor is doing in their house, she tries to wake her but the doctor does not wake then she decides to ask Karan the next day, she leaves and Sanju follows her in order to lock her in the room, saying that God gave him a chance to Karan his work trouble free.

Sanju again enters the room and starts to tease the doctor and feels to kill her, he thinks and calls Prithvi, Prithvi is worried and asks if he is okay, Sanju says that everything is fin e and nothing can stop him ow that he is about to kill the Doctor, Prithvi ask him to finish him, he ask him that he must control the girl sitting with him, Sherlin gets angry but Prithvi stops her and calls Sanju saying that what he has to say.

Sanju says that he wanted to ask if he should kill her, Prithvi says that he must kill her rather bringing as this will create a problem ,Prithvi forces him to which Sanju says that he has no place to keep her as he is alone and there e is none to help him and he must do it alone, Prithvi tells him that there are a lot of people after him and he will not do such a thing again, Sanju asks him where to bring the doctor as he has no place to keep her, he then says that he can bring her to Prithvi’s house, Sherlin gets angry and says lot of bad things to him at which Sherlin gets angry, Prithvi asks her to ask for Sanju’s forgiveness, she agrees but says that she will not live with them, Prithvi tells Sanju that the doctor cannot live with them, he says that he will take the doctor someplace else. Prithvi says that he will double his payment,

Preeta wakes up and realizes that she is Karan’s house, she thinks of waking him up but thinks that he will only wake at the ring of the bell. And so she must go alone.

Sanju tries to strangle the Doctor but stops thinking that he will get double payment if she is alive and so thinks that he has to protect his brother’s life and so he must help Prithvi, He wakes her up.

Sanju is taking Doctor Seema, Preeta wakes up and is walking, her Dupatta gets stuck in the staircase, she feels that someone is holding it but when she turns no one is there, Sanju tries to unlock the door, Preeta hears it and turns on the lights.
Prithvi and Sherlin are in the car and they both decide that they should go to the luthra’s house, Sanju is very angry with Preeta and finds a good opportunity to kill her, he turns towards her with his gun and slams her against the wall, Karan gets u and comes own.
Sarla wakes up and is very tensed, she runs to call Preeta but she is not answering the phone.
Sarla is very tensed but Shristhri says that she should call her, Sanju is trying to kill Preeta, Prithvi and Sherlin are looking fro outside, She says that he should go inside,
says that he will not as he is to marry Preeta saying that if he goes inside she will recognize him and become suspicious, Karan is looking for Preeta, she breaks free from Sanju and hits him with a vase
Sameer unlocks Rakhi and Mahesh they ask what the matter is Sameer says that he doesn’t know and they should go and check if the others are in the same condition.
Preeta runs to help he doctor, Sanju sees her and takes out his knife, when he is about to kill her Karan comes and fights with him, he stops Sanju, Preeta is very tense and she runs to Hug him, they have a romantic moment,and she hugs him very tightly, Preeta is very stresses, Karan tries to comfort her.
He says that he was a little late and asks if she is fine, he says that no one will hide from them.

Sherlin is looking inside, Everyone comes to them, Rakhi recognizes the Doctor and says that she is the maternity Doctor, they all get curious and ask them as to what the matter is, They asks about Sanju, Chachi asks what happened as she feels hat there was a fight, Rishab asks Sameer, Karan says that he will tell them that truth, Preeta worries that he will tell the truth,Karan asks him and he say that he is Neil’s little brother, Karan asks Preeta is he can tell everyone the truth and she agrees, Karan says that he has to ask her for Permission,
rishab asks him hwhy was Sanju here, Preeta points to Docotr, Karean says that ghe is here t kidbnap her adn he ws trying to take revenge for hs brother, they all suddenly get worried and asks Preeta if she is alright
and did she sustain any injuries, Preeta says that she is and has only sustained little scratches but there is nothing serious.Karina asks what the Doctor id doing here, Rishab also gets curious, Karina takes Sameers phone and asks if he has Sarla Auroras number,Karan and Preeta get worried that their truth will come out

