Sherlin is looking for her phone because she must tell everything to Rithik, he is in his washroom, he gets calm thinking that now is eyes have stopped blinking, which means that their plan is safe, he thinks of what he came to look for , then he starts searching for the file and gets angry when he is not able to find it because everyone demands everything from him, he thinks that he is the one with the personality and what a game he has played, making everyone his pawns including Sherlin and Rithik and Manisha.

Prithvi calms himself down, he again calls but no one picks the phone, Karan is passing by and he seeing the ringing picks it up, Prithvi after the call is picked starts to sing without asking who it is, Karan hearing Prithvi’s heartily wishes gets really paranoid and when he makes him listen to his heartbeat, he gets amazed, Prithvi says that he has decided to wear the color which she likes, Karan is not able to resist and changing his voice starts to talk with him, he immediately knows that it is not her and after that Karan start to annoy him, saying that he is an idiot, Preeta also does not love him and she said it to him, Karan starts to yell, Prithvi also yells and they both get into a fight blaming each other.

Karan say that when he gets loving he gets really angry, Karan says that he is not the favorite of anyone and not even the dog like him, Karan says that he will be with her from now on, Prithvi says hat he must give the phone to Preeta and has no right to pick It up Karan ends the call and leaves, Prithvi gets really angry and says that he is about to get married and now no one will be able to break their bond.

Sherlin is driving and thinking that she must tell Prithvi everything that she has found because he must plan it accordingly otherwise they will fail, she starts to call he again and again because otherwise they will get into a lot of problem, she calls him repeatedly,
Prithvi is very angry and says that Karan picked the phone and not even made her talk with him, he calls her again but she does not answer, he starts to wonder if Karan and Preeta have some kind of a relation.Prithvi decides to speak to Preeta. He will clarify his position in front of her, she will surely forgive him. He tries her number but only then he gets a call from Sherlin. Prithvi was curt and cuts the call angrily.

Rakhi receives the call from Luthra house. It was Prithvi and requests to speak to Preeta. Rakhi calls Preeta but it was Shrishti who came downstairs. Rakhi hands the phone to Shrishti, she calls Preeta for once then wonders why Prithvi didn’t call Preeta on cell phone. She thinks Preeta must not have picked his phone and speaks over the call in Preeta’s tone. Prithvi was startled and drops his phone, he picks the phone and says he got a life only after listening to her voice. He loves her so much and can’t live without her. Shrishti laughs at Prithvi at once. They have an argument after which Shrishti cuts the call. Prithvi dials the number once again. Shrishti takes the call again and place the receiver aside so that he can’t call again. 

Prithvi now gets Sherlin’s call. Prithvi asks if she can’t call anyone else but him. Sherlin was annoyed and questions why he didn’t take her call? Prithvi asks if she is his wife. Sherlin shouts at Prithvi that he must always listen to her call, no matter how busy he is. She warns Prithvi that her reality would soon be revealed by the one he trusts the most. All at once, Sherlin lose control of her car and has an accident. Prithvi was tensed and leaves home hurriedly.

Karan comes to the corridor, Preeta was speaking on phone to someone and calls him as Boyfriend. Karan was annoyed. Preeta asks about his mission of Rithwik. Karan was annoyed and instead tells her to continue speaking to Prithvi. Preeta realizes his annoyance, she explains to Karan that like Karan calls her Dadi as his girlfriend, she has an uncle whom she calls as Boyfriend. Karan asks what her favorite color is, is it Mauve? Preeta says no. He gets a call from his coach and turns to leave. Preeta tells him that her favorite color is white.

Kritika was in the same traffic where Sherlin’s accident takes place. She runs to Sherlin’s car and takes her to hospital with her driver. In the hospital, Kritika calls the doctor and sends Sherlin inside. She completes all formalities and decides to call Rishab. Rishab was driving, he teases Kritika that she was there to get her dress fitted. Soon they lose signals. Kritika texts Rishab about Sherlin’s accident. Rishab was shocked to get the news.

