Mehek update Sunday 30th June 2019

Ravi and mohit brings Mahek in house. Kanta asks what happened? Ravi says she was standing outside. They dry Mahek’s hair, Mohit says its nothing, Kanta says then why would she come here at night? Balwant says is it something else? Kanta says i dont know. Mahek thinks that I cant tell them truth nor I can lie. Balwant says to Mahek that you have returned from your inlaws house in a day? what happened? did Shaurya say anything? did his father say anything? should I talk to Shaurya? Mahek says I want to go change clothes. PD says you go. Mahek turns to leave, Jeevan says lets call Shaurya here, dont know if he knows she is here or not. Kanta says lets talk to Mahek first, Mahek sadly goes to her room. Shaurya is going to his house in rickshaw, he is broken.

Mahek stands in her house and recalls her moments with Shaurya, Kitni girhen baki hain plays. Shaurya gets Kanta’s call, he gets dejected that Mahek is not calling him, he ignores it. Mahek looks at fate lines on her hand. She takes album and looks at her pictures with her parents. Shaurya recalls Mahek breaking down and hating him. Mahek recalls their wedding moments, they are both silently crying and hurting. Shaurya thinks that there might be someway to solve everything. Mahek thinks I cant bear pain alone, I have to talk to family. Mahek comes in lounge, Kanta says Shaurya is not taking call, they must have big fight.
Shaurya asks rickshaw driver to take different route.

Kanta asks Jeevan if we should go to meet Karona? Jeevan says we will go in morning. Kanta says what if Shaurya and Mahek cant fulfill this relation? what if this marriage doesnt workout? I wont be able to forgive myself, I promised her parents that we will always keep Mahek happy, did we do some mistake in fulfilling that duty? Jeevan asks her to be strong. Mahek is emotional hearing all this.
Shaurya comes to police station, he thinks then goes inside.
Kanta says to family that it was our duty to find good guy for Mahek, is Shaurya not good for our Mahek? Jeevan says everything will happen. Mahek thinks that I can tell them truth, they wont be able to bear truth, they wont be able to forgive Shaurya and themselves after knowing what Shaurya did.
Kanta says to Mahek that whatever it is, you can tell us with open heart, it doesnt matter whose mistake it is or whats the matter. Mahek says Shaurya and me.. door bell rings. Mohit says police has come, inspector comes there and says you have to come to police station with us, all are stunned.
Rajesh reads newspaper and says bloody fool, he tells Karona that Shaurya has surrendered himself in police station, she is shocked.

Karona and Rajesh comes to police station and sees Shaurya sitting there, Karona hugs him. Inspector says we havent filed any case, Rajesh says I will take him, Shaurya says I wont go anywhre. Inspector says he is not leaving, he is saying that his wife will tell his crime so I have called her family. Karona says why you are willing to tell this to world Shaurya? Rajesh says he is going crazy in love, he is doing mistake and being a idiot in love, Shaurya says yes I am in love, I dont care about your face value and fake honor in society.
Sharma family comes to police station, Kanta asks Mahek what is going on? they come inside, Shaurya is there, Shaurya says I have come to surender myself, I want to pay for my mistakes, Kanta says what mistakes? Mahek ties her dupatta and starts beating him, she says I asked you in anger that go to jail so you went to surender yourself? I was angry on you for leaving me at time of pheras, you said sorry then you slapped my brother and said sorry? Mahek beats Shaurya with stick and says I wont forgive you now, what you think of yourself? she beats, Shaurya stumbles backwards, Mahek falls in his arms, Shaurya holds her hand tightly, Mahek whispers I am not saving you but my family, they should not get to know truth.
She moves away from him and beats him with stick, Shaurya holds his stick and smiles at her. Ravi asks Mahek to stop it, Mahek says I wont spare him. Shaurya says I wanted to go to jail peacefully but you dont want that too? Mahek says you are typical husband, you said I can do anything after wedding but now you want me to stop working at food truck? Shaurya says your family can handle food truck, you can handle white chilies, Mahek beats him. Kanta says what is this madness? this is childish, enough, Karona says lets leave. Sharma family starts leaving, Mahek glares at Shaurya, Shaurya is unable to look in her eyes, they both silently leave.

Kanta says Mahek was childish, Karona says it was not her mistake. Kanta says she came home late at night alone? it was her first mistake, I was so worried, if there was really problem between you two then I would have died, Mahek stops her and shakes her head. Sharma family leaves. Mahek leaves with Karona and Shaurya.
Rajesh says to Shaurya that dont do this kind of act again. Shaurya says I would have taken this step 12 years if I knew truth, your so called image wouldnt here today. Karona says what will you get by going to jail? Shaurya says to get punished for my mistakes, to give peace to Mahek’s heart, to repent my mistakes. Mahek comes there and says you wont decide everything, you married me even after knowing truth but you wanted it, now you want to bring truth out because you want punishment? you dont think about my family now? Mahek says to Karona and Shaurya that I am sorry for whatever happened, it was never my intention to dishonor family’s name but now I cant live under one roof with Shaurya.
Mahek says to Khanna family that I will not be able to live with Shaurya. Karona says it was an accident, shaurya didnt even know that your parents died in that accident,we hid that truth from him. Mahek says he didnt get punished for it but I became orphan, I lost my parents and then you hid truth and made me daughter in law of this house? Mahek turns to leave but Shaurya holds her hand, he says you are right, we did mistakes and its all my fault so you wont go anywhere, I will go, Mahek emotionally looks at him, Shaurya looks away from him, he feels guilty, he holds Mahek’s shoulders and says we will live like you want, if you want to live a fake marriage then we will live it but you are daughter in law of this, you wont leave this house. Shaurya silently leaves, Khamoshiyan plays.

