Preeta leaves Karana’s hand and takas Prithvi’s, Karan gets jealous, both of them start to dance but Preeta is not interested and does not feel comfortable at this, Prithvi gets tough with Preeta during the dance, she is not the least bit interested, Karan is also getting uncomfortable but is forced to see it,

Sherlin thinks that Prithvi has lost his mind and uis not focusing on the plan, she thinks of what to do.

Rakhi asks Karina why did she take the phone, Karina says tha why did she call Sarla even after all that had happened, Rakhi asks her as to what she means and that Rakhi also has some judgment and knows how to read someone’s face, she also knows some things about a person’s way of life, she knows that Preeta is a good person but Karina also thought that she is a greedy girl, Karina says that she only wants the good of her family but Rakhi says that if this is so then why is she leaving with them and not with her husband whom she must be with, Mahesh hears this, asking Rakhi to be quiet saying that she is talking with her sister and she must behave, Rakhi apologizes, Karina says that all of them are her kids and she will do anything to protect them. Karina says that she knows that she is living with them and they both had fights in the past but she took it to the extent that this is the limit, she starts to go towards her room, Mahesh stops her and apologizes but she says that she will talks with her in the morning and leaves, Rakhi gets sad.

Sameer is walking and bumps into a lady, she falls but it is Sherlin and Sameer, he apologizes and she recognizes him, he tries to help her but she leaves and tries to hide from him, he when does not find her near him gets amazed, he thinks of looking in the bag fir some proof, his  honor kicks in and he leaves the bad at the counter.

Sameer calls Shrishti and is about to say something but she is very angry and scold him, she says that he doesn’t care for her and is enjoying the party, she also says that he does not care to call and never cares for her feelings, he then asks her if she is a mind reader as he feels the same when she is  not atround and doenot like anything, they both are talking when Sameer drops thre bag,he is picking the thiungs, Sherlin is worried thinking what will happen if he sees her driving license, just when he is about to see it she sends a waiter to collect it and he takes the things away.

Karan was irked at the girl, Malisha, and tries to avoid her. She still follows him and apologizes for being truly personal, she didn’t intend to hurt him. She presents a glass of drink to Karan as a token of apology. Karan turns around to see Preeta dancing with Prithvi and grab the drink. Malisha recalls mixing a powder into it and thinks he was showing attitude to her, now he won’t even realize what exactly happened to him and how he reached her room.

Mahesh comes to hug Rishab who was sitting in the balcony alone lost in thoughts of Preeta. He was weepy. Rishab was concerned and asks what happened to him. Mahesh asks when was the last time Rakhi said I love you to him. Rishab says she says it daily. He then asks when was the last time he, Mahesh told Rishab that he loves him. Rishab
couldn’t remember. Mahesh considers himself responsible for never expressing his love, but he now wish to tell Rishab that he loves him dearly. He wish Rishab shares with him what’s in his heart, he will fulfil each of his wish. Rishab hugs Mahesh.

After the dance, Preeta looks around for Karan but couldn’t find him. Karan finds Preeta looking for him, he tries to move towards her but was badly drunk. He wonders how he can get drunk with a single shot. There, Prithvi asks Preeta what she is looking for. She decides not to speak to her about Karan. Prithvi demands to meet the old citizen in the party. They go hand in hand there.

In the car, Sherlin speaks to herself cursing Prithvi for exposing himself in front of Karan and Sameer. She doesn’t understand whatever he does these days as everyone is always suspicious of him. She was afraid that soon his face will be revealed and both of them will be ruined. Her hand hits her purse, she was thankful that Sameer didn’t spot her ID proof there else the whole Luthra family must have questioned what she was doing there.

