Sherlin is very worried thinking of what Preeta said to her and how she insulted her and said a lot of bad things to her, she things that Preeta will never let her live in peace, she take out the photo album and is very angry to see Prithvi smile with Preeta, she says that she knows that Prithvi has started to like Preeta.

Prithvi surprises Sherlin and enters without telling her, he tries to come sloe to her but she pushes him away saying that she knows that he has started to like Preeta and that she is now breaking up with him and that he must leave. Preeta and Shrishti are in the market, Manisha is also in the same market near both of them, Preeta spots her in the mirror of a bike and is left amazed. She turns but is unable to find her, Shrishti asks her what the matter is she says that she saw the girl who put the blame on Karan, Shrishti asks if she is sure about the girl and they both run after her, Preeta find her hugging another boy. She says that she will not leave the girl until she tells the truth and she also has a plan, they stats to ru but he steps inside a car and gets away, they both get into an auto and follow. Prithvi tries to calm her down and says that he does not love her but she say that she knows that he went to her house because she saw his car in front of her house, Prithvi says that he will tell her everything but only after she calms down and he also admits that he went ot her house, she then jumps in saying that he went their because he has started to love her.

Sherlin takes up a lamp and says that she will hit him with it, he says that she must give him a chance to prove himself and then he tells her everything, from the starting saying that he thought that their family will do everything to take Karan out of Jail and so he went to Sarla and told her everything and also made her feel scared of the society so that she will come on his side and tell Preeta to not go to the Luthra’s and if she really wants to help him then she must choose either between her or Kara and this made her cry and go to her room, Sherlin hearing this brakes down and hugs him, Sherlin hearing this brakes down and hugs him, he says that she always doubts him even when he loves her, she then shays that she only felt like this because he was getting closer to Preeta.

They both are hugging when her mother knocks and after coming in asks where she was she says that she went to the Mender to pray for Karan, Karan feels happy saying that only those who love each other come to help them in their hard time, Rakhi comes back with the holy food, Sherlin take sit from her saying that’s eh will distribute it, her mother asks her where is the food which she got, Sherlin thinks that she is not her mother as she always fids things to trap her I n front of everyone. Sherlin says that she forgot it at home, Karina says that it doesnot matter as they are only happy if she went for her brother in law, Sherlin says that she was told by the Guru that someone did something wrong with Karan, Karina says that she feels he same but Dadi says that why is she believing in this kind of a thin when she doesn’t believe it herself, Sherlin says that they both have different views but she truly feel that someone wants Karan to go in jail. Sherlin says that she feels that he did this because of his wrong company, Rakhi stops her saying ta she must not target Preeta as if she was with Karan then he would still be with them, Dadi says that they teat Sarla as their family and she is sure that Sarla must have called her, Karin gets angry saying that she never did anything of the sort, Rakhi stops her and says that they both talked and she even said that she will he them in any matter.

Rishab comes with the lawyer and they ask Karan about the truth, Karan says that he is innocent and even has a girl to prove his innocence s she saw that Manisha drugged him. Karan says that Manisha drugged him and he even got confused as how did she got so high only after a single drink, he says that the witness saw everything, the lawyer says that they will bring the girl as the witness on the first day and then they will win the case, Karan disagrees saying that he does not want to ruin the girls life, Rishab also asks Rishab also asks the lawyer to trust him and they both decide what to do. Karan says that they must find out about Manisha as she must have a partner to help her in the plan. Karan says that he is sure that she could not have planned this all by herself, someone else was with her, the lawyer says that I this is the case then he will not try to find that person and they will surely win, he asks for their leave, Rishab asks him who is the girl and when he comes to know od Preeta he says that this is for sure that Karan is innocent and they will now win, he thinks that now Karan and Preeta cannot be together state are different from each other.

Preeta and Shrishti are following the vehicle and when they reach the signal they get stuck behind the cars and they get away, they both note the number of the car but when they both decide to go to the police station she refuses saying that they can’t go as she has promised her mother to not go, Shrishti says that Preeta can help her friend as he jumped into fire because of her, she then plans to take her to the police station and says that they will not go inside and this way she will also keep her promise, Prithvi does not agree to his friends demand of half the profit but he says that h will not and when he pressurizes then he sees that Manisha is coming, Prithvi asks him to gibe Manisha to him and he will give him 70 percent of the profit, Prithvi thinks of what they had and then they both greet them and the they co e inside.

The police inspector says that he acted wrongly with him and he is not even dory because if he says something to Karan they he will again act the same way, Rishab says that if Karan was guilty then he would never have stopped her but he is true and so he will not tolerate it, He sees Shrishti and goes to meet her, she tells him that Pre4eta is outside and they then go to meet her, Preeta thinks of taking the bag if vegetables but then realizes that the auto driver went away, Preeta then thinks of going inside and then realizes the promise she turns back, Rishab comes and asks why she is not coming inside, she says that she is that she is not coming because of her mother, eh then sys that everyone turned their backs after Karan got arrested and those who claimed to be their friends and relative s are not even picking up their calls , they all left them, he says that she has remained with their family throughout their ups and downs and has remained their friend, he requests her to come in because then Karan will be happy as he likes her a lot.