Shaurya is packing bags in his room, Mahek comes there but is unable to look at him, they steal glances at each other when other is not looking, both are in misery. Shaurya brings his clothes and starts packing, Judai plays, Mahek silently weeps seeing him pack. Shaurya looks at their photo on bedside table, he takes it, Shaurya looks at Mahek but she looks away. Shaurya starts leaving, Mahek sobs, Mahek’s dupatta get stuck in Shaurya’s luggage bag, Shaurya turns to look at Mahek, they both sadly look each other, both bend down to pull dupatta away and their faces come closer, Mahek moves away, Shaurya removes her dupatta, he hugs their picture and leaves from there.
Mahek breakdowns seeing him leave, she falls to her knees and looks at their wedding photo.
Rajesh is drinking wine. Karona comes there and is tensed. Rajesh says your son wanted to be hero and left this house and named whole property to Mahek who has become our enemy? Karona says its good that Shaurya is not like you, he doesnt care about business and money only like you, you never understood my tears, she leaves.
Shaurya is in white chilies, its raining, Shaurya stands under shade. Karona calls him and asks if he has fever? Shaurya says I am fine, I will take medicine, dont let anyone that I am here, people will irritate Mahek, Karona says you are worried about Mahek but not yourself? I am coming to you, shaurya says no promise to not come here, he ends call. Mahek is standing behind Karona and has heard call conversation and looks on.

Shaurya comes to white chilies, he is ill, he coughs and gets up to drink water but water bottle is empty. He turns and sees Mahek standing there with water and medicine, he is stunned and asks what she is doing here? Mahek gives him water, he takes it and drinks. Mahek goes to kitchen. Shaurya pinches himself to see if he is dreaming but smiles seeing Mahek still there. Shaurya lies down on floor. Mahek is cooking in kitchen. Shaurya gets up and sees window open. He tries to stand up to close it but is weak, Mahek sees it, she goes and tries to close window but heavy winds blowing against it doesnt allow her.
Shaurya smiles at her, he comes behind her, her dupatta falls on his face, Mahek sees him behind her, she moves away but Shaurya pulls her closer. Shaurya caresses Mahek’s hair, he turns her around and hugs her from behind, he caresses her face and arms and hugs her waist, Mahek slightly smiles and unconsciously leans in his arms more, Saiyyan plays, Shaurya closes window, lights switch off, it becomes dark in hotel.
Dolly comes to Karona and asks if she is not sleepy? Karona says I was going, Dolly says I was going to Mahek to ask her to make milk, Karona gets tensed and says dont wake them up, they came late from Mahek’s house, I will bring milk for you, Dolly says okay and leaves.

In white chilies, Mahek lights candles. She sees Shaurya coughing and having headache. Mahek comes to Shaurya and gives him kada, she asks him to drink it for his flu and cough, Shaurya holds her hand to take glass, Mahek shivers and glass falls from her hands, Shaurya bends to pick it but Mahek says you sit, I will clean it, Shaurya thanks her. Mahek picks broken glass pieces and throws it away. Mahek goes to kitchen.
Mahek and Shaurya are in white chilies. Mahek is trying to take container from shelf in kitchen but her hand doesnt reach there, Shaurya comes behind her, he takes container. Mahek turns around and sees shaurya lovingly looking at her, Shaurya offers the container, she hesitantly takes it, shaurya starts moving towards her, Mahek moves back, her back strikes with kitchen slab, Mahek looks away from Shaurya, tere sang yara plays. Shaurya turns to leave but coughs and loses balance, he is about to fall but Mahek rushes to him and grabs his face, she looks at him with concern, Mahek becomes conscious and moves away.
Mahek asks Shaurya to go and rest. Shaurya goes and sits outside kitchen, he keep looking at Mahek. Mahek brings kada again and says dont spill it again, drink it, Shaurya take it, Mahek says drink! shaurya looks at her with pleading eyes, he drinks one sip and says its very bitter, I cant drink it. Mahek takes glass from him, she forcefully makes him drink and says this is medicine not your restaurant’s dish, she smiles at him but it fades away, she looks at him and wipes his mouth with her dupatta, she recalls Munjal’s words that he killed her parents, she turns to leave, Shaurya holds her hand and says what can I do to make you forgive me? I cant live like this, what do you want? why did you come here?
Mahek tries to leave but Shaurya pulls her closer and says I am a bad guy, you dont want to see my face? I only do mistakes right? then why did you come? why did it matter that if I didnt comeback home? if I died? how does it matter? Mahek says I am not like you, if anything happens to you because of me then I wont be able to forgive myself, I cant let you die too, she moves away from him and says I am going home, till tomorrow you will be fine, goodnight. She turns to leave but Shaurya gets dizzy and falls down.
Mahek turns and is shocked to see him lying on floor, she rushes to him and says your fever has increased, she takes off his shoes, covers him with sheet, Shaurya looks at her with dizzy eyes, Mahek brings water, she wets her dupatta corner and puts at his head, she says you will be fine just listen to me, Mahek rubs Shaurya’s hands and checks his fever, Mahek makes remedy for him, she opens her shirt’s buttons and applies remedy on his chest, Tai hai plays. Mahek keep tending him whole night, Mahek applies cream on his chest and tries to move away but Shaurya’s holds her hand and says now you will never be able to love me ever, Mahek says take rest, Shaurya says forgive me, I love you, he falls asleep while Mahek cries.

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