Rishab comes to Karan’s room and finds it out of order, he was angry over his attitude then wonders if he is being pointlessly angry these days. Karan was already ashamed and he further scolded him. He decides to speak to Karan on phone, then rejects the idea as Karan would otherwise begin to consider his acts justified. He convinces himself to go and sleep, his anger is justified. He pours a glass of water for himself and now decides to call Sameer. Sameer takes Rishab’s call. Rishab asks Sameer about Karan, he replies Karan is good. Rishab notices his confidence was shattered and confirmed if they were in the ICB party? Sameer was getting Shrishti’s call in the midst. Rishab was worried for Karan. Sameer tells Rishab that Prithvi also came to the party and even Preeta is here. Rishab was suspicious what they are doing in the party? There, Shrishti was restless to dig out what Prithvi was doing in the party.

Rishab tells Sameer to keep a close eye on Karan, Preeta and that Prithvi as well. He shouldn’t let Karan fight with that Prithvi at any cost else his media image may get ruined. Sameer assures Rishab to bring Karan home. Rishab instructs Sameer to call him as soon as there is a problem. After the call, Sameer takes Shrishti’s call. Sameer says Rishab was of the view that he must bring Karan home. Shrishti was of the same view. He says Karan went to the party because he is a player, and Preeta is the physiotherapist of the players but what is Prithvi doing. She decides to go to party.
Karan finds Prithvi and Preeta walking to him, he was enraged and grabs another shot of drink. Prithvi presents Preeta with a flower. Karan slips from the chair but the girl holds him back. Karan was furious over Prithvi and calls him as a loser. The girl asks if this is Preeta for whom he left her, now Preeta is leaving Karan for someone else.

Prithvi meets with the Doctor and they both start to have a chat with each other, the doctor asks him about his business at which he says that he is a don, they all get scared, he says that he is joking and has a lot of business but is interested I event management, he also praises Shrishti for her work. Preeta sees Karan who is drowsing, she wonders what happened as he hadn’t drink anything but he had so much to drink in such a short time, when she is about to Leave Prithvi stops her asking her if she invited her boss to their wedding, she says no as the date is not fixed, he also agrees.
Manisha is with Karan and says that she will bring lemo0n drink for him to have as this will help him in hi9s hangover, but he says that he doesn’t want to, she mixes something in it and forces him to
take it.

Shrishti walks in the lounge where Dadi is watching TV she wonders why Dadi is still awake and what can she do, she goes to the door when Sarla comes and opens the lights, she asks Dadi why did she open the lights, Dadi says that it was not her, when she turns she gets afraid at seeing her, Sarla asks what she is doing and also why Dadi is still up, she says that she told Dadi to not watch TV at this hour and what is Shrishti doing, she says that she is only rechecking but Sarla does not listen saying that she will make something for Preeta and they must both go to sleep, she then forcefully sends them both.
Manisha asks Karan to come with her to get rest, he says that he will not go as he has to listen to something important, Manisha wonders what she can do to make him come with her, she then texts Prithvi to take Preeta somewhere else, Prithvi does the same and takes her to the dinner table, Manisha walks him where he drops some cutlery after which everyone including the reports start to film them and then she takes the opportunity to make her plan work and take him to his room. Sameer says that he must look after Karan and Preeta he unknowingly bumps into Karan and Manisha but does not see Karan and goes away.

Prithvi tells Preeta that he at first only admired her beauty and never thought of her other abilities, he now understands what she is capable of it is because of that he loves her even more, Preeta is not listening, he gets confused and asks her he wonders what he said and asks him ,he says that he always thought she was only gorgeous but she is also intelligent, Preeta says that’s eh never thought like this, he also confess that he misses her a lot and she is his life, she sends him to the food court and goes after Kara, he thinks that she is so innocent and only belongs to him.

Preeta looks for Karan and is not able to find him, she thinks that it is her fault as she knew that Karan was not right and still she did not look after him, she then asks the waiter regarding Karan but he excuses her, she is about to leave when Sameer calls her from behind, they all greet each other after which she says that she knew that Karan has had a lot to drink but he doenot care for himself, he knows that both Sameer and Preeta are also in the party but he do not care and when she will find him she will teach him a lesson, Sameer starts to gets amused at this, she scolds him asking him to go and fin d him in the back and she will check the front, Sameer leaves when Preeta is about to start Prithvi comes from behind after which eh request her to join him as they will both eat together, Preeta wonders what she can do but feels helpless.

