Billa frees himself and tries to run away but Shristhi watches him and asks the constables to take him inside the station, she taunts Prithvi and leaves, he thinks that he will now show her what he really is and what he is capable off.
Karan comes after Preeta and says that he feels she never care for her, his brother is angry and she stopped him from doing the right thing, Preeta says that she knows that his brother is more sensible then him and he takes rational decisions, Karan says that she cannot talk with him like she did as he is not a child and also a sensible person. He leaves, Shrishti comes and ask if she got into a fight with Karan, Preeta says that he is just angry and they are tensed, she knows that he is just hurt and not true to his words. Shrishti taunts her by saying that
she is just fulfilling his every desires.
Preeta asks her of the goon, Shrishti says that she also questioned him but just got to know his name, when they go inside, Simba comes to the station and everyone is happy to see Ranveer, he comes and meets the inspector who starts t praise his acting, he says that he only came to think him for his support in the research times, everyone is very excited to see him. Rishab thanks him for the hard work that every police officer does.
Preeta calls him and tells that she is a big fan, Shrishti also comes and introduces herself, they ask for a photo, Ranveer agrees and when he is about to take the photo, Karna comes in between and they take the photo together, Ranveer starts to praise him or his career in bowling Rishab also comes and meets Ranveer, he asks the reason they are here, and they tell him that their friend got ordered and so the y came here.
Prithvi also jumps in and Ranveer ask him who he is he says that he is Prithvi Malhotra, Ranveer gets suspicious and start to question him, Shrishti asks him when his picture is going to release, he sya that it will release on 28 of December and also asks them all to go and watch the movie, Preeta also agrees to his words, he bids farewell to everyone but the inspector asks him to come and have a cup of tea I his cabin, he also agrees and goes towards the cabin.
Sherlin gets very angry on the way she talked with Prithvi, she decides to go to the police station, Prithvi is the phone when Shrishti comes and asks what he was doing on the street, he tries to explain himself but she is not convinced and asks why is he always there when they all are in a problem, he says that he does not know why is he always there when there is a problem, He says that when he was by the troad side and calling for a lift he never came and happed, this means hat he has something wrong and is scared.
He says that he is good inside and she never believes him, Shrishti says that he is not at all; good and she knows this because otherwise if eh decides to do anything then she will knock him off the staff. He purposefully knocks her down, she falls down and when Prithvi is about to taunt her, Ranveer comes and helps Shrishti stand up pushing Prithvi away. He gets into is face and says that he knows a person after just looking at his face, he is a scoundrel and he can only say this that he must always respect a women.
Prithvi says that he was just helping her, Ranveer says that she never needed his help, When he turns to Shristri he says that he can beat him when he tries to harem her, she gets a hug from him and also explains that she wished to marry him if he was not already married, he also gets shocked hearing this and they start to have a laugh.Ranveer stops Prithvi and forces him to apologize to Shrishti, She also starts to take advantage of the matter and after that he leaves.
Preeta and Karan are standing, she ask the inspector what is taking so long but he goes to get a photo with Ranveer, Karan comes and says that she must to get so frustrated as they can also be someone fan, he tries to boast himself but she starts to argue saying that he only gets jealous when she is with someone else near him, she tries to explain the feeling that he has a ego,, when she leaves, he thinks of the feeling that he has sis correct.
Everyone is having a dinner and when they ask about their mother, she is coming down the stairs when Sherlin bumps into her and she falls, everyone comes pt her aid and they scold Sherlin on why she did not look. Mahesh helps her sit on this chair.
Karina goes to check on her mother, She seeing the opportunity tries to escape but Karina stops her nad scolds her for throwing her mother off the stairs, she asks her why is she In such hurry and what is she thinking, Sherlin thinks of what she must do to leave the house, Karina repeatedly asks her and told her to go and help Dadi.
Preeta and Shrishti are talking of what Prithvi did to her, Prithvi is also listening to their talks, Shrishti asks her to look at him as he is looking suspicious, Preeta disagrees at which Shrishti gets angry but Preeta says that it might be that he did not do it intentionally, Shrishti gets angry at this and says that she will now say anything to her. Preeta forces her to tele and she says that she feels Prithvi is not a good Person.
