Shristhi explains they were chasing than which was transferring him and after it got into the accident they saw that everyone was unconscious so this is why she told Sameer to take him back to the house.
Sameer reveals Shristhi emotionally blackmailed him so he was forced to bring Karan back to the house, karan still exclaims that he'll say there were some stealers stealing the things which is why he left, he decides to go back to the police station, Preeta also agrees still Rakhi warns him to not indeed suppose of leaving the house, he says that whatever Shristhi and Sameer have done is right, Shristhi in excitement leverages Sameer but also standing beside Rakhi exclaims that she knew that whatever she does is right but no bone believes her, she knows that a mama can not be wrong, Preeta orders
her to keep quiet, Rakhi orders them both to take the mobile of Karan and Preeta, Shristhi asks Karan to hand over his mobile so he replies it's at the police station, Sameer also demands from Preeta and taking it they leave the room.
Rakhi advises Preeta to make Karan drink the milk and also see if he needs any kind of Physiotherapy, Preeta leverages Karan blurting that he mustn't leave, Preeta also gets emotional and really leverages Karan who also exclaims that he'll not leave.
Kritika is sitting when Dr Rupali comes apologizing for being busy, Kritika assures that there's nothing to worry about and she must take all the time which she requires, Rupali turns to leave mentioning that Sherlin is really fine, Kritika is shocked so asks if she said her hubby has come with her, she explains that this means her family has come from abroad and rather of in forming them he straight down came with his woman,
Rupali asks what's she saying as she allowed that she was the only child, Kritika explains Rishab is her kinsman family but she's further close to him also the blood relations. Kritika plans to surprise him when he opens the door as he'd suppose he's just coming to the croaker’s house but would be shocked to see her at the house.
Prithvi is trying to connect the call still it's not, he gets bothered wondering what has happed as it just connected also Megha calls him hanging to expose the verity because she's blackmailing him, he still replies he doesnot have any plutocrat to give her but Megha warns him of the consequences the battery of his mobile ends so he's relieved that now Megha would not be suitable to irritate him.
Preeta and Karan are both hugging each other, he asks if she doesnot want him to leave because he just needs to say it for formerly, Preeta says that she'd not say it, Karan replies that he knows she'd contend he returns, Karan asks her to just ask him to stay, he also mentions that he at first didn't love him which worries Preeta who questions if he doesnot love him also he explains that he didn't love her at first when Rishab admired her and indeed his family loved her a lot but she was just a headache for him, she asks what about now, he gets strained also pulls her near.
Mahesh in the hall says that Karan is telling the verity because he should surrender himself, Rakhi still scolds him also Pammi also calls him family but isn't suitable to yell so she hides behind Rakhi who's suitable to explain they both are really angry with him but Pammi can not say it as she's youthful, Mahesh exclaims he'd get frenetic because of them both, Rakhi sitting beside him tries to move saying Karan is their son and they all should try to do all they can to cover him, she contend that he hear to what Shristhi has to say which is for the betterment of their son.
Shristhi gets really nervous so starts walking trying to suppose what she has to say, Rakhi questions what's she doing, she also reveals they all know Karan escaped from the police guardianship, Pammi interferes asking if this is what she had to say, Rakhi requests her to first hear to the entire plan, Shristhi also reveals Karan is a notorious personality, Pammi formerly again interferes so Rakhi holds her mouth so she si not suitable to speak, Mahesh also tries to speak and Sameer holds his mouth but he gets angry,
Rakhi asks him to cover Mahesh’s mouth so he's not suitable to speak, Shristhi after continuing says since Karan is a notorious person the police would come to the house sooner or latterly and if they arrive, the entire family should straight down decline that Karan is present in the house, there's a knock on the door, Rakhi wonders why did the person not ring the door bell so Shristhi reveals she dissociated it allowing that anyone who comes would leave allowing there's no bone in the house, she rushes to open the door while Rakhi and everyone differently are upset about the plan.
Karan asks Preeta is she desires to know what he thinks now, he also lifts her making her sit on the table asking if she desires to know, he makes her swear to not say anything to anyone differently, he mentions that she has now started to love him and is frenetic for him, Preeta says the are talking for his heart but he placing a cutlet on her mouth reveals that whatever he has if for her as he really loves her, she starts weeping so they both formerly again clinch each other and start crying, Preeta recalls the moment outside the court when Karan was being taken down in the police auto which she couldn't bear, he kisses her on the impertinence, she isn't suitable to control her joy after being with him.