Prithvi and Preeta are walking when she purposefully ruins her own dress, she apologizes to the waiter but Prithvi gets angry and says a lot to him, Preeta sees this and asks Prithvi to stop this he also wonders what he is doing and realizing this apologizes to the waiter. He says that he is not able to see Preeta get hurt and so acted like this, which will not happen in the future, Preeta says that it is her fault and she will go and clean her clothes. When she leaves Prithvi says that he must keep himself in control as Preeta loves a gentleman and not like Sherlin who is in love with the devil.

Prithvi looks for Manisha and Karan but he doenot see them both, he is happy to see that as this will mean his plan is in motion and Karan will not be able to see a bright future. He gets a call from Sherlin who is eager to know what is happening, he says that Manisha is with Karan and will ruin his life which will be beneficial for them both.

Sherlin asks Prithvi what e is doing at which he answers that he not doing anything and Karan will now be finished, she asks him about Preeta he gets conscious and says that is she doubting him but she makes excuses saying that it is not that, Sherlin asks him to do his work. Prithvi goes to the reporters and tells him about Karan asking them to make a news, Sherlin says that she is seriously doubting him and will now keep an eye on him.

Preeta is very angry and looking for Karan who is nowhere to be found, she then enters and sees him with Manisha near the elevators, she gets curious and says that she will let him do everything that he wants as he is enjoying himself with a girl, Manisha is with Karan saying that she is also his fan but it si her job and she must break his image as otherwise
she will get out of job. Preeta feels worried regarding Karan, she thinks the reason for feeling as worried as he is enjoying himself.

Prithvi is trying to explain the reporters to make a news but they do not listen as they say that Karan is a true and honest man, he asks them to go and find it out for themselves after which they leave, Prithvi sees Sherlin and is very angry to see her there, he asks the reason after which they both start to fight and he says that’s he must leave but she does not listen, she then says that she feels that they are getting apart and she must spent time with him, he then consoles her saying that he also love her a lot and she must doubt his intentions, he says that if he loves someone a lot then no force can take her away from him, she hugs him saying that she was missing this form of him, she makes a plan to celebrate but he says that they cannot and she will call them after their plan is successful.

Manisha is with Karan who is unconscious and she makes a call to Prithvi who is with Sherlin, she says that she is with Karan in the lift after that he gets angry and forces her to not take his name in front of him as he is a very clever boy and if she says their names then they will get In trouble, she asks him to send the media to the floor, he says that she must only do her work and not instruct her as he is the writer if this play, Manisha says that he must not worry as the person who cannot even stand properly cannot harm them so it is also very difficult to control him and he must hurry, Sherlin ask Prithvi about the update he says that their plan is half complete and the other half will be completed shortly. She calls the police to attempt to strangle Karan in their plan.

Manisha takes Karan to her room which is very difficult, Preeta thinks that something is very wrong as Karan never drinks so much that he cannot remember anything, she says that the girl was pulling him and he was not going by his will, she then goes to find him and sees that the elevator is on the ninth floor, Manisha is pulling Karan when Preeta sees her taking Karan into her room, she starts to walk towards the room, Manisha decides to put Karan on the bed and after that she will close the door, Preeta wonders what she will tell Prithvi who would be waiting for her, She sees that the door is opened and towards it.

Prithvi calls the police saying that he feels Karan is doing something wrong with a girl, the police asks if he is sure, Prithvi makes them feel confident that it was Karan who took the girl in room 803 and they hurriedly mobilize to get to the police station at their earliest. He says that the police will be their shortly and then everyone will rush towards them to ask them about the matter after that Karan s self-respect will be like a sand grain, and he will be not able to stand with his or any family that is close to him, he makes a plan the Karan will now fail in every war that he has with them, Sherlin says that they will now win and none will be able to challenge them.