The site of accident was sealed. Prithvi wonders why there is so much crowd here. He recalls when he spoke to Sherlin last time, she was at this very spot. The police inspector there tells Prithvi there was an accident. Prithvi recognizes it was Sherlin’s car. He runs to the accident site, the inspector tells Prithvi that the victim is safe and admitted in a nearby City hospital.

It was night. Rakhi asks Sameer to drop Shrishti and Preeta home. Preeta says it would cause trouble to Sameer. Shrishti qualifies Sameer would have no problem. Sameer was ready to drop them off. Rakhi requests Preeta to come in time tomorrow, it’s a big day and no one can control Karan when he is angry. Rakhi then asks Sameer to call Kritika, she went to market for a dress in pink and wanted to get its fitting. Shrishti was upset that Kritika is wearing pink dress, while she had a single heavy dress that she had to wear and it’s pink. She calls Kritika. Kritika says she is in hospital Sameer asks Shrishti what happened, she says that Sherlin got into an accident, Shrishti then says that she must not talk rubbish, Preeta then takes the phone and asks her o saty in the hospital and keep an eye on Sherlin, She runs away and Shrishti also follows them.

The nurse says that they have no women who is alone, Prithvi then explains that they have talked to eacvhoher and she is really alone, the nurse however says that there is no girl who is alone and all of them have their families, then Prithvi gets rude and starts to argue with the receptionist, she also gets angry and then he leaves. Preeta also reaches the hospital, she asks for Sherlin’s room and goes to it.

Prithvi reaches outside and is very angry saying that he would have killed the nurse if she was alone, he start
to call her again, just then Shrishti and Sammer pas him, he decides to go to her house t check if the warden made any mistake, just then he thinks that at her house her mother would d be there and she does not like him.

Preeta is looking at Sherlin, Shrishti and Sameer ask her what she has planned, saying that they know that she cannot feel happy at Sherlin’s accident, Preeta stays that she feels that Sherlin is preganant, Kartika is confused, Preeta says that she will test her for the pregnancy because she knows that Sherlin will become the mo0ther of some other guys son, She says that she feels sorry that Sherlin is hurt but do not like That she is getting married to Rishab.

Just the a nurse passes by and Shrishti starts to create a scene forcing her to get the tests ready and completed, she says that the nurse will have a pay a heavy fine if something happens to Sherlin, she starts to create a scene and Kartika asks Preeta to stop her, she goes and asks the nurse to hurry and ge5 the teats result they then say that she will get the results the next day.

They start to enjoy, Rishab comes and asks why are they enjoying because Sherlin is hurt, they all stars to make excuses, he goes inside to check on her, Karan asks what has happened, {Preeta says that she has made arrangements for her blood test so that they can be sure if her pregnancy, he also gest jopuyed on the news, Rishab comes back, Karan says that they can now postpone the engagement, Preeta and Rishab stop h9m, he gets angry, both of them make him understand the situation.

Karan says that he feels very annoyed to think of the news that Manisha is to be engaged to him and wants to delete this mode of his life. Manisha is looking at her engagement dress, she is very angry and thinks that she will wear it just for the sake of money, she calls Prithvi, he picks it up and starts to argue asking why she called him, she says that she will not wear the dress, Prithvi says that he will not listen to this rubbish but she says that she knows that he is not her boyfriend and she does not like his questions, she says that she is not ready to marry Karan and become a family of Luthra’s, he says that she must just get engaged, She orders Prithvi t bring a blank cheque, he say that he will back out if she pushes him any further, he says that he will not give any money an this will cause her to go straight into jail.

Kartika gets a call and it is Prithvi, he asks if he could talk with Sherlin, Kartika says that she met an accident and he phone is with her, she does not recognize him, he gets relieved and then makes an excuse saying that he is her family carpenter, she is not convinced and tries to look into it.

Rithwik gets a call and it is Manisha who says that she feels that Prithvi is a fraud and will not give them the money, there is a network problem and they both cannot hear each other. She says that she will not get the money and will get married with Karan who will then divorce her and she will have to bear the consequence, he asks her to not worry as he has got a very nice clue gains Prithvi. Rithwik say that he has planned a lot and that they will have a new game tomorrow.


