Kindred hearts update Monday 1st July 2019

Jhanvi brings Baba, Jhanvi asks if he remember anything odd happening last night? Baba says i remembered something, i wanted to call you, Jhanvi asks what was it? Baba says that was.. I dont remember it anymore, Jhanvi says no problem, take rest. Baba sees same knife with which Nisha threatened him as Jhanvi hanging on wall, he gets scared and recalls how Jhanvi(actually Nisha) threatening to kill Adi, he panics,

Jhanvi asks what happened? Baba shouts to go away, Jhanvi asks what happened? Baba looks at knife in fear and screams to leave this room, Jhanvi looks at knife, she takes it off from wall, baba thinks she is going to kill him and shouts going hysteric, he says she will kill me, go away. Kaki and Nisha comes there, Kaki asks Jhanvi to leave for sometime, Nisha holds Jhanvi’s hand and takes her out of his room, Baba says she will kill me.
Adi brings kids in park, he says we will play truth and dare now. First is Chinni’s turn, she takes truth, Adi asks if she did Binni’s homework? she says yes, Adi says next time help Binni to do it. Next turn is Binni’s, Adi asks truth or dare? Adi thinks that please say truth Binni, Binni chooses truth.
Nisha says to Jhanvi that you came here for Baba but his health is going down seeing you so just leave from here, spare us. Jhanvi shows her knife and says where did this come from? it was hanging on his wall, i am sure you did something last night.
Adi asks Binni that when you went to washroom last night, you met Nisha mummy right? when you were out of house, you met your mummy right? Binni looks on in dilemma. Chinni says Binni say truth, dont lie, its game. Adi says if you lie then spin bottle will know it and you will lose. Tell me did you go to Baba’s room last night? Binni looks on sad, Adi hugs her and thinks she has to say truth.

Jhanvi says to Nisha that i am sure you have done something, why this knife was in his room? what you did? Kaki comes there, Nisha says Baba is scared of you and not me, i am sure its all because of you, you leave. Jhanvi sees Kaki and asks how is Baba? can i meet him now? Kaki says he panicked second time seeing you in a single, it would be better if you dont meet him right now, it would be good if you stay away from for somedays, please go. Kaki leaves,
Jhanvi is sad, Nisha says now you have to leave, i will take you out of house personally, I have asked you gently many times, i am telling you last time to not come inbetween me and this family, you worry about Baba right? i will bring certified nurse for him, leave now, just leave. Jhanvi says I am leaving now for Baba’s sake but i will end this game which you have started. Nisha takes knife from her, Jhanvi glares at her and leaves. Nisha says I hope I dont have to see this Jhanvi ever again.Jhanvi comes out of Adi’s house sadly, she has tears in her eyes and leaves.
Adi brings kids home. Nisha greets kids and they go to her room. Adi smirks at Nisha, Nisha sweetly smiles at him. Adi comes to her and smiles, he grabs her hand and drags her to room. He shouts what to do with you? i feel like slapping you, you are making your child lie? for you you are making your daughter lie? have some shame. He brings Jhanvi’s clothes from closet and says what is this? are you psycho? behave like girl sometimes and you want to take care of Baba by threatening him? Jhanvi came here to take care of Baba and you did this with her? i am ashamed of you, you are so filthy, i am disgusted.

Nisha cries and says dont say that, why did you bring Jhanvi here? i did all this because i love you, how to make you believe that I love you, i dont care about anyone but what should i do to make you believe that I love you Adi? she hugs him behind. Adi pushes her away and says what kind of love is this? if you realize your mistake then call Jhanvi and say sorry, tell her that Baba and this family needs her and she has to come back, tell her you filled fear in Baba’s mind against her, he calls Jhanvi and yells at Nisha to talk to Jhanvi.
Nisha takes call, Jhanvi answers call, Nisha says I am sorry Jhanvi, forgive me, comeback, Adi says not like this, like you plan and plot sweetly, tell her sweetly too, tell her you are sorry and tell her what you did too. Jhanvi hears everything on call. Nisha says on call to Jhanvi that I manipulated Baba because i didnt want you back in this house, I am sorry, forgive me please, she weeps, and says please comeback. Jhanvi says i will comeback but till you dont say sorry from heart, it has no importance to me, I want Baba to become fine so i will come only for him, she ends call. Nisha looks at Adi and says i am sorry, she grabs his shirt and looks down, Adi says now go to Baba, hold his feet and ask for forgiveness, she says Adi?
Adi says you are ashamed now? you dont feel shame when you do filthy acts and destroy lives of people, go and touch Binni’s feet now, Nisha turns to leave but Adi says thats the problem, i cant do this, I cant disrespect child’s mother infront of a child, i cant make kids see their mother like this but you have to hold Baba’s feet and plead for forgiveness, go now, Nisha silently leaves, Adi looks on.

