Tuesday, January 5, 2022 Update on Once There Was A King


Rana ji breaks the clock and tosses the album. Raaj mata appears behind him and says that wrath is futile because time marches on. Rana ji claims that he hasn't ruled out continuing with time, but that he isn't ready to go in a different direction. Rana ji tells Raaj Mata that he understands why she has come, and that he will never spend a wedding night with Gayatri. Raaj Mata claims to have fought for the Gayatri with a British Resident Officer. Rana ji corrects her, saying it was out of respect for Raani Gayatri Devi. He is responsible for her respect as a queen, but not for granting her the status of wife. He walks away.

Outside the palace, the veiled lady burns the clothing box of Gayatri that she had replaced.

Raaj Mata is concerned about something and considers discussing with Rana ji. She turns around to find Rana ji approaching Gayatri's room. Kunwar ji also keeps an eye on him while he walks there. He claims that the wedding night will be held here, but he has no knowledge of Kokilla. Rana ji walks through the chamber where Kokilla was locked, but Kokilla was nowhere to be seen.

Swarna leaves Gayatri on the beautifully decked bed, and Rana ji enters the room, outraged to see Gayatri dressed as Surakshna. Gayatri was nervous, and she thought she was terrified, but she didn't have to be when Rana ji was beside her.

Rana ji believes he never expected Gayatri to do such a thing, and he feels compelled to speak to her and tell her the truth. Gayatri wishes for time to stand still and for the moments to be captured. Rana ji believes he will never forgive her for attempting to usurp Surakshna's place today. He approaches Gayatri and tugs her from the bed. He claims she did something she shouldn't have done today, and she is shocked. Gayatri inquires as to what she accomplished. Rana ji tightens her arm and claims she insulted his grief today, then pushes her away from his gaze. Gayatri asks what she has done as she turns to stare at his back with tearful eyes. She apologizes for any errors, but then inquires as to what she did.

Rana ji laughs and says that whatever is in her heart, she appears to be very innocent. He claims she used such deception to obtain the Amirkot throne. They are Rajputs who attack on the chest, and she wants to earn his affection today. He requests that she attack him in the chest. Gayatri inquires as to what he is saying; she hasn't played any games. She merely loves him and regards him as a lover. She claims that it is fine if he is furious with her because those who love have this right. Rana ji asks if she is lying to herself if she believes he loves her. He claims that there was no love in this relationship and that there would be none in the future. He will never love her, and she will never love him. He claims that he just despises her.

Gayatri inquires, "Do you hate?" Yes, Rana ji says, since she lied and pretended to be someone else in order to be close to him. Today she created a drama out of his suffering, and they just have a hateful relationship. Gayatri is taken aback by the news. Rana ji manages to elude her. Gayatri inquires as to why he married her if he despises her. Rana ji turns around and asks whose wedding she's referring to, knowing well well that he didn't and never will put sindoor in her head partition. He claims she is Amirkot's queen, but not his wife. Gayatri stops him, but he begs her to let him go so he doesn't do anything rash that he will regret later. Gayatri wonders why, if he didn't love her, he submitted the proposal to his mother in response to her letter.

Rana ji claims that he did not receive any correspondence and that he did not send the proposal to Raaj Mata. He claims he only learned about it after everything had been decided, but she was aware of everything. If there wasn't love, Gayatri argues, why did he fight for her with Wilkinsons, why did he lay the crown on her head himself, why did he give her that bangle? Rana ji claims that he simply gave her the bangle because he had no idea he was going to marry her. As a human being, he saved her from drowning and would have done it for anyone. Mr. Wilkinsons was solely concerned with preserving Rani Gayatri Devi's respect, which was his obligation.

Gayatri inquires if there was any love present. Love, according to Rana ji, was never present. He expresses gratitude to her for saving his life when the idol fell on him that day; otherwise, he would regret that his life was owed to someone like her. He hugs her again and says he's not sure if she truly believes he loves her or if she's acting, but they're both strangers who will never be one. He claims that this is simply a Raja and Raani relationship. He walks out of the room, pushing Gayatri aside. Gayatri is taken aback and believes Rana ji has never loved her, not even for a second. She bolts from her room and down the corridor.

Kunwar ji believes the wedding night went better than he expected. He must inform everyone of the wonderful news. Pooja was being performed by the veiled lady. Gayatri is a Hindu goddess who runs through the castle. The lady continues to pray while throwing color into the air and raising her hands. Gayatri dashes downstairs, via the palace's main entrance. The veiled lady celebrates her victory with a loud chuckle. Gayatri comes to a halt in the garden, Rana ji's words still echoing in her mind. Gayatri flees out of the castle into the rain, remembering all of Rana ji's hateful words. She cries as she sits in the wet mud. She believes she was insane because she believed her dreams had come true.

