Kindred hearts update Thursday 27th June 2019

Kaki is setting dining table for dinner. Kaka comes there and asks how is baba? Kaki says we are looking out for him. Kaka says we all eat dinner together, Adi thinks that removing separation line will make family one but family becomes one with love and dedication, i dedicated whole life to keep this family united, its not easy to run family. Adi comes there and says its not easy to run family so only elders should run it, i have decided that i will name this house to you, i will give back wealth and everything to you, i will name property back in your name Kaka.

Jhanvi says to Maa that i am worried for baba, Maa says you are so sweet that you get nervous for everyone, i just want to say to take care of yourself, she leaves.
Jhanvi says why Nisha called me? is this her plan to not install CCTV camera in baba’s room? Jhanvi sees call on Survi’s phone, she takes call and says Survi is in washroom, i am her sister, its her father who is calling Survi, he doesnt answer her and ends call. Survi comes there and takes her phone from Jhanvi, Jhanvi says your friend was calling but she didnt answer me, Survi says she must have some network problem, Jhanvi asks why her name was saved as ‘friend’? Survi says i forgot to change her name.

Kaka says to Adi that stop this drama, when you want you take things from us, you make everything in your name and now you are saying everything is mine? i dont trust your tongue, Adi says this is your house, you have built it with love, you have to take care of this house, i will name will in your name, all will be yours, Kaka says i dont trust your facade, Raj says atleast listen to Adi, Adi says i am giving you one day kaka, even Nisha wants you to take everything back, right Nisha? Nisha says yes, this is all of Kaka and should remain with him.
Kaka says once you are insulted, you cant get respect back, i dont want anything from you Adi, he leaves. Adi looks on and leaves too. Nisha says Jhanvi’s mind and Adi’s tongue together is not good for me, i dont like it, i dont know why Adi wants to snatch things from me but tonight everything will be changed, just wait and watch.
Jhanvi is lying on her bed, trying to sleep but she gets call. She sees Maa and Survi sleeping, she goes out of room. She takes Nisha’s call, Nisha says i know its late but Baba.. Jhanvi asks what happened to him? Jhanvi says he is not well, he is asking for you, we are trying to calm him but he is asking for you. Jhanvi asks where is Adi? Nisha says Adi is here but Baba is not listening to anyone, he is panicking and frightened, he is not even breathing properly, can you come here? Jhanvi sees its very late at night, she says make me talk to him on call, Nisha says he is not listening to anyone, he is just asking for you, Jhanvi says okay i will come there, she ends call.
Maa comes out of room and says Nisha is calling you there and you are trusting her? Jhanvi says its about baba not Nisha, he is sick, i should call Adi, she calls Adi but he doesnt pick up, she says Adi must be with baba, Maa says its not safe to go there at night, Jhanvi says dont worry, i will go and comeback soon, she leaves.
Jhanvi comes to Adi’s house, its all dark there. Nisha opens door for her, Jhanvi asks if everything is fine? Nisha says talk in low tone, everyone has slept now only, baba is not fine but we have tried to make him sleep. Its all dark in house, Nisha brings Jhanvi in baba’s room and says Baba is sleeping, you sit here, i will bring coffee for you, Jhanvi says if he slept then i should leave, Nisha says he will panic if he wakes up, it will help that you will be here so please dont leave, sit with him, Jhanvi says okay, Nisha leaves her in dark room, Jhanvi says i will weird.
Nisha comes to Adi in his room, she wakes him up and says I feel like baba is not feeling well, can you go to his room and check up on him? Adi nods and goes to baba’s room. Adi comes to Baba’s room and its all dark there, Nisha locks baba’s room door, she says my final step is completed, Adi and Jhanvi planned against me a lot, its time to end this, goodbye Jhanvi. Nisha breaks glass outside room, Inside room, Jhanvi asks who is there? Adi sees Jhanvi there and says what are you doing here? Jhanvi says Sir you? Jhanvi says i came to look after baba, he is not feeling well.
Outside baba’s room, all family members gather hearing glass breaking noise, Nisha says i heard it too, lets go and see if baba’s fine, they all go to Baba’s room. Inside room, Jhanvi is searching for her phone to switch on flash light, Jhanvi tries to walk but trips, Adi catches her before she can slip, he holds her waist. Nisha brings whole family in room and flickers on lights, all are shocked to see Adi holding Jhanvi in his arms.
