Preeta is getting ready, Shristri comes and says that why is she not taking her to parties, Preeta says that she knows how much she loves parties but she is herself not invited and so how can she take her, Preeta turns and starts to scold Shristri about her irresponsibility, thinking that she only made things worse for her, she then thinks of the time when she had a fight with Karan regarding his fame, and how when he said that when she will stop talking with him then he will give food and how she said that she will be happy to not see his face but that is not true and she is feeling depresses, Shristri come sand ask Preeta if she was thinking about Karan. Preeta ask her the reason she think this but Shristri says that she knows this for a fact and can see it on her face, Preeta says that she was not thinking about her but regarding the part, Shrishti says that she is her sister and not dumb. Preeta tries to change the topic saying that she is doing her work and if she doesn’t do it then their mother will scold her, Shrishti asks to god to make everything alright as she knows how it feels to miss someone a she is also missing someone, that is Sameer, she thinks that she will not meet him at their house but must have a meeting with him.

Karan takes the ball in his hand and says that he feels very worried to be away from her even though he is not with her to make trouble Karan says that he was helping her to bring out the truth, he is angry and he called her first even though she should have called him, he takes the ball and says to not stare at him as Preeta will not come, Sameer comes in and asks if he is okay, Karan says yes but he asks if he is missing Preeta, Karan gets amazed and asks the reason he felt the Karan was missing Preeta, Sameer says that he has Proof and he was taking about the Party but Karan was only interested I n Preeta, Karan asks him to shut up and get ready, Sameer gets excited and goes to get ready.

Shristri is giving Janki food and when he finishes , she says that she wants a reward but rather only needs an advice, she says that she does not know what she is happening with her as she is doing stuff that is making no sense and when
she is hungry she drinks a lot of water, she says that she owns that she was dumb but never knew that she will come to like Sameer as she never liked him and was always fighting him but recently she came to like him as she cannot lie with her, she goes to close the door the comes saying that she has a secret and cannot tell anyone and is only sharing with her, she likes Sameer, she gets Nervous and says that she does not know how to tell him and when she told him even then he was not able to understand. She says that she is a girl and wants to know if he also like her and wants to hear it from him, she says that he also told her with his eyes but she was not able to understand them. He asks her for her advice she tells her to call Sameer, Shrishti like it and then hugs Janki also telling her to keep it between them and not tell anyone.

Prithvi is waiting for a girl and when she comes he says that he knew that she will come and also knew that she will be the only one capable of doing something like this and she must do her work with full planning so that Karan will not be able to understand what is happening. He is telling her to go and destroy Karan’s life and make him feel, she says that she will do half the work and the rest will be done by Media as they need stories and Karan’s life will make a fabulous story. He says that he likes her for the confidence and asks her to give him a hug.

Preeta enters the party and is amazed to see the location as it is a heritage hotel, she feels that she Knows no one here and she will love to find someone who she knows, Her interviewer comes and ask her to come with her to meet the head Physio, she goes and he is amazed to see her, he says that he is blessed to have someone so pretty in his team and he knows that she will give her full to the team.
Karan enters with Sameer, a fan takes a Selfie and he sees Preeta in the background but he is not able to find her, she also feels that Karan is in the party and thinks that he might be as it a cricketer’s party.

The doctor asks Preeta top come with him for some food, Karan looks for Preeta thinking that she was here and why is he not able to find her, he leaves to look for her. The doctor asks her to drink but she says that she does not drink, he says that he wants to tell her an important thing and that is that she must not get emotionally attached with any player and this will be harmful for her career, she says that she is engaged and this will not be a problem, she follows him wondering if she said the truth as she never wants to go with the person she is going to marry.

Preeta sees Karan and tries her best to hide from him when he comes looking for her, Karan looks everywhere but is not able to find her, he meets the guy who took the selfie and asks to look at it, he does not see Preeta and wonders why is he thinking of her and he must forget her and move on.

Sameer comes to Karan and asks why he is in tension, he asks him to enjoy the party and leaves, Sameer follows him and asks the reason for taking stress, he says that he saw Preeta in the party but Sameer says that he is only seeing her because he wants to see her as Preeta is not In the Party, Karan ask him to shut up but Sameer says that he is in love with her and that is when he is seeing her, Karan says that he is not in love with anyone and that Sameer must leave him. Sameer leaves and Karan thinks that he is right as preeta would not be in the party, he is overthinking.

