Munjal meets Rajesh, Karona, Svetlana and Grandma, Rajesh says I gave you 75lacs to free Shaurya then why you are here? Munjal says you remember you made me transfer to another city after that case, I prayed to God to give me another chance to meet you all. Shaurya asked me to come here to secure wedding. Svetlana asks what you want? Munjal says you look like Sri Devi, you havent changed at all, I want money.

Rajesh says we gave you everything 15 years back and now we wont give anything. Munjal says you gave me money to save your son and your reputation and now I am asking money to hide your sin from your would be daughter in law and her family.

That time you gave me lacs as per your situation and as per Shaurya’s situation now, I should get crores. Grandma thinks that was I less that he came too? Rajesh says I will get you suspended? Munjal says for what crime? to reopen old case? I should deal with Shaurya. Karona asks him to sit and tell how much he wants? Munjal says lets deal for 10crores.

Grandma is stunned. Rajesh says I can get you murdered for 10lacs, Munjal gets angry and shouts that you are threatening a policeman?

I am sparing you because you will sign cheque right now otherwise.. arrange my money before wedding. Mahek comes there and says Maa? all are stunned to see her there. Mahek asks what is going on? Munjal says I am from your inlaws family, sit down. Mahek asks what money he is talking about? Karona says we are talking about something important, you leave, Munjal wishes her for wedding, she thanks him. Mahek thinks that there is something wrong, I should talk to Shaurya, she leaves.

Rajesh says to Munjal that you will get your money, stay away from my son and daughter in law. Munjal says this is perfect couple, son is a killer and daughter in law is an orphan, Karona and Rajesh glares at him.

Mahek is in her room with Sonal and Nehal. Mahek asks if Shaurya took call? Nehal says I am calling him but he is not picking up, Sonal asks if everything is fine? Mahek says I will go and talk to him, she leaves.

Svetlana shows bridal dupatta to grandma and says this is death of Mahek, Mahek will die tonight and then that Munjal can tell anyone about secret and we wont care, he wont get money, grandma asks how will this dupatta kill her? Svetlana says there is explosive material stitched into this dupatta, when Mahek will wear it, we will make it blast and she will die but make sure no flame or spark comes near it before wedding time as it will explode, Make Mahek wear it.

Mahek comes there, Grandma shows her explosive dupatta and says this is my wedding gift for you, I have ordered it specially from Mathura, I dont have enough money to give you expansive gift so wear this in wedding. Mahek says thank you and touches her feet, she says can I ask grandma who was that policeman with you people earlier? Svetlana and Grandma gets tensed.

Mahek says to Grandma that Munjal seemed weird to me, grandma says its nothing, Mahek goes t find Shaurya.
Shaurya makes Jeevan and Ravi meet hotel’s head chef, they praise his food, he says we make food from heart. Jeevan says Mahek says it too.

Mahek comes there and says I want to talk to Shaurya but Mohit says you cant meet him before wedding. Nehal comes there and says you will have whole life to talk to him, Mahek says its urgent. Jeevan pulls Shaurya back, Shaurya says it can be important.

Jeevan says it can wait. Shaurya and Mahek tries to come closer but they stop her. Svetlana and grandma comes there, they see Mahek struggling to get to Shaurya and explosive dupatta in her hand, Svetlana asks grandma to handle it.

Grandma says to Mahek that it wont matter if you dont meet him for some hours, go back to your room, Mahek leaves.

Mahek calls Shaurya and tells him about some policeman asking money from his family, Shaurya says I will go in detail about it, Mahek asks him to handle calmly, Shaurya says i am not some roadside goon, dont worry, he ends call.

Shaurya gets dressed as groom for wedding. He wears sherwani. Karona does his Tikka and says I want you to promise that you are bringing a girl in your life as your wife so respect and honor him always, Shaurya nods.

Shaurya says Mahek heard some policeman asking about money to you, Karona says it was nothing, Vicky says I can talk to Munjal about it, Shaurya says call Munjal here, I want to ask him who dares to ask money from my mom? Karona says its nothing, it was about property and your dad was dealing it, everything is sorted, its your wedding so worry about that. Shaurya knods and hugs her, Karona says lets take barat.

All are dancing in Shaurya’s barat. Svetlana is dancing too but Munjal closely dances with her, she gets irritated. Munjal hints at Karona for money. Karona tells Rejesh that he wants money, Rajesh hints at him to wait. Shaurya is sitting in car. Vicky brings him and they all dances infront of weddign venue.