Adi is feeding food to Baba, Jhanvi comes there and calls out to Baba. Baba says Jhanvi come inside, she sits beside him. Baba says i am sorry, he folds his hands and says I am sorry, Nisha took advantage of my weakness again and i thought wrong about you, forgive me please, Jhanvi says dont apologize, its not your fault, elders look good only when blessing not apologizing, now give me a smile, Baba smiles, Adi smiles seeing them.
Baba holds their hand in his each hand, Baba says to Jhanvi and Adi that because of you both, i feel like life is not so bad and I can live it, I pray that you both always stay with me and never leave me alone, Adi and Jhanvi looks at each other nervously. Jhanvi sadly looks at him, Baba kisses their hands, Jhanvi pulls her hand away and looks on.
Jhanvi is sitting in her house. Survi brings ice-cream for her, Jhanvi says you used to eat mine, i am surprised you brought it. Survi sees her writing and asks if she is writing about Adi? Jhanvi says if Nisha cant be happy with these people then she can never be happy, Adi is so tensed and wants to divorce her, but i feel bad for their kids, they would have to choose Adi or Nisha. Survi says we had to choose one parent too, infact we didnt even get to choose, our situations are similar, Jhanvi says are you serious? Nisha use her kids for her advantage, Maa is so loving to us.

Jhanvi says to Survi that our Maa did so much for us, she never got married again to raise us, papa never looked for us.Survi says you never know what really happened, why Maa really left him, Jhanvi says have you gone mad? you are comparing Nisha with our mother?
Jhanvi says to Survi that there was no fault for Maa for separating from our father. Survi says we dont know anything, we know only what Maa told us. Jhanvi says you were small but i saw everything, he left her for another woman and said that we are her daughters so she would handle us not him. Survi says i understand but maybe Maa tortured him so much that to come out of his negativity, he had to leave us. Jhanvi says i dont believe this, she has done all this for us, she has raised us, she has never taken money from father and raise us well, Nisha threw her family on streets and you are comparing her with our Maa? They turn and see Maa standing there hurt, Maa leaves dejectedly, Jhanvi goes behind her, Survi snickers at her Maa crying and keeps eating ice-cream.
Binni comes to Chinni and says tomorrow is Adi and Nisha’s anniversary so we will plan surprise for them. Adi comes there and asks what surprise? Binni says it wont be surprise if we tell you, we will tell you tomorrow, Promise, Adi says okay, he tickles them and takes then for brushing teeth.

In morning, Jhanvi and Survi are having breakfast. Maa serves them and turns to leave, Survi says i didnt want to hurt you Maa, dont be miffed. Maa says you see me as Nisha after many years now? you feel bad for your father now? you met him right? Survi turns away and says no, Maa says i know you are lying and when you meet him next time tell him to put hand on his heart and tell truth to you, i would never break a house purposely because I know pain of house broken, I am not Nisha, she leaves. Jhanvi looks at Suriv disappointed and leaves. Survi looks on.
Kaka says to Kaki that Nisha is not seen anywhere, where is she? Adi comes there. Kaka says where is Nisha? did you yell at her again? did you say something to her again? swear on me to tell truth. Nisha comes there and says we took promise 8years back, i went to mandir as its our anniversary today, we promised to live together for births, i know some people think that marriage is weak institution and can be broken easily but marriage is very pious to me and i want to take my marriage ahead. She gives parsad to everyone, she gives it to Adi, he glares at her and takes it.
Nisha shows him gift and says happy anniversary, Adi says come to reality, there is nothing to celebrate in this marriage, Nisha says reality is that this is still my family, i am still their daughter in law and still your wife so forget everything from past and enjoy this real moment, happy anniversary. Adi intensely looks at her. Chinni and Binni comes there and wishes them anniversary, Adi asks what is surprise? they say we wont tell. Binni asks if Nisha has gift in her hand? Nisha says its for Adi. She extends it to Adi. Jhanvi comes there. Adi takes gift from her, he turns to leave and sees Jhanvi standing there, Jhanvi sweetly smiles at him, he smiles and leaves. Nisha is jealous seeing all this.
Jhanvi comes to baba and recalls how he prayed that Adi and Jhanvi stay with him always, Jhanvi thinks that i have to stop baba’s hopes and wishes for Adi and me, does he remember what he wanted to imply earlier? Baba sees her and says see CCTV camera got installed in room, Jhanvi says now no one will torture you, Baba says yes and we would put them in jail if they do. Kids come there, Baba shows them camera, they make faces at it, Jhanvi says Adi can see all this, Baba says no he cant, camera will be connected to his phone in evening. Jhanvi starts making faces with kids and baba too.
Adi is at his office sees CCTV footage of Jhanvi and kids making faces. Adi calls Jhanvi and says i just wanted to tell you that the faces you are making with baba and kids can be seen by Kaka and I was seeing that only on my phone right now, Jhanvi gets embarrassed and says sorry, she ends call. Adi laughs. Jhanvi says it has connection to Adi’s phone, Baba says we fooled you. Chinni says we need Jhanvi’s help. Kids drag Jhanvi out of room, Nisha sees Jhanvi and smiles at her. Kids take Jhanvi to their room.
Kids asks Jhanvi to promise to not tell anyone about our plan, she says i promise. Binni says today is Adi and Nisha’s marriage anniversary, help us to plan their party, Jhanvi gets tensed and says i am busy, Chinni says if you dont help us then who will? Jhanvi thinks that Adi would feel odd about this party, i have to inform him.