Prithvi enters the house but Sherlin is already waiting for him, they start to argue and he says that she must talk with him in a respectful manner otherwise he will not talk with her, they both start to argue over it at which she says that she is getting tensed over Karan he is going to destroy her life and she cannot bear it, he says that she must not worry and he will Take care of it. She asks him the plan but they both start to fight over who saved who more. She asks him but he says that he will not tall her, she insists and he agrees saying that he will destroy Karan prestige and he will make him a mouse from a lion, Sherlin gets shocked and asks in amazement about what kind of a bomb is it, he says that it is not a real bomb Rather a person who will destroy his self-respect so much that his family and friends will move away from him, She asks him and he shows her the picture of that Girl.

Karan is in the party an that girl reaches him, Sameer gets preoccupied with a girl who is talking film dialogues, she says that she love shim and cannot share him with anyone, she asks him to have a drink with her and he agrees, she goes and starts to have a fight with someone, Sameer sees Karan and wonders how he is able to do such a thing as he cannot do it, he then runs from there.

Shrishti is talking on the phone about how she feels regarding Sameer and finally says that she loves him, she is just practicing and then feels that why must she tell him that she loves him as she wants to hear it from his mouth, she gets angry but calms down and starts to practice again, she tries again and again but it si not right and she feels to say something else but decides to close the door, she accidentally calls him and says all that she wants to, he does not understand  and asks her but she does not know that he sa actually there and when he asks her she gets confused. He says that she must take some time and think of what she has to say regarding him, he start to wait but she is thinking of what she will say, he then asks her and she says that she is missing him and wants top talk with him, they start to talk when the girl comes back and she gets angry and cuts the call.

The girl is following Karan and is unable to catch him tries her best to make him fall in her trap, Karan is with his team talking about the new Physio wondering if she is better then the last one as otherwise it will be no good. Sameer is trying to call Shrishti but is unable to reach her, he wonders if it is because of the party and so decides to go outside to call and finally talk with her.

Preeta is meeting with the team members, he introduces them, she asks if she can go and gets some water, Karan is thinking of the times he spent with Preeta and even feels that’s he is there but is not able to spot her, Karna is stopped by a fan who some and says that she is Manisha and is a big fan of his and is the daughter if his selection committee chairman and pressurizes him to select him. he gets offended saying that he thought he was selected because of his merit, she says that she is just kidding but then she asks him to sign on her neck, then he also agrees and she makes him fall in the trap, Prithvi is with Sherlin and they both are watching Manisha who signals them that their plan is working and she will  make Karan pay, Prithvi says that when Karan sent Tapse after him he knew of his plan and so is still with his love that is Sherlin but now he has sent his girl after him and Karan will face failure and Manisha is a time bomb and will do anything, Sherlin says that this is a good news as now Preeta will lose two of his closest guys, her friends and Fiancé but Prithvi thinks that she will only lose Karan and he will not end their engagement and when she is alone he will give her his shoulder to lean on.

Karan goes to the bar and Manisha comes after him saying that she is blessed to meet him as she is his big fan, he also agrees when a businessman comes asking him to be a brand ambassador to his business but he says that he will only listen to his elder brother and they can talk with him regarding anything, Manisha asks the servant to come meet her, she tells him what he has to do and also pays him money saying that he must do everything otherwise she will hurt him.

Karan turns around and Manisha is with him, he is handed his scotch but is accidentally dropped on Manisha, Karan gets furious and Manisha asks him to come with her to help her wash clothes.

 Manisha is walking with Karan thinking that’s he will do something really bad with him and will end his career which will make Prithvi proud, Prithvi is seeing this and says that their bomb will make Karan pay and he says that a girl plays an important role in a man’s life and such a person can destroy one’s life, they are happy to see her taking him in her room, he says that their plan will surely succeed and they will make Rishab and Karan feel bad in front of the whole world, she says that she will also teach Preeta a lesson but he stops her saying that she must not involve Preeta in every matter, she thinks that he is talking a lot about Preeta, she goes o him and start to say a lot against Preeta asking him to not get so attached with her, she says that Preeta must stop this otherwise she will tear her face, Sherlin says tats she must make Preeta pay and she should keep away from Prithvi.

Karan is with Manisha and says that he must inform him rather, she says that she will come back early and they will not stay long in the room, he asks Manisha to understand but she insists and when he sees Preeta he does not listen to a word she has to say and leaves to find her asking for Manisha go by herself, he calls the servant but she is really angry.