Preeta seeing Karan agrees and says that they must go and file a complaint, but when they head towards the counter she says that someone might also file a complaint as they were there first to reach the spot, but both Karan and Shrishti are not convinced.
Shrishti says that she cannot understand why Prithvi was hiding, she does not want to hear anything, and Karan assures that she has won the argument further adding that it would be better if she had become a Lawyer instead of a doctor.
Rishab is on the phone yelling at Sameer asking why they were not able to take care of Dadi, Sameer says that she was pushed by Sherlin and Dadi is asking for him only, Rakhi takes the phone asking him to come hurriedly and also to make Preeta co me home, he says that he will come and take Dadi to the hospital s Preeta cannot come, Rishab assures that he is coming.
When he ends the call everyone asks what happened, he says that Dadi feel because of Sherlin and he must go to help her, he ask Preeta to take care of everything, she also assures him that everything will be fine.
Mahesh asks his mother to come with him, he will take her to the same hospital where Rishab will take her but she is not bugging and only asking for rishi, she also says that Mahesh should not be jealous of him. Karina asks Sherlin to come hurriedly with the glass of juice.
Sherlin is bringing the glass thinking of how b ad her luck is and when she was in a hurry she bumped into Dadi who made everyone e fall for her act and to help her.
she is walking slowly, Karina yells at her and she drops the glass, Karina gets angry at this and takes her to a corner asking what he matter is and why is she acting like that there is something really wrong with them.
Sherlin makes an excuse that she is not well, Karina asks her what the problem is. She starts to think that when Rishab will come she will go to Prithvi, Karina says that she must come with them to the hospital and she will make sure that Sherlin gets all the correct tested.
Karan is looking for the inspector, he is walking surrounded with media persons, they all ask him different questions regarding the murder of Rithwik, the inspector is not able to cope with the questions and they ask for Billa, when the inspector does not question him, the media people themselves starts the interrogation, Shrishti asks him to tell the truth, Karan also starts to fight with him, he is pulled back by Preeta.
The inspector says that it is their job and he must let them do it, Karna is calmed by the inspector who tells him that media is telecasting it live, they ask him why was he there at the spot of the murder, Karna says that it was just a coincidence.
Prithvi seeing that everyone is busy tries to buy Billa before he says something, Shrishti sees and gets curious of
Prithvi intentions.
When she reaches constable says that he feels Prithvi is with Billa, Shrishti also agrees with the constable saying that h is truly right and she also feels that Prithvi sit h one behind the murder.
He goes to try and convince the inspector that he is a good person and cannot do this, he says that she is his sister in law and is only joking, but she says that he is lying and is not married to her sister of the present time. Inspector doesn’t listen to anyone and asks his staff to their media out of the station.
Karan decides to call Manisha but Preeta says that they must first file FIR.
Everyone is waiting with Dadi, Rishab comes and sys that she must go to the hospital as she wuill only the get better, she is not ready to go but when Rishab and Mahesh force her she agrees, Sherlin tris to help her but Dadi gets upset and asks Rakhi top come instead of her, Karina asks her to not worry as everything will b alright.
Sherlin gets a call from Prithvi but she is not able to pick the phone, he is really frustrated with her actions, she is worried thinking that she cannot help Prithvi as everyone is around her and she cannot do anything.Priovhi9 is thinking that Sherlin is not picking his phone because she wants to take revenge from him, he thinks that he will also take revenge if he goes to jail and so will also destroy her as well.
Sarla is in the kitchen preparing food when Janki comes and is walking like she is nervous, Sarla comes asking her to go and rest, Janki says that she is fie and has some thought s which she feels that are a memory, she ask that she remembers hitting some goons who came to their house to kidnap Shrishti and they all beat them really bad.
Sarla is left astounded hearing that Janki has started to remember the past events. She ask her what else she is remembering she says that she has remembered that she went in the night to fight the person who was trying to hurt them but cannot remember his name.
Janki says that she remembers that she went to find the person but cannot remember why she went and for whom she went to fight, she says that she cannot understand why they cannot remember the good things, Janki remembers what Shrishti said to her and she feels that she has also said this to anyone.
She calls Shrishti and ask her where they both are and why they are not coming home and what has happened, she ask her when they will come home, she says that she will come home very soon and just then the constable come, Sarla asks her where she is but Shrishti quickly ends the call, they go the police station wondering that what Shrishti said was a lie.