Manisha starts to talk with Karan saying that he was not made for some ordinary girl and now she will make herself famous, Manisha then makes him lie correctly on the bed. Preeta sees Karan and Manisha together.
Preeta was furious after she watch Malisha and Karan together in the room. She turns away and thinks she knew Karan was a complete flirt. She turns to leave the room but hears Karan push Malisha away and asks what she is doing, resisting her. Malisha tries to enforce Karan look at her, she loves him dearly and wants to express her love for him. Karan pushes her away. Preeta decides to help Karan and comes to push Malisha away from Karan. Malisha regrets forgetting to lock the door. Preeta screams and questions what Malisha wants?

Sherlin and Prithvi enjoyed a drink together. Sherlin names their drinks to their victory.
Malisha was speechless and says Karan dragged her into the room. Preeta claims her a liar, Karan was unconscious and couldn’t hold himself; how could she bring her here.
Malisha says she is a fan. Preeta questions if fans are like her? A fan never takes a selfie without their idol’s consent. Karan is unwell, and she doesn’t know her intentions right now but whatever her plans, they can’t be accomplished. She will protect Karan anyway. She blames Malisha to be shameless, and holds Malisha responsible for making Karan drunk. She had full concentrations over Karan even when she wasn’t there. She orders Malisha to get lost before she calls the security, then locks the door from inside. Preeta wakes Karan up in the room.

Prithvi was annoyed with Sherlin that he had forbidden her to come to the party that may prove dangerous but she only wants to keep an eye over him. Sherlin strictly warns Prithvi that he has started to ignore her and misbehave with her, he behaves as if she is his slave. This can’t continue this way. Malisha was repeatedly calling Prithvi. Sherlin tells him to take the call. Prithvi takes the call. Malisha blames Prithvi for not being able to take care of Preeta only, she caught them red handed and came to the room. Prithvi gives Sherlin blaming looks. He tells Malisha he had even called the police that there is some illicit act in the room of this hotel. Malisha tells Prithvi to come here soon, she is standing outside the room while Preeta is trying to wake Karan up.

In the room, Preeta’s voice trembled as she shouted at Karan for not taking care of himself, why he drank so much and that too in hands of another girl. Karan laid unconscious. Preeta was tensed and sprinkles water over Karan’s face. He opens his eyes. She continued shouting that if he would now wake up? She is really tensed for him. He never drinks as much even at home, then why today? She asks if he wants black coffee, or can’t he see anything other than wine right now? Karan drags Preeta closer to himself, he says he could only see her everywhere today with or without wine. He miss her so much and wants her closer to himself.

Sherlin tries to stop Prithvi but Prithvi was tensed and not in a mood of romance. He was tensed as his mind was frozen and he didn’t understand what he must do now. Sherlin convinces Prithvi that he will be trapped if he goes into this troubled matter now. Prithvi thinks that he can’t lose his respect in eyes of Preeta, he always longed for the respect that Preeta gives him and she will soon develop love for him as well. He agrees to Sherlin.

There Malisha hides in a corner of a corridor. She decides to wait here until Prithvi returns. Then she will go to the room and undress Karan, waiting till police arrives.
In the room, Karan goes unconscious again. Preeta was worried and hurries outside the room the call the hotel’s doctor.

Prithvi calls Malisha that he can’t come there because Preeta would recognize and question him. Malisha watch Preeta hurry outside the room. She tells Prithvi that she no more needs him as Preeta has already left the room and they can accomplish their plan now. He should now keep Preeta away from coming back to the room.
Prithvi tells Sherlin that he got a golden opportunity, he must go and stop Preeta. Sherlin convince Prithvi to drop the plan, Preeta is already suspicious of Malisha. Prithvi was determined to spoil Karan today.

There, Rishab called Sameer’s number and was angry at him for not attending the call. Sameer didn’t reply to Rishab. Rishab was angry at Karan for not even attending his calls. Sameer says Karan isn’t with him. Rishab asks where is Prithvi. Sameer says he doesn’t know about Prithvi as well, and he looked around for Karan everywhere around but couldn’t find Karan. Rishab scolds Sameer for crying over the matter, he must go to help desk. Rishab says he is coming there as well, he can cover any distance if its about Karan.

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