Mahek says i love you Shaurya, I will come down from jumping from here only, Shaurya says no i am coming, Mahek says Basanti and mummy both agree, this is great, Shaurya runs to go to her

Vaitlana calls Sanjay, Sanjay asks what you want? Vaitlana says have you gone mad? you have no idea what i am bearing here, these lovebirds are irritating me, kill one of them and game will be finished, you can get shooters easily, Sanjay says do one thing, look in mirror and see your face is beaten up, Vaitlana says mind your language, Sanjay says let them fly in air, it will be fun to hunt them more, he ends call and thinks.

Shaurya comes on roof and asks Mahek to give her hand, Mahek smiles, Shaurya says you are drama. Mahek hugs him and says i love you Shaurya.. i love you.. Shaurya smiles, Goonji si hai son plays, they loving gazes at each other. All are clapping for them, Rajiv is acting too, Mahek blushes and hides her face by hugging Shaurya.

Shaurya says i heard that middle class girls are shy but you today.. Mahek puts hand on his mouth. Shaurya says you have to pay for stopping me, she asks what? he says my first kiss, Mahek blushes and looks down, Shaurya lifts her face and leans in to kiss her lips, Mahek closes her eyes, Shaurya almost kisses her but Mahek runs away.

All are waiting for Mahek to return home. Nehal says if Shaurya doesnt become my brother in law then i will bring storm, there shouldnt be any tragedy in this love story anymore, Pd says love story is not completed without drama and tears. Door knocks, whole family runs to open it, Mahek comes inside, whole family is asking her questions, if she met Shaurya? did she talk to him? did he agree? Kanta asks what happened Mahek? everything fine? what did Shaurya say? Balwant asks her to tell, Mahek says what would he say? alongwith me, you people would have to bear devil Kumar for whole life, she blushes. Family starts dancing happily. Shaurya comes there with Karona and his puppy, Karona has brought shagun, Mahek beams at Shaurya, she sees family still dancing and coughs, family stops, seeing them.

Shaurya says i have come to dance like crazy and you people stopped? lets dance. Shaurya and Karona sits, family is dancing. Karona shows them shagun, Jeevan says it was not needed. Karona says dont talk in middle specially you, all get tensed hearing it. Karona smiles and says you just have sweets, Jeevan laughs. Karona says this is bribe to make your daughter as my daughter, she offers sweets to everyone. Karona hugs Kanta, Kanta eats sweet.

Mahek shyly smiles at Shaurya. Karona says to Mahek that i was waiting for daughter in law who can take care of me, come to my home soon otherwise i will tell your chachi about your act today, Mahek gets stunned hearing it, Karona makes her eat sweets and hugs her. She says family that i want marriage to happen soon, we shouldnt wait to do good thing, we should start ceremonies from tomorrow, Kanta says it would be too soon, Shaurya says dont take tension, i will handle everything, Pd jokes that Shaurya is desperate to get married, all laugh, Mahek blushes.

All family members go inside. Shaurya says to Mahek that you dont have to worry, i know you are tensed about our first marriage night, dont worry, i have put in my phone.. Mahek says you keep joking, only 10days are remaining in wedding and i have workload of job too, KD sir have given me so many responsibilities.

Shaurya puts hands around her neck and says if you have so many responsibilities then focus on that, i will handle all marriage work, Mahek cups his face and thanks him, Shaurya says you are welcome Mahek Khanna.. should i call you Mahek Khanna or Mahek Sharma? Mahek says call me Mahek Shaurya Khanna, Shaurya smiles, Mahek hugs him.

Shaurya and Karona comes out of Mahek’s house, Shaurya says i feel someone is watching us, he says you sit in car, i will come later, he sees one man leaving and doubts on him, Karona leaves in car. Man hides in corner and calls Vaitlana who is sitting in bathtub.

Vaitlana says to man that you know what you have to do then you will get money, man (Vaitlana’s spy) says Shaurya has come out of house, i will do my work, he ends call. Vaitlana says Shaurya you have forced me to go this evil, cheers to your wedding.

Shaurya comes to Mahek’s house again. He is smiling at family tensed about wedding work. Ravi says to Shaurya that dont be tensed, we will do all work. Ravi is doing decorations. Vaitlana’s spy comes in Sharma house. Shaurya says you were outside? Ravi says you are electrician right? spy says yes and goes from there, Ravi says all do work collectively here.

Shaurya says to Kanta that i want to know everything about Mahek, Nehal says you will get to know Mahek after marriage. Shaurya says i didnt get time to know Mahek much, i want to know every small and big thing about Mahek which was special since her childhood, i want to make this wedding special, Pd says he wants Mahek to leave this house without even crying, Shaurya says dont tell Mahek about this.

Shaurya opens Mahek’s old suitcase. Kanta shows him toy kitchen set with which Mahek used to play in childhood, Mansi says this is her father’s CD, when she misses her father, she listens to it alone, PD wipes her tears hearing it. Shaurya sees Mahek’s mother diary, Kanta says her mother used to write new recipes in this diary, whatever weird dishes Mahek made in competition, all are written in this diary, Mahek took her mother’s habit after she died.

Shaurya goes through diary, and gives it to Kanta. Shaurya says Mahek used to tell me about this diary, i have tasted many dishes written in this book, i feel like i know Mahek’s mother very well through this diary, all get sad. Shaurya sees fairytale book and snickers, he says this is of Mahek’s too? Kanta says she used to hear stories about fairies and used to call herself as fairy and would say that my prince will come not on white horse but on black horse, all laugh.