Kartika comes home and is left shocked to see that Dadi is hurt, she quickly asks what happened, Rakhi’s says that she fell from the stairs and got hurt pretty bad, Karina also enhances the statement. Kartika says that she will come with Samer when Dadi is not willing to go with Sherlin.
Dadi ask Karan about Karan’s whereabouts, he says that went for some work and Karan sis till there, Rakhi asks him where Karan is because they all went together, Mahesh says that they will know that he is a true Peron and also caring but cannot lie, Dadi says that she will not go to the hospital until he tells the truth, he says that they are in the hospital because Rithwik got into an accident and died, Rakhi asks if he told Manisha about Rithwik, Rishab feels that he must not tell the whole truth otherwise they will all get very tensed.
Manisha has prepared a date for Rithwik and is anxiously waiting f9or him, she decides to order the food and decides on Italian, just then she gets a call from, her friend who ask her to turn the TV on, she does not understand why her friend is asking to turn the TV on, then when she turns the news channel she listen s to the news of Rithwik death and is shocked to hear it, she does not believe that it is real. She says that Rithwik was killed by a mu7rderer and it was either the Luthras or Prithvi and she will make them all pay.
Sherlin is thrown out of the hospital room, she calls Prithvi and tells him everything as to how bad she was stuck but now she fears that she will not be able to keep their secret. Prithvi say that she must go to Manisha and bring her into her confidence.
she ask him where he is, he says that he got stuck in the police station where Shrishti caught Billa who killed Rithwik and he has to come, he syas that she must do anything to keep them both safe. Sarla asks Janki to call Prithvi, Sherlin says that he must not get scared but he says that he never gets scared and he must make everyone realize that he is a honest person and not indulged in anyone’s killing.
Janki walks to his backside and hears everything which he is saying regarding Rithwik murder, Janki touches him from behind and when he turns it is Janki, he tells Sherlin to do what he has said and cancels the phone.
Sherlin wonders what Manisha will do now that Rithwik is dead, Rishab is behind her and asks her how she knows his, she tries to make an excuse but he says that he has heard her saying that Manisha will do something bad but how does she know about it now that she has never met. She goes to Dadi and tries to calm the pressure but Dadi asks her to leave and she moves away with Rishab, Sherlin wonders that she can move away from the hall now that everyone is busty with Dadi.
Janki asks Prithvi what he is doing and that Sarla is calling her, he tries to walk by her but she calls him back asking why is he not sad about Rithwik death when everyone else is, he replies, one has to feel bad for the death of good people but Rithwik was not at all good and must not be remembered.
She asks what was wrong with him, she asks if she had ever saw him and remembers when he was begging her to help but he says that even he is not q good Person but she loves him because he is to marry Preeta, she thinks that he is not worth liking but when Sarla has selected him then she must have seen something, She again asks him why he is not sad on Rithwik death and why was he talking of Manisha,
He says that he will tell her everything but she must not tell anyone about it, he says that they were both very close and were infract boyfriend and girlfriend and she must not tell anyone.
He says that he is also linked with Luthras because of Preeta and they both are also their family remembers and they must help them. Rithwik was not pike this and made evil plans against killing everyone, so he did not feel bad and they both must go to meet Sarla.
Janki thinks that she did not like him at all and thinks that he was lying all the time, Prithvi is thinking that he must be careful of Janki as his life depends on it,.
Sherlin reaches Manisha door and is banging on it, Manisha comes out of the room thinking of all the moments spent with Rithwik. Sherlin calls her and she tells her that she saw Rihtwik dead body, Sherlin tries to say that she came to comfort her, Manisha gets angry saying that she must have not come because they have no blood relation.
She tells Sherlin that she is just a puppet of Prithvi and has no sense of herself, she also knows that he killed Rithwik, he tried to hide his crime by sending Sherlin, she threatens to make him hang, Sherlin tries to make an excuse for Prithvi but Manisha does not believe saying that he believed in the Luthras and was going to tell the truth to them because he was guilty, she must have gone with him but she did not listen to anything he said regarding Prithvi and Sherlin.
She threatens to say everything in front of the police, Sherlin again tries to calm her down but she is adamant and does not believe anything that Sherlin is saying.
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