Preeta is outside thinking that this will make her mood feel better, Karan sees her from behind and when he notices that she is not looking he goes to scare her and they both are amazed to see each other, he asks her the reason for being there and when she asks the same he says t5hat he came so that he could feel better. She then says that she is the new Physio of their team, he understands the matter and thinks that she is the one who is meeting with the team members. He asks if she would come back but she says that she can hide all of her mistakes but when someone insults her mother she cannot hide it and will never let her down, Karan says that he is happy that she kept her family ahead of everyone and he loves her for this, She also gets happy hearing this saying that she knows he is her friends, he says that he does not feel right after her and wants her back, saying this he feels that eh said too uch and she would scold her but Preeta says that she understands and also missed him a lot both of them share a moment, his friend comes and say that the dance has started so they both leave.

Manisha calls Prithvi and he is happy that her plan worked, he starts to say good things to her and praises her not listening to what she has to say, he says that he will give her anything, Sherlin gets anno0yed and puts the phone on loudspeaker, she says that she was not able to take Karan in her room, they both get angry and she says that she was just about to take him in her room but he went with some girl named Preeta , he when listens to the name he says that she must leave the party and the mission is finished but Sherlin take the phone and encourages her to move with the plan and take Karan, she also gets relieved and says that she will make him pay.

Preeta coughs, Karan brings a glass of water for her, she gets shocked when she sees him like this, a girl comes and ask him to dance with her but he says that he cannot as he is with his friend and cannot accept her proposal, Preeta is shocked to see this and asks him as to what happened, he says that he does not understand and is th4e most innocent guy, he says that he is the most innocent guy but she makes him remember the first time they met. He says that people change with time and he also changed but he wants her to dance with him as they do not know if they will meet the next day.

Prithvi and Sherlin are fighting about what he said regarding Preeta and if he is scared, he says that he is not and only wants to keep problems away from their life but she says that he is a coward person and gets scared after hearing Preeta’s name and does not know what to do, she says that she will leave him if he continues to do anything like this, Prithvi gets angry and leaves, she goes after him and ask to which he says that he is going to go there himself and help Manisha, she says that she will also go but they must change as they have to be a part of that Party.

Preeta and Karan are on the dance floor and both are talking of the incidents that happened during the course of their friendship and how he was like a self-centered person but now has completely transformed, she also makes him remember when he stole her umbrella ad said that it is his, they both share a laugh and she says that he is his friends he was always there to help her and came whenever she needed him, they both rock the dance floor. Sameer is standing and says that he will call Shrishti and tell her everything.

Shrishti is bringing coffee and thinks that she burned her hand because of him and he does not care for her, is flirting with hot women in the party, she says that he is a flirt and she is just the stupid one missing her, she gets a call from him and him but does not pick up in excitement and which she is just about to the call ends, he then texts her, when he calls her she picks up and says that she knows what he has to say, he says that she is a smart one, he says that she knows that both of them look good and must be a blessed couple, she feels that he is talking about them but then he says that he is talking about Preeta and Karan as he saw them in the dance floor and really liked them, she gets heartbroken and ends the call asking if he had anything else to say but he says that there is nothing else and ends the call, she starts to cry and think that he is such a dumb person.

Mahesh and Rakhi are in their bed and both are awake thinking of what they both did in the past, Rakhi gets up and Mahesh asks her what the matter is she says that a lot has happened in their house and she has to make a call, he thinks that what has happened was not right.

Karan doesn’t listen to Preeta even when she says that she did not need any help, he says that they both are friends and sometimes in friend ship on needs to do things that are against the will of the other friend, she says that she will not stay but he scolds her and makes her sit in the chair spraying the medicine, she says that she doesnot need the approval of any person but he says that she sought it form Prithvi when they were at his house, she says that he must not involve Prithvi, Karan starts to make fun of him saying that she also feels that he is not a good person but she says that she is only saying it as she donot want to hear anything wrong about him, he then asks her to which she is about to say when a servant comes and they both are interrupted, Manisha says that the villains of love are everywhere.

Prithvi calls Manisha asking her to come to the entrance of the venue of the party, when she reaches he says that she is not a good person and failed deliver and they both start to have a heated argument about who is right, Manisha says that if Preeta had not arrived then she would have finished the job, he asks if they are together, she says that he is her fiancé but she will give him a tough time till their wedding, he says that even then he will win, Manisha sees Sherlin standing behind them and greets her, Prithvi after turning is shocked to see her.

Prithvi scold Sherlin asking her the reason for coming to the Venue, she says that she came to help him by the says that he only wants her to go and sit in the car, she gets angry but he forces her to go back after which she leaves and is also very angry, Prithvi asks Manisha to show him where Karan and Preeta is they both go and see them together.

