Kaala Teeka

It is the story of two young girls whose lives are entwined by an act of superstition. The show captures the journey of a girl child Kaali who is treated as a human ( supernatural protector) for another child called Gauri and is expected to shadow her everywhere for the well-being of the latter.

This regressive, superstitious belief of using one child’s presence merely to ward off evil influences from another poses several obstacles in the former’s path of growth and overall development. The show captures a worst form of superstitions – personification! It showcases Kaali’s journey of hope as she overcomes these challenges and enables Gauri to find her true self. She also reaches out to her own aspirations and ambitions in life and becomes an inspiration to others.

The series features veteran actress Mita Vasisht who will play the role of the matriarch and be responsible for all the troubles in the lives of the lead protagonists – Gauri and Kaali.

This series says a big no to bigotry and urges people to broaden their horizons and ignore outdated superstitious beliefs. Through Kaali and Gauri’s journey, the show aims to create awareness about certain age-old, redundant practices and superstitious beliefs that are unfortunately still prevalent in India. The story captures Kaali’s journey of hope as she fights for her place under the sun and reaches out to her own dreams and aspirations, rather than being relegated to leading the life of a human in a form of a supernatural protector.

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