Nisha says what the hell is this? what are you doing Adi and Jhanvi? Adi says what? Kaka says what is going on? dont even try to explain, i am ashamed. Adi says what are you saying? Nisha sent me to Baba’s room. Nisha says why you are lying Adi? i went to make coffee, i dont know when you came in this room. Adi says dont lie, dont cross your limits, Adi says to Nisha that dont drag Jhanvi in your cheap games, Kaki says enough Adi, we can see who is cooking stories and who is not, stop putting blame on Nisha.
Jhanvi says no Nisha called me here, she said baba is ill, i can show you my call log, Nisha says i know i called Jhanvi here because baba is ill and he listens to Jhanvi only but i didnt know Adi would take advantage of that, i am disgusted. Kaka says to Jhanvi that you would to some stranger’s home at late night, would go to their rooms? what were you doing in Adi’s arms? Adi says what are you saying Kaka? why would i call someone at house if i wanted to do something cheap like that? Nisha asked me to come in this room.
Nisha says we are shouting but why Baba is not waking up? Nisha takes off blanket from bed and sees there is no Baba under blanket but pillows, she says haww where is baba? Adi says Nisha where is baba? she says i dont know. Flashback shows Nisha coming to baba’s room, she wakes him up and says Chinni and Binni are calling you, go to their room and sleep there, baba wakes up and goes to sleep in kids room, flashback ends. Family is tensed on not seeing baba in his room, they hear Chinni and Binni’s screaming, all family members run to their room.
They come to their room and find Baba there, they all come in lounge, Binni says Baba was sleeping in our room. Kaka says enough Adi, you used Baba to take advantage? you made him sleep in kids room so you can have time with this.. Jhanvi? chee. Adi says you dont trust me but we will ask Baba, Adi asks Baba who sent you to kids room? how he went there? Baba says i dont remember anything, Jhanvi says please recall it, Adi says you must remember something, say it, Kaka says what are you doing Adi? you are pressurizing him to say things, how much low you stoop? Raj takes baba from there.
Adi says to Nisha that end all this, tell truth to everyone otherwise i wont forgive you this time, Nisha cries and says you wont forgive me? i blindly trust you, i stood by you, and you wont forgive me? Nisha says to Adi that now i understand everything, why you wanted to divorce me, why you bought that penthouse, why you kept staying nights at office, why you divided this house, why you kept putting me down in family’s eyes, why you kept insulting me, its all because you have an affair with Jhanvi, Adi is shocked to hear it.
Nisha says to Adi that now i understand everything, why you wanted to divorce me, why you bought that penthouse, why you kept staying nights at office, why you divided this house, why you kept putting me down in family’s eyes, why you kept insulting me, its all because you have an affair with Jhanvi, Adi is shocked to hear it, Jhanvi says what are you saying? i came here to help you and you are so disgusting. Nisha says why did you come even if i called you? we are strangers for you but now i know why you came, you had cheap intentions, you wanted to spend time with my Adi infront of everyone, i trusted you thinking you are Adi’s employee.
Nisha says to Kaki that do you remember how Adi and Jhanvi was alone when we came back from mandir? remember when Adi got sick, Jhanvi sat on his bed even when i told her that i would return soon, Jhanvi says enough. Nisha says shut up, you saw in news that Adi and I are going to divorce and you thought this is perfect opportunity, Adi is rich, vulnerable and will be best for you, you came to lure him, you have destroyed my house, you are other woman in my life, you are reason for Adi and my divorce.
Adi yells enough you blo*dy.. Kaka says enough Adi, talk to me before talking to Nisha, i used to think how you can have selfish thinking but what i saw today, after that i am ashamed of my upbringing, i have lost faith in relations now. Kaki says Adi i took you as my son, that means i am responsible for whatever you did today, i am disgusted, what mistake did we do? our upbringing has destroyed life of someone.
Kaka says to Jhanvi that how can you do this to couple? how can you break marriage of someone? how can you become other woman in someone’s life? Jhanvi is broken hearing all these allegations, she weeps and silently starts leaving, Adi is distraught seeing her leave, Nisha smirks. Adi glares at her, she looks down.
Jhanvi comes out of Adi’s house, she is walking in daze, she recalls Kaka’s harsh words, calling her house-breaker.
In house, Kaka says i dont want to see Jhanvi’s face again, that type of girl.. Adi shouts enough, you are blaming innocent girl? i was silent when you trusted Nisha, i was silent when you pointed fingers at my character but i wont be silent today, you are blaming character of innocent girl? Nisha told you and you agreed? what proof do you have against her? Nisha says you are defending Jhanvi? like she is your everything.