Rakhi calls Sarla, she thinks that she already told them that they should both call them on her phone as she has to come but when she comes it is Rakhi, Sarla says that she already told her that Preeta would not come t their house anymore and if their new Physio wants to know of something then he or she can call her but she will not come to their house, Rakhi says that she considered Preeta her daughter and she told her before Sarla to not come to their house as she does not want Preeta to get insulted and this is the reason that she told her to not come, Sarla says that she knows this and Rakhi does not need to be ashamed and she has nothing to worry, Rakhi says that she is very ashamed of the ways Karina talked with Preeta and is asking for forgiveness ion her behalf, Sarla consoles her, Karina comes from  behind and takes the Phone, Sarla gets confused.

Karan and Preeta come ion the stage when Karan asks Preeta for a chance to dance with her, she gets embarrassed but changes her mind when everyone pressurizes her, Prithvi is seeing this from behind and getting very jealous of this, he comes to the stage and takes Preeta’s hand for the dance saying that it is his right as he is their fiancé. Preeta leaves Karana’s hand and takas Prithvi’s, Karan gets jealous, both of them start to dance but Preeta is not interested and does not feel comfortable at this, Prithvi gets tough with Preeta during the dance, she is not the least bit interested, Karan is also getting uncomfortable but is forced to see it,

Sherlin thinks that Prithvi has lost his mind and uis not focusing on the plan, she thinks of what to do.

Rakhi asks Karina why did she take the phone, Karina says tha why did she call Sarla even after all that had happened, Rakhi asks her as to what she means and that Rakhi also has some judgment and knows how to read someone’s face, she also knows some things about a person’s way of life, she knows that Preeta is a good person but Karina also thought that she is a greedy girl, Karina says that she only wants the good of her family but Rakhi says that if this is so then why is she leaving with them and not with her husband whom she must be with, Mahesh hears this, asking Rakhi to be quiet saying that she is talking with her sister and she must behave, Rakhi apologizes, Karina says that all of them are her kids and she will do anything to protect them. Karina says that she knows that she is living with them and they both had fights in the past but she took it to the extent that this is the limit, she starts to go towards her room, Mahesh stops her and apologizes but she says that she will talks with her in the morning and leaves, Rakhi gets sad.

Sameer is walking and bumps into a lady, she falls but it is Sherlin and Sameer, he apologizes and she recognizes him, he tries to help her but she leaves and tries to hide from him, he when does not find her near him gets amazed, he thinks of looking in the bag fir some proof, his  honor kicks in and he leaves the bad at the counter.

Sameer calls Shrishti and is about to say something but she is very angry and scold him, she says that he doesn’t care for her and is enjoying the party, she also says that he does not care to call and never cares for her feelings, he then asks her if she is a mind reader as he feels the same when she is  not atround and doenot like anything, they both are talking when Sameer drops thre bag,he is picking the thiungs, Sherlin is worried thinking what will happen if he sees her driving license, just when he is about to see it she sends a waiter to collect it and he takes the things away.

Karan was irked at the girl, Malisha, and tries to avoid her. She still follows him and apologizes for being truly personal, she didn’t intend to hurt him. She presents a glass of drink to Karan as a token of apology. Karan turns around to see Preeta dancing with Prithvi and grab the drink. Malisha recalls mixing a powder into it and thinks he was showing attitude to her, now he won’t even realize what exactly happened to him and how he reached her room.

Mahesh comes to hug Rishab who was sitting in the balcony alone lost in thoughts of Preeta. He was weepy. Rishab was concerned and asks what happened to him. Mahesh asks when was the last time Rakhi said I love you to him. Rishab says she says it daily. He then asks when was the last time he, Mahesh told Rishab that he loves him. Rishab
couldn’t remember. Mahesh considers himself responsible for never expressing his love, but he now wish to tell Rishab that he loves him dearly. He wish Rishab shares with him what’s in his heart, he will fulfil each of his wish. Rishab hugs Mahesh.

After the dance, Preeta looks around for Karan but couldn’t find him. Karan finds Preeta looking for him, he tries to move towards her but was badly drunk. He wonders how he can get drunk with a single shot. There, Prithvi asks Preeta what she is looking for. She decides not to speak to her about Karan. Prithvi demands to meet the old citizen in the party. They go hand in hand there.

In the car, Sherlin speaks to herself cursing Prithvi for exposing himself in front of Karan and Sameer. She doesn’t understand whatever he does these days as everyone is always suspicious of him. She was afraid that soon his face will be revealed and both of them will be ruined. Her hand hits her purse, she was thankful that Sameer didn’t spot her ID proof there else the whole Luthra family must have questioned what she was doing there.

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