Beauty and the Beast Zee World

The series follows the story of a courageous young girl named Devi who is married into a rival family by force without her consent. Devi lost her parents at a young age, and was raised by her uncle and aunt. She has been raised in the city far away from her family due to a threat in her village. When she comes back to her village to surprise her family, she is seen by Adhiraj Rajawat, a rich and arrogant boy from her rival family. She slaps him, and he then becomes obsessed with her. He forcefully marries Devi and reveals he did it for revenge. Her new husband resents her but she resolves to win him over and bring out his hidden kindhearted nature. She eventually succeeds, but some problems arise in their marital life.

Devi’s mother-in-law, Heera (Maasa), does not like Devi at all and Adhiraj’s widowed sister-in-law is also in love with him and always tries to win his affection.

The story is really an interesting one as we all get to witness a brave young girl Devi, who is married off to an abusive husband, Adhiraj and when his abuse becomes too much she decides that she will no longer accept the tradition of marital rape, and takes an oath to protect herself.

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