Adi says you are so cheap, my time was so bad that you came in my life, dont you feel disgusted when you look in mirror? Kaki says dont you know how to respect woman? Kaka says we all saw everything, Adi says what did you see? Jhanvi was in my arms because she slipped and fell in my arms and i was composing her, Nisha filled your mind with filth and you agreed? you cant reach conclusions without proof, you have put such filthy blames on that innocent girl, how will you forgive yourself? will you ever be able to forgive yourself? Kaka says i might be wrong, but tell me from the time Jhanvi has come in your life, you keep talking about divorce, you used to happy with Nisha but suddenly after Jhanvi came, you decided to separate?
Adi says you could have said anything to me but do you understand what kind of words you used for that innocent Jhanvi? Nisha says you are so worried about stranger girl, dont this family, me and my daughters matter to you? i dont want divorce, i do everything for this family, i am trying to reconcile with you then why you are doing this? Adi says i dont have to explain anything to you, you know very well why i care about Jhanvi, i dont care, Now I. Dont. Care. He glares at her and leaves. Kaki cries, Neha takes Nisha to her room. Kaki feels dizzy and falls unconscious. Raj and Kaka runs to her, Raj takes her to her room.
Jhanvi comes to her house in distraught state, Maa asks what happened? Jhanvi runs to her room and locks it. Survi knocks it and asks her to open the door, Maa asks what happened? tell us. Jhanvi recalls how Nisha begged her to come to her house and help her to rebuild relation with Adi then how she planned everything and proved Jhanvi asks house-wrecker, how Kaka alleged her.
Neha says to Nisha that you dont cry, i was shocked how Adi was fighting for Jhanvi, i have never seen him fighting for someone against Kaka, he never talked to Kaka like that but for Jhanvi, he fought with so much passion that it seemed like he has something for Jhanvi. Nisha gets tensed hearing it and thinks if Adi really have feelings for Adi? she shouts no, this cant happen, Adi is mine, only mine. Neha asks her to calm down, Nisha thinks i dont understand anything, why Adi defended Jhanvi? why he fought with everyone for that girl? what is happening?
Jhanvi comes out of room, she cries and hugs Maa, survi asks what happened? they make her sit down on bed. Maa asks her to speak up, Jhanvi breakdowns and says i didnt do anything, it was not my mistake, i just went there to help my friend, you trust me right? Maa says you are my daughter, i completely trust you, i know you cant do any mistake. Survi says we trust you, we know you cant do anything wrong, tell us what happened. Jhanvi tells them how Nisha called her and took her to baba’s dark room then sent Adi there too, Jhanvi slipped and fell in Adi’s arms and same time Nisha brought family there and claimed that Adi and Jhanvi have affair.
Door bell rings. Maa goes to open door. Adi comes to Jhanvi’s house and says to Maa that i want to meet Jhanvi. Jhanvi is in her room and sobbing in Survi’s arms. Maa says to Adi that no, leave my daughter alone, she doesnt deserve what happened with you, she did all this for your friendship and you kept silent when your family was insulting her? she tried to help you and this is what your family did with her? blamed her character? this is how you treat her? Adi says i know what happened was wrong thats why i want to meet her and apologize, Maa stops him from going in room and says she wont meet you and i wont let you meet her, dont hurt her more, Adi says i know Jhanvi doesnt deserve this, just tell her that I am really sorry, i really am, he leaves. Jhanvi hears their argument sitting in her room and cries more. Survi hugs her tightly.
Nisha is pacing around in her room. adi comes there. Nisha says forget everything what happened, i know you are upset but i will make everything fine. Adi grabs her hand and pins her to wall, Nisha says you are hurting me, Adi says i wish i can tell you about real pain, i wont forgive you for what you did today, you have dig your grave. Nisha says why you are getting angry for that Jhanvi? I told lie to everyone but now i feel there is something going on between you and that Jhanvi? what is going on? Adi says do you have filthy mind? it was jhanvi who wanted to bring us together, she wanted me to give you another chance but i am happy that your truth has come out to her too, Adi says i am ashamed of how i have bear you for 8years but now i will answer all your questions in court, we were just talking about divorce till now but now it will happen for real, Adi says i am done with you, i will see you in court. Nisha is dumbfounded hearing it.
Maa comes in Jhanvi and sees her sadly sitting, Maa says to Jhanvi that i have taught my kids to fight back not to lose battle like this. Maa brings Jhanvi in mandir and says see this flame of aarti, its so vulnerable to air but if someone tries to play with it, it will burn that person down, sameway we are, we bear till we can but when it comes to our honor, we answer back, you have to fight back and answer people who have put such filthy blames on you, you have to prove to them how pure your heart is, they cant remain happy by breaking heart of innocent, you dont have to lose faith.

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