Karan says that he went to Kidnap Preeta from the hospital, Doctor Seema called him and he went and saved her, Doctor was also worried for her and came with them, he also came as he knew their plan and came to their house again
he tried to to kidnap her again when Doctor Semma tried to help her, Sanju hit her with a heavy vase, he got late and came to help her, he hit Sanju until he got unconscious.Karina asks for Preeta’s number saying that she will tell her mother that Preeta is in trouble and ask her to come and get her as this will make their worries go away. Karan sys to Karina that there will be problem if she calls her, they will all get tensed, Shristhri will be able to control himself but what will Sarla and Dadi do. Karan makes Rakhi and Dadi come on his side, Mahesh says that they must not call them but rather they should call the police, Rishab agrees and starts to dial the number, Karan stops him by the does not listen, Preeta says that Karan has to tell Rishab something, he feels that Preeta is a dumbo and as she got him in a tight corner, He say that they must gather slid proof against him, Karan asks everyone to leave, Rakhi asks Preeta if she feels safe in their house, Preeta answers that she is okay, Rakhi sees a scratch on her hand and gets worried, she asks Sameer to bring a first aid kit and ropes to fasten Sanju so that he cannot escape,
Karan asks everyone to go back to sleep and they leave, Sameer asks Karan for forgiveness but he says that it is alright as he was the one who brought him out of the room.

Preeta goes into her room and calls Sarla, Dadi asks Sarla to get ready as Shristhri will soon bring the auto, Shristhri comes but Preeta calls and they all get anxious to hear from her, Sarla is crying and ask if she is okay and she says that she is alright and there is nothing to worry, Preeta confirms her that there is nothing t worry and she says that she will come just to see her, she says that she cannot as everyone is sleeping and she can come in the morning, Sarla agrees after they all pressurize her, Sameer asks Karan for forgiveness and says that it is all because of him and it is his fault, he says that he wants to asks Preeta for forgiveness, Karan says that he will take care of everything, he asks him to go and sleep, Sameer says that he will not and will stay in the living room guarding Sanju and as soon as he wakes he will call everyone, Karan agrees feeling his guilt, Sameer hugs him and leaves.

Mahesh is in his bad when Rakhi comes, he asks if their mother went to sleep, Rakhi says that she got into bed but she is not sure she will sleep, Rakhi is confused to which Mahesh says that he feels that Karan is lying, Rakhi disagrees and Mahesh goes to sleep.

Karan comes into Preeta room and says that he is happy that he kicked Sanju very badly, Preeta is very tensed, he ask her to which she says that her mother is very tense because of her, Karan asks who told her even when his mother told everyone not to call, Preeta stops him saying that no one called and she came to now it by her instinct, she says that she is a true mother, Karan is amazed and says that whenever he used to get a call from his mother about his health he always thought that it was general, Preeta says that it was her instincts regarding him she says that she is guilty that she did not tell her mother anything regarding Sherlin, Karan stops her but she s adamant and he also agrees saying that she looks good when she is smiling, Preeta stops smiling he says that he should have not complimented her as she stopped smiling, Preeta says that there is nothing like this. Karan asks her to close the door and sleep, he is leaving when she says that she will not get scared, he pranks her saying that she got scared just by his voice, he asks her to be careful saying that Sanju is close, Preeta replies, there is nothing t worry as he will come to save her, Karan says that he will be there for her and will not leave her side, as she means the most to him.

Karan says that they are even, Preeta ask as to what is he talking about, Karan says that she saved him and now he saved her and so they are even, she agrees, saying that they should tell everyone the truth, Karan disagrees saying that they will not, they will first talk to the doctor as she awakes from her sleep, Karan is talking with Preeta, saying that no one should know of their secret, Rishab asks as to what is the secret, both of them stand confused, Karan tries to make an excuse but Rishab says that he knows that he is lying.

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