Adi is talking on call to Sameer and says i need divorce. His landline rings, he takes call and says i wanted no calls from outside. Its Chinni on otherside and says papa why you became angrybird? i was calling you so many times, Adi says i am sorry, what is it? Chinni says you have to come home soon as punishment, Adi says i have important meeting today, Binni says more than us? Adi says emotionally blackmailing me? Binni says if you dont come home earlier then we wont eat food, Adi says okay boss, i will come home soon, he ends call, Jhanvi is tensed hearing all this. 
Adi calls Sameer and says I have to go home early today so we cant meet divorce lawyer today. Jhanvi messages Adi that kids have planned surprise party for your anniversary as i thought you would feel awkward so i am informing you.

Adi gets Jhanvi’s message, he take phone but his phone’s battery die, Adi puts it back and continues work without seeing Jhanvi’s message.
Jhanvi says to kids that papa will comeback soon so we should make something. Chinni says we will make family tree for them. Jhanvi is tensed and looks at her phone. Chinni shows her Adi and Nisha’s happy pictures. Jhanvi starts leaving but Binni says we need your help, Jhanvi wipes her tears, Binni asks her to write happy anniversary, Jhanvi nods and starts writing with tears in her eyes as she recalls how she wrote I love You Adi once at holi and was about to show him but never got the chance. She makes family tree for Nisha and Adi. Chinni says now we will select clothes for them like they did for their wedding, Jhanvi says i have some work, kids says no no no, you have to help us.
Kids bring Jhanvi to Adi and Nisha’s room, Jhanvi looks around and puts hr phone on bed. Chinni says Adi Papa is very fair so black will suite on him. Jhanvi sees blue shirt in his closet and says blue would look good on him, she takes out his shirt and lovingly looks at it. Nisha comes there and sees all this, Chinni says blue his favorite color. Nisha comes inside and says why Adi’s jacket is in your hands? and what are you doing in my bedroom? Chinni says i brought her here, Nisha says okay baby. Jhanvi puts Adi’s jacket and says sorry, she leaves with Chinni. Nisha hugs Binni and says you did as i told you.

Flashback shows Nisha saying to Binni that tomorrow is my anniversary with Adi so you have to plan surprise party for us, dont tell Papa either as it wont be surprise then, she says okay, she says you will plan such big party, what reward do want in return? she says digital video game, Nisha says you will get it, flashback ends. Nisha asks Binni why you brought Jhanvi here and told her about our surprise party? Binni says we had to take her help as we are kids. 
Jhanvi is leaving and recalls how she forgot her phone in Nisha’s room. She comes outside her room and hears Binni saying to Nisha that dont worry, I didnt tell Jhanvi aunty that this anniversary party plan was yours, Nisha says it means she doesnt know anything? Binni says yes, Nisha says its going to be a rocking party my dearest Adi, just beware, she smirks evilly, Jhanvi sees all that.

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