Friday update on King of hearts 5th July 2019

The episode starts with Roshni and Sid’s romance. O saathi re..din doobe na…song… plays in the background. The continue looking at each other, playing around, hugging…etc…etc… They then lie on bed. He says he wants to stay with her. She asks if our families will agree. He says they will go to Jamnagar right now, but before that they will meet Rah as he is eager to meet his bahu.
Sid gets ready and comes towards his car, but sees his car being locked by constable for parking in no parking area, gives him chalan and asks to bring Mr. Khurana to police station as car is in his name. He thinks he will get have to get the car back before Roshni get ready and leaves in auto.
Roshni happily opens door but sees Yash. She apologizes him. He asks she changed within 1 day. She says she loves Sid and wants to stay with him. Yash says Sid just wants to rule over her and does not love her. She says she does not want to listen bad about Sid. Just then, she gets MMs from an unknown number sent by ugly Kritika in which Sid jokes with her that he will sleep with roshni and take his revenge.
Roshni angrily reaches Sid’s house with Naani, Yash, and DD. Sid asks her why did she come before her graha pravesh and asks her to go out to be greeted in properly. She asks him if he is happy that he succeeded in his plan. He asks what does she mean, she can tell her problem to her husband. She says as a husband, he just wanted to sleep with her, asks if he is not ashamed to boast about his plan in front of his sister. DD in her husky male voice tells that Sid’s upbringing is wrong and his parents are to be blamed. Raj asks what does she mean. Simran asks DD to mind her language and to control her daughter instead. Raj asks Simran to stop.
Sid asks Roshni if she believes other than him and says he knows someone must have brainwashed her and she came to yell at her. She made him fall in his own eyes and says he is Siddharth Khurana and not a puppet who will listen to her bullshit. He says he will not prove himself this time as her belief is so weak that it shatters easily. He says he has many servants in his service, but he worked as servant in her house and even was called dog just because he wanted her to unite with her mother.
Their relationship is finished now and he breaks his relationsip today. Raj and Naani ask him to calm down. Sid says he gave Roshni his love, his life, everything, but she called him a rapist. He wants to finish it at once and asks her to get out of his house and life.
Raj asks him to calm down and asks him to find out who sent this morphed MMS. Sid asks him what all he should find out, he is a business tycoon and not a detective. He says she wanted to ruin his life, now he will himself and sas he does not need Roshni is life and will live in dark now and asks her to get out. She leaves with male-faced DD and Naani.
Naani at home asks Roshni not to believe MMS as it may be morphed and asks her to believe Sid. DD in her husky male voice asks her to stop brainwashing Roshni and tells Sid always lied and he will continue lying. Yash senses the situation and says he will leave now, asks Roshni to call him if she needs help. DD thanks him and tells Roshni that Yash is very humble and Sid very arrogant, she should see the difference.
Ugly minded Kritika tells Sid that there is some misunderstanding and she will speak to Roshni. He ignores her and continues looking at file. Raj asks Sid to calm down and says Roshni is innocent, has been provoked by someone and they both will go and clear it. Simran who is still dumb selfish aunt asks Raj to stop defending Roshni. Sid tells Raj he is right Roshni is innocent, he will meet her and leaves. Raj tries to stop him, but he does not. He thinks don’t know what this boy will do.
Sid reaches Roshni’s house. Naani opens door. He touches her feet and asks where is Roshni. She says she is in room. Roshni is still in a shocked mood after being confronted by Sid for the first time (she was thinking Sid will dance on her tunes always). Sid enters room and drags her out. Naani asks where is he taking Roshni. He says to give happiness to Roshni and walks out. Naani thinks where he must have taken her.
Sid reaches family court with Roshni. Roshni asks why did he bring her here. Sid calls lawyer and asks if all the formalities are finished. Lawyer says yes and says judge wants to meet them once before approving divorce. Roshni is shocked and asks what is it. Sid says he is doing what she wanted and says when she cannot trust him and does not want to stay with him, then it is better to accept her demand and divorce her. Roshni shockingly watches him walking out.
Kritika walks into her room sadly, sees Rajveer and laughs. She says their plan finally is working. He says her plan of acting as Sid’s sister and getting hit by him, etc, worked well.
Judge counsels Roshni and Sid. He jokes at first and asks why don’t want to divorce when they got love marriage. Sid tries to speak, but Roshi interferes. Judge asks Roshni to speak. She says Sid trapped her by acting as poor. He asks what does she mean. She says she hates rich. Judge asks if rich have horns. Sid laughs. Judge asks him to stop laughing. Sid tells about DD trying to get Roshni married to some one else and acting as getting heart attack, etc., but they marrying crossing all the hurdles. Judge continues counseling.
He asks if Sid left his rich life and came to stay in her house. Roshni says it is a tricky question and asks Sid to explain. Sid tells how he united her and her mom, she getting noodles, etc as grocery and they preparing maggie on candle. He asks if they used to eat sitting in different corners. Sid tells together. Judge continues continues and asks when were they intimate together, apologizes for asking personal question. Roshni says 2 days ago. He asks if Sid forced her. She says no.

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