Sarla asks everyone to get up and have tea, she comes and is still sleepy, she rests her head on Sarla and sleeps, not listening to what she has to say, Preeta comes and tells that she is going to the Luthra house because she has to make Karina feel better, she leaves saying that she must leave, after she leaves Shrishti asks Sarla to praise her and say good things about her now that none is at home.

Karan is looking at his dress and admiring it, Preeta comes and asks why us he so happy now that he will get engaged but it will be in the evening, she says that she came to fix Karina’s feet, he turns and in shock ask what she is dong because she was supposed to be at the hospital, she says that she went there but came back after seeing Sherlin’s mother, he gets angry but she says that she made all the arrangements and will get the call after the reports come, he is not able to understand and asks what happened.

They both start to fight and he says that he will marry her if her plan does not succeed, they start to fight and hearing their loud voice and tone, Rishab comes and tries to calm them down, saying that everything in the room is shaking, he asks Karan what happened but Preeta says that why is he not like him, Karan comes and says everything, mentioning that he told Preeta to stay at the hospital with Sherlin so that they can prove her pregnancy, he does not see the signs that Preeta is giving him to be quiet, Rishab hearing this gets very angry and leaves the room. Karan asks Preeta to not be worried as he will handle the situation, Preeta also says that he must handle it and leaves the room, cursing Karan.

In the hospital the receptionist is talking with her mother confirming her that she will eat the dinner as she will come home late because of the work, a nurse comes and hands her the reports of Sherlin, she also gives him a report to hand to the other doctor, she gives Sherlins reports to another nurse who sees the Pregnancy reports and decides to call Preeta thinking of what she said to her and requested. She decides to call Preeta, she tries to look for her prescription book but is not able to find it, the other says that she can take a new one but she says that she will only take the same book as she has written the number on it, she find it.

Dadi comes and sits on the sofa, Preeta comes and greets her, she asks her to go and get ready, after she leaves, Dadi takes out a bottle and drinks some drink, Just then her phone rings and Sarla come, she hides the glass, then tries to make Sarla go away but she realizes and finds the glass, Dadi leaves the room.

Prithvi enters the hospital and thinks that he has to meet Sherlin as he is very worried but when he reaches the hall, he sees Sanjana who is waiting outside the room, she quickly hides the glass, just then he sees a doctor passing by an asks him to give him his mask but the doctor denies, he gives him a bribe and so the doctor gives him the mask, he is about to enter the room just then Sanjana stops him and after seeing that who it is she gets really mad.

Shrishti is looking for a dress and is not able to find it, just then Preeta enters and is amazed to see what a mess she has created, she scolds her and then says that she must wear the dress, but Shrishti says that she will not wear the same dress as Kartika, Preeta asks her to come and help her otherwise Sarla will get mad, Shrishti says that she will not scold Preeta and will only hit her, Preeta asks why does she say this to which Shrishti says that she knows that Sarla loves her the same as Preeta, She gets confused and ask her the reason, Shrishti says that she only says this to keep her loving them as otherwise she will get bored, hearing this Preeta hits her and says that she has become very naughty.Prithvi says that he was not responsible for what happened that night and it was Rishab, Sanjana says that it was his problem and hat now he is getting married to Preeta, she asks him to leave, Prithvi says that he only wants to meet her once, Sanjana says that she will not let him meet her and if she tells Rishab the truth about him then he will have no place to hide, also his marriage with Preeta and Rishab will marry Sherlin she asks him to leave and he also leaves.

Shrishti says that she feels that when they get Sherlin’s reports hen they will destroy Sherlin, Preeta says that they only want to save Rishab and must not care for Sherlin, Shrishti says that they will celebrate the party, Preeta says that she feels bad for him because Rishab agreed to marry Sherlin and she is the first girl, Shrishti says that she will make him drink then they will enjoy, Preeta asks her to stop talking saying that they must get to the party early as she has to look after Manisha , Shrishti says that she really wants to hit Manisha and gets very mad when she sees her, Preeta starts to scold her saying that she will not do anything of the sort as otherwise it will create a lot of problem, Sarla calls them, they both start to panic.