In hotel room, Mahek gets dressed as bride, wearing pretty red lehenga, Kanta is in tears, Nehal says why you are crying? she is leaving but I am here, Kanta says you will understand when you become mother. Mansi gets call that Shaurya’s barat has arrived, she tells Kanta, Kanta leaves. Mahek smiles. Sonal makes her wear explosive dupatta which grandma gifted and requested her to wear in wedding, Sonal says this dupatta is so heavy.

Shaurya comes in wedding venue and sits on stage. He looks at entrance and sees Mahek coming there dressed as bride, she looks at him shyly, he hints that she is looking gorgeous, she blushes. Mahek approaches Shaurya, Surili ankhiyun wale plays, Shaurya extends his hand to Mahek, Mahek smiles and takes his hand while looking down being shy, Shaurya brings her on stage.

Munjal comes to Karona and Rajesh and asks for money. Rajesh says I have arranged 2crores but I dont have whole sun right now, you will get it later. Ravi comes there, he greets Munjal and says we havent met but I feel like I have seen you somewhere, Jeevan says i feel that too, Rajesh gets tensed and says you dont know him, it must be some misunderstanding, lets go for Jayamala(garland exchange ceremony).

Shaurya takes Mahek’s hand in his hand and pulls her closer on stage, jag ghoomiya plays. Shaurya takes garland. Mahek tries to put around his neck but he keeps jumping away, all laugh. Vicky and Mohit lifts Mahek and she makes Shaurya wear garland, all clap. Shaurya tries to make her wear but Mohit and Vicky her up high in air.

Svetlana says to grandma that in all this jumping, Mahek’s dupatta can slip, go set it, Grandma says i cant rightnow. Shaurya finally makes Mahek wear garland without her dupatta slipping. Svetlana comes to Nehal and says you should be careful, Mahek’s dupatta is slipping, fix it. Nehal goes and fix Mahek’s dupatta on her head.

Mahek and Shaurya’s wedding is going on. Dance performances start. First Nehal and Vicky comes on stage and dances on Bole Chooriyan song, all enjoy their entertaining dance and cheer for them. Munjal keeps hinting at Rajesh and Karona that they have less time. Rajesh says to Karona that I have arranged money, it will be here soon, dont worry. Shaurya and Mahek comes stage too, they dance with Vicky and Nehal.

Shaurya pulls Mahek closer and dances with her. Svetlana sees candles on stage and gets tensed that dupatta can catch fire rightnow and its not right time. Nehal comes to Mahek and says your dupatta is creating trouble for you, let me put it aside, she takes it off from her head. Svetlana sees dupatta missing from Mahek’s head. She comes to Nehal and asks where is her dupatta? Nehal is unable to hear her because of loud music. Svetlana tells grandma that her dupatta is missing.

They turn around and are stunned to see Vicky dancing using that dupatta. Svetlana comes to Vicky and tries to take dupatta from him but he dances and throws it away, Svetlana gets tensed and tries to find dupatta, she sees it on floor and takes it. Jeevan says lets go upstairs, priest is calling. Mahek starts going but asks Nehal where is her dupatta? Nehal says you go, I will bring it. Svetlana brings it and puts dupatta on her head, Mahek thanks her and goes. Svetlana and Grandma smirks and mimics death phrase.

Mahek comes to mandap, Shaurya is waiting for her there, all smile. Grandma says when she will sit in mandap, her dupatta will catch fire from havan, she will die in her wedding’s fire. Karona blesses Mahek. Dolly says what are you doing here? you cant come in son’s wedding, it can cast evil spell. Grandma says this Dolly is destroying everything. Mahek says mother’s blessing is most important in wedding, Dolly says you are a city girl but we still believe that mother is a bad omen in son’s wedding.

Mahek says Shaurya have faith in his mother more than God, he wouldnt like that you asked Karona Maa to not come to mandap. Grandma says this Dolly is wasting, she comes to Dolly and says we dont have to follow rituals and traditions, lets start wedding, all nod, Mahek goes to mandap. Pundit says to Shaurya that she is going to be your and you have to listen to her from now on, stand beside her, Shaurya stands beside her and smiles at her. Svetlana murmurs that when flame will start on havan, Mahek will die..

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