He ask why Sarla not came, she says that she did not come , eh realizes and says that he totally forget what happened but is happy that she let her come, he says that now she must not say thankyoy as she has done a lot for them, Shrishti goes and remains her what he has done for them, she is hesitant but Shrishti pulls her and they both go inside, they give him the number and then explain how they saw Manisha in the market and that they both were going to question her but then she ran away. They both think how good this clue will be for their case, Rishab goes to inform his lawyer and Preeta also gets a call.

Prithvi and friends are celebrating, he says that he wants to listen to Karan’s stories and they start to watch the news, they say that Karan’s bail request was cancelled and now even a march has been organized against his actions, Manisha boyfriend gets worried and when they ask he says that what if this goes in favor of Karan, Prithvi tries to calm him down saying that nothing will happen to Manisha, she then tells her boyfriend that Preeta will never confess because Prithvi threatened her mother and now she will never let her go anywhere as she is now afraid. Preeta says that he will reach tomorrow o time, when she turns Rishab is there who says that he came to say that he is very happy an wants to say thank you, he starts t say everything that is good with her, she says that he is not that good and could have make him come out but he was not able to do so, she says that Karan never listens to anyone, Rishab says that Karan told him everything and if he forbid her then he was right, Rishab says that he only has a word to say Thank you.

Shrishti is with Karan and telling him about Prithvi, how he told everything to their mother just so that she could not be able to come to the police station to meet him, just when they are talking Preeta comes, when asked her says that it was a call from the office they were asking her when she will join.

Rishab comes saying that he got the address of Manisha house, Shrishti also goes with him. Karan starts to cry, Preeta asks her what the matter is. He says that she is ready to do anything for him even when here are so many hurdles in her way, what does she mean to him, she says that he means everything as a friend is all those relations that she needs, she has no one to fight with besides him, she epically misses their small fights, Preeta starts to cry and says that thy emus change the topic as he does not like her crying, she runs away giving no time to Karan to stop her.

They both are standing crying thinking of all the beautiful moments spent with each other, Karan says that no none can harm him as long as Preeta is with him. Prithvi drops Manisha and her boyfriend to her house, her boyfriend and him starts to have a fun moment, Rishab and Shrishti are looking for Manisha, they ask a vendor and he tells them of Manisha’s house. Manisha say to her boyfriend to not leave so quickly, they both start to have a romantic scene when he hears the horn of Prithvi, he says that he has to leave as he is now a partner, Manisha says that he must go as otherwise Prithvi will irritate everyone, he leave and they both had off. Rishab and Shrishti reach Manisha’s house, he enter angrily. Preeta reaches her house, Sarla gets very angry saying that she doesn’t why it took so long as she has been going for such a long time and doesn’t understand why she is so late, she says that she understand everything and will never look into their lives anymore.

Dadi calls Preeta to her and says that Sarla is her child and she understands everything, she is right that Preeta must not go to the Luthra’s but what she says that Preeta must not go to the police station this they cannot bear as they know that Karan is innocent, she says that Preeta must do what she what she can to help him, and that Dadi will deal with Sarla. She says that she knows that Sarla is very stubborn and will do what she feels is right but she will also calm down after some time when she herself feels that Kara s innocent.

Preeta hugs Dadi and she asks her to do some house hold work, Sarla brings tea, Dadi says that Sarla must not ask so many questions to Preeta or Shrishti as this will take them away from her, Dadi says that she must not spoil the atmosphere of the house. Shrishti and Rishab reach Manisha house, she stops him saying that she has seen him and will never open the door and that’s he must try, she rings the bell and when Manisha opens Shrishti says that she has win a lottery and must give proof buy showing her id card, She enters the house, Rishab also follows leaving Manisha speechless.

Karan ad Preeta are both thinking of each other and how their activities made each other smile, both gets uncomfortable, Karan prays that he must get outside so that he can solve everything, Preeta says that Karan must get to as he does not look good when he is in a tension, Both are day dreaming about each other. Manisha is left speechless and doesn’t understand what to do, she tries to escape but Shrishti catches her, Manisha asks how they reached her and what do they want, Rishab says that he knows that she was working with someone to ruin his brother and he also wants to deal with her which will be a lot better, he asks her to getup.

Prithvi is wondering where Preeta will be, he calls her saying that Karan is not a good person and she must not go to meet her as someone has charged a file of rape against and she must not go to meet him, he gets angry, she says that why he always keeps a check on what she is doing because she never does this with him even though her friend and even her sister says that he is not the right choice for her, Prithvi is left speechless. . . . 


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