In the party the guests starts to arrive and Karan ask Rishab where the reporters are, he says that they all are waiting outside for him, he start to look for Preeta and then Rishab start to tease him, Karan sys that he thinks that she is made for him, Rishab says that this cannot be the case because he is not like this, Karan asks him what he thinks , Rishab says that he was wrong to fight her and that he is the one who is wrong and starts the fight, he accepts it and asks him to it say it in front of Preeta, they are talking when Rishab sees Preeta coming and then says hat she is coming, Karan thinks that she always comes after the party starts.

They all enter and get Rakhi and Mahesh, Rakhi says that she cannot welcome her and does not feel good, Sarla says that she is also praying for Karan’s well being, Sarla says that’s he s going to meet Dadi as she feels that it has been a long time, Preeta asks Rakhi to not worry and says that she will go and check the preparations, she goes and meets with Karan and Rishab they start to fight, Karan leaves to get a drink, Rishab says to Preeta that she is looking very niece, they start to blush and she leaves.
Mahesh is looking at Rishab and Preeta, she sees him and when Preeta leaves she says that she saw what he is seeing now a long time age. Rishab comes and they stop talking saying that they will consider it some other time.

Preeta goes and meets Karan, he says that what is she doing, she starts to argue and asks her why she is late after which she says that what happened at this, Preeta says that he will not understand and when they start to argue, Preeta says that she is leaving, Karan stops her and says that he has worn the white color because it is her favorite.

Karan says that he wants these expressions from her,, she says that she came e with these expressions but he made her angry and this was the reason, he says that he only asked her why she was late but she made him feel embarrassed in front of Rishab, she starts to tease him but he says that eh only want to see her since the start of the party but she came and starts to fight, she asks him what more, he changes the topic and leaves, he bumps into her and catches her, they get into a romantic moment. He says that’s sometime he cannot take his eyes if her, she says that does she look like a with, he says that it is not the case as she is looking nice, Preeta start to flourish and when he starts to make excuses she says that she has understood what he meant.

They start to laugh, Karan apologizes and leaves, Karan feels that something is wrong with him and he wanted to fight with her but then why is he falling for her, he says to himself to focus, Rishab comes from the back and asks Karan to com e to him, he says that he must remain calm, they see Prithvi coming, Rishab asks him as to who is he looking for, Rishab asks what happened to his face, Rishab asks what is he doing her and must leave the party, Karan says that he can stay at the party because he really wants to see him lose. 

Karan asks the waiter for a drink, Rishab starts to tease him, he says that he will make him drink so that he can tease him as it Is a happy day for them, He starts to think that why are they both happy and his baby is in the hospital, Rishab asks him what is happening to him, and what is he thinking of , he says that he is thinking of Sherlin as he cannot see her, Rishab gets angry, Karan says that he gets very angry when he sees him but he is for once happy today to see him because their plans will get busted today, everyone will know their plans today, Karan says that was he afraid of his father but he says that he is even more big them him, Rishab says hat someone who does not even respect his father how can he respect any girl, Prithvi says that he respects only Preeta as she is about to be his wife, Karan says that he should eat and enjoy and after that leave, they get called away, Prithvi thinks that they both are very happy and now that he must think of what they are planning.

Manisha comes to the party and is thinking of what she will do, because Rithwik is no were to be founds eh bumps into Shrishti who asks where she is going, she say that she must make friends with her, Preeta comes and ask what the matter is, Shrishti says that she wants to make friend with here but she says that she has no class to be her friend, they start to taut each other and after that Manisha leaves.

Kartika come and asks Preeta the reason for not picking up the call, she looks and is amazed at see how she missed to hear the voice, Preeta notices calls from Babita, she immediately leaves and asks Shrishti to look after the party.

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