Shaurya sees Mahek’s childhood photos and smiles. Mansi says Mahek used to roam around in house with doll which her father gifted her, Shaurya sees doll’s picture, all get sad, Kanta says Mahek used to keep this doll with her always, she lost it, Shaurya thinks about it.

Vaitlana’s spy is working electrical wires in Sharma house. He calls Vaitlana and says i have done my work, we have to wait for blast now, Vaitlana says you are not so useless, dont call me again till i dont call you, he ends call. Spy sees Shaurya in house and gets tensed but sees Shaurya busy on call and not concentrating on him.

All family members are celebrating new year. Ravi bring caps for everyone. PD says it will be great year with Mahek’s wedding, Mahek laughs and asks Mansi where is Shaurya? he did go back home? Mansi says he was here only, he couldnt leave without telling you, Mahek smiles and says i will lock out for him.

Mahek comes upstairs to look around for Shaurya. Mahek comes in her room and sees someone in hoodie checking her drawers, she takes umbrella and starts beating person but is shocked when she sees his face.

Mahek hits hoodie guy with umbrella but gets shocked seeing his face, its none other than Shaurya, Mahek says what are you doing here? what are you hiding? shaurya shows her packet, she says what this is new drama? Shaurya says open it, Mahek opens box and finds doll inside which her father had given her, Shaurya says it was broken and i was trying to fix it but you caught me, i wanted to surprise you, she gets emotional seeing it and hugs Shaurya.

Its morning, Mahek is cooking in kitchen, Nehal says to Mahek that i should tell Shaurya to take pheras with you around this stove only as you have no interest in getting dressed. Mahek says people are coming in Katha (story telling ceremony) not to see me dressed up, Nehal says do what you want, i am going to ready everything in your room, take your time to get ready today, you will take one hour.

Kanta says only you are remaining, Mahek go and get ready, i will handle food here, Kanta says eat something, Mahek says i will eat after celebration only, i have fast till then, Kanta says you have started fasting even before marriage? Mahek blushes and leaves.

Jeevan is seeing decorations. Kanta comes there and sys you are looking nice today, Jeevan says i remember younger Kanta today. Ravi comes there and says i saw everything, Jeevan says we were just talking, Ravi says i am not saying anything, why you are doubting? Jeevan scolds him for teasing.

Balwant says i dont want anything wrong in arrangements, Mahek’s inlaws are coming afterall.

Katha ceremony starts. One guest praises Mahek who is wearing pink color, other guest says that Mahek is lucky, Shaurya is handsome, i could watch Shaurya from my roof as i can see Mahek’s house roof from there, he used to live here like family member.

Shaurya’s family enters Sharma house. Shaurya is wearing shalwar kameez, Nehal sasy you are looking handsome, i might fall for you today, Sonal says he is looking nothing compared to Mahek. Vaitlana huffs. Mahek touches Shaurya’s mother’s and father’s feet. Shaurya touches Jeevan’s feet. Vaitlana comes in corner and calls Rajiv, she says everything is set, you come here, we will burn this ceremony.

Soniya says to Vaitlana and Rajiv that i hate this type of houses, who have wash basin in open area? Vaitlana says your Shaurya stayed in this house for one week, lived with this cheapsters, what change you couldnt bring, this low standard girl did it. Nehal comes there and asks Soniya to come and sit with them, Soniya says i am better here.

Katha starts, Mahek and Shaurya stands together praying. Pundit recite mantras. Katha is about Krishanji. Shaurya asks Mahek what you did with your face? Mahek asks what happened? i asked Nehal to not do it but she didnt listen, Shaurya says i listened that girls have glow of wedding but i can see it on your face, Mahek shies away from him and says what are you saying? focus on Katha, Shaurya says i wish to fly away with you.

Khanna says to Karona that they made us sit on floor, Karona says there are chairs but i asked to sit on floor, why you keep complaining? Khanna says you have started talking a lot since this propposal happened, Karona says leave everything, see how happy both Shaurya and Mahek look together, Khanna nods.

Vaitlana is sitting on floor and getting bored with Katha. Rajiv comes there and sits in Katha, he looks around then leaves from there sneakily. He goes in house then comes back after sometime and nods at Vaitlana hinting work is done.

Katha ends. Kanta says to Karona that Mahek has been blessed by God to get guy like him, should we do Roka today? Karona says ofcourse. Kanta starts roka ceremony. Karona does rituals.

Vaitlana comes to Mahek and says you dont eat anything, why dont you eat what in have brought for you, Mahek says i will eat later, you eat. Vaitlana says i wont listen to you, you have to eat, she feeds food to Mahek….

Mahek is getting dizzy after eating what Vaitlana gave her. Shaurya looks at her and smiles, Mahek tries to smile, he notices something odd and hints at her, she nods in no. Mahek comes to Shaurya but falls down. Kanta makes her drink water, Pd says she didnt eat anything thats why she felt dizzy. Mahek pukes.
One guest says what happened to Mahek? Shurti says to vicky that Mahek’s name should be dramaqueen. Guests starts gossiping that this seem some different case, one guest says that this would happen if son in law is living in inlaws house. One guest says her face is pale and she is puking, what this means? Vaitlana says what are you trying to say? that Mahek is pregnant? all are stunned.

Remember to comment below after reading. Lets know   your what you think of todays episode


  1. Wicked people, enemies of progress, God will not allow anything to go wrong with the marriage preparations

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