Rana ji isn't fond of her. She has no desire to be a queen. She was content at her father's house, where he didn't have to explain why he had gone to seven weddings with her. She jerks Rana ji's hand away as he draws her up. She claims she doesn't require his assistance. Rana ji inquires about Rani Gayatri Devi's whereabouts. Gayatri claims that a girl is related to her in-laws because of her husband, but what is her need here if her spouse does not own her? She wishes to return home. Rana ji claims that this is now her home, and that whatever she is doing is inappropriate for a Rani.

Gayatri claims that she is not a Rani, but rather a regular girl. Rana ji takes her hand in his and tells her that he will drop her by herself, but not in this state. As he drags her inside the palace, he drops the umbrella and becomes drenched with her. Kunwar ji goes looking for Kokilla, and Kokilla appears. He inquires as to her whereabouts. Kokilla claims she was imprisoned. Both of them notice Rana ji and Gayatri approaching the palace. Gayatri's clothing is a mystery to Kokilla. If she is, Kunwar ji inquires. Raaj Mata is also present. Gayatri has expressed her desire to return home, and Rana ji is making preparations for her departure. Raaj Mata tells Gayatri that she wants to speak to her in solitude after Rana ji has left. Kunwar ji claims that this is why she went into hiding; she has performed admirably. Kokilla believes it was her idea, but it was played by someone else.

Gayatri accuses Raaj Mata of deceiving her; she had heard a lot about Raaj Mata, but Raaj Mata had betrayed her. Raaj Mata keeps a touch on Gayatri's arm, stating she understands how worried she is right now. Gayatri raises her hand, expressing her concern that Raaj mata does not have the answers to her queries. Raaj Mata claims to know both that Rana ji does not love her and that she loves Rana ji. She is aware of whose love Rana ji requires. She tells Gayatri that she received the letter Gayatri had sent to Rana ji, and that she hoped Gayatri would teach her son to laugh again and bring happiness back into his life. Gayatri inquires about her happiness, asking whether she has considered what will happen to her once she learns the truth.

Gayatri claims that she can live with incomplete love, but she doesn't know how she'll live with his hatred. Gayatri apologizes, but she no longer wishes to live here and will return to her home. Raaj Mata claims that when a father's little daughter returns home, she has no concept what he is going through. Seth Govind will lose his respect and grin, and she will no longer be referred to as a simple girl, but rather as the Queen of Amirkot. Her obligation is to the people of Amirkot, not to her own heart. Life is really difficult; it is now up to her to figure out how she will make a living. Raaj Mata advises her to reconsider her decision. Raaj Mata believes she has made her a queen and that she will become one. She walks over to Rana ji to speak with him.

Raaj Mata approaches Rana ji and inquires about his actions. Rana ji smiles and says she completed everything; now she wants to create human puppets. Gayatri had forgotten that a relationship's thread never breaks, so she sought to sever it by wearing his bride's gown. Raaj Mata claims she isn't talking about his wedding night, but she does wonder how he can allow Gayatri leave home in such a state. What does Rana ji want him to do, kidnap Gayatri? If Gayatri wants to travel to her father's house, he should not hinder her, as his mother told him. He will send her with all due respect, and if necessary, he will drop her by himself. He claims that she made a trade of him, and that it was not his fault if it went wrong. He walks away.

Raaj Mata believes she locked Kokilla, the person who may have given Gayatri the Surakshna garment.

Gayatri stood there contemplating what Raaj Mata had said about her father's respect. Raaj Mata had challenged her to persevere in the face of adversity. Gayatri is lost in her thoughts as Kokilla walks upstairs. She has no idea where she acquired this clothing, and she can only speculate. Gayatri's quiet must be broken. She approaches Gayatri and declares that she is the most beautiful queen, and that this dress is very lovely; who gave her the dress? The lady with the black veil approaches from behind. Still, Gayatri claims she wore what Raaj Mata handed her... What is Kokilla's question? Kokilla believes she doesn't know anything, so she needs to find out.

Gayatri is asked by Kokilla if she knows why Rana ji was so unhappy with her on the night of her wedding. Gayatri declines. Kokilla assures her that she will receive all of her answers right away and leads her onward. Gayatri enters the room and examines Surakshna's photo, which she notices is dressed similarly to her. Gayatri is left in the room by Kokilla, who believes she will triumph in the end. Gayatri wonders why Rana ji married his first wife if he still loves her and blames her for marrying him forcibly.

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