Shristhi opens the door to find the inspector standing there who comes inside the house without indeed harkening to what she has to say, Rakhi pleads with Pammi to keep quiet as she's really upset about him, the inspector questions what's going on, Rakhi explains he might be allowing what's going on, she was holding her mouth because they both are really bad vocalizers and if because of their singing commodity happens to her it might ruin her house.
she can not let it be as they both aren't indeed good of being restroom vocalizers, the inspector looks at them with dubitation, Rakhi realizes that they're growing suspicious so she does all her stylish and indeed asks Mahesh to sing the song that he was singing before they arrived, the inspector getting bothered asks them to stop as he has come for another.
purpose so questions if Karan came back to the house, Pammi at formerly refuses to fete him asking who's he, Shristhi also reveals that he's her family in law, she explains the inspector should have taken the pet name which is Kallu, Rakhi indeed agrees with her, the inspector reveals the police van got into an accident, since also Karan is missing along with their bobbies.
Shristhi and the rest of the family act as if they don't know anything, they start to act as if they're scarifying demanding to know what has happed, Inspector says they were taking Karan to another jail when a auto hit them from the front and they weren't suitable to find Karan along with bobbies, Rakhi sits with Mahesh acting while she's constantly crying wondering what might have happed to Karan, she signals him to ac, the inspector assures that they would find Karan wherever he's so on with Pammi she sends the inspector down.
Preeta comes to the hall and looking at the inspector is upset, se says that Rakhi has made a mistake but Rakhi says that she didn't do anything wrong because when she went to meet him and was refused, she got ill after allowing about it, she has not done anything, Karan also comes asking if the inspector came but he's not allowed to return, he tries to walk down when he's about to fall, Preeta catches him and he's amazed that she did his work for him so also gets nervous asking her to leave him, she recalls how he used to throw her so she also does the same, he gets strained questioning why did she leave him, she explains that she learned it from him as he used to do the same, Karan getting frenetic explains he'd talk with Rishab as he's the only bone who can talk some sense into them.
Karan videocalls Rishab who's amazed to see that Karan called, he greets everyone, Rishab is glad that Karan was reasled from jail, Shristhi mentions that the police let him go so Karan tries to reveal the verity but he's not allowed to indeed say a word, Shristhi along with Sameer, Pammi and Rakhi start making up stories to the extent that Rishab is forced to make them all remain quiet after which he questions Karan what has happed.
Karan reveals that he wasn't released from jail, Rishab getting strained asks how he came back also so Mahesh mentions that Shristhi and Sameer brought him in secret from the guardianship of police, Rishab gets furious at them questioning what were they allowing doing commodity like this as it isn't legal, he insists on calling the manager when Rakhi announces to divorce Mahesh, everyone is shocked.
Prithvi rings the bell on the door, Kritika in excitement that it's Rishab hurts her leg, Dr Rupali comes asking how it happed and indeed offers to apply some drug but is refused, Kritika hides behind the door allowing she'd surprise her family, Dr Rupali opens the door asking if he's her hubby, Kritika gets tensed hearing the voice of Prithvi.
Rishab asks what does Rakhi mean, Karan explains she's emotionally blackmailing Mahesh as he was on their side, she's trying to scarify him, Karan asks him to not be bothered still Mahesh reveals that he loves his mama a lot so it's a reason to be spooked, Rakhi also mentions that she loves him, they both are talking in front of them, Rishab tries to explain but Mahesh doesn't watch saying this is nothing to be shamed off as he really loves her.
Mahesh mentions that he knows Rakhi an Shristhi and Sameer are wrong but he can not do anything as he's upset because of being married, Rishab asks what's he trying to say because they were till now talking of Karan, why do they've to make it about him, Rakhi asks if he loves his woman and indeed Pammi says that same but Rishab is strained, Rakhi mentions she saw a movie in which it was shown that god can not always be with humans which is why he has created a mama, she'll not let Karan stay down with her so this is why she'd not allow him to do anything wrong, she advises Rishab they would talk latterly so she ends the call, Karan asks what has happed.
Karan gets a call from Rishab so he goes to attend it, Rishab mentions that he loves her and knows Karan would do the right thing so he must call the police as they can not go doing anything illegal, he advises Karan to take care of the matter as he knows Karan is able, Karan ending the call asks Shristhi and Sameer to come in front, he asks what has happed with the bobbies, Shristhi mentions there were bobbies with him, she on with Sameer laced them all in their auto but she allowed if she takes Karan to the sanitarium also the police would know so she brought him then,
she also didn't take the bobbies to the sanitarium because they would get suspicious she had commodity to do with the escape which is why she hid them at a lonely place allowing they all have their mobiles and would help each other after waking up, Karan mentions they all made a mistake, Shristhi reveals the police were treating him as a miscreant for a crime which he did n’t commit so she only allowed that the son of the Luthra house should come back, she questions what wrong did she do as she really loves him, Karan hugs her assuring he'd not leave, he seeks authorization to rest in his room, Rakhi takes his hand to lead him to the room.