Preeta asks Karan if he is sure that Doctor is inside the house, he says that he is sure as he called the doctors family and they told him that everyone else was out of town but even then the doctor doesn’t open,
Prithvi comes and gets tensed seeing Karan and Preeta, he says that they are here, Sanju tries to plan saying that he will kill them but Prithvi stops him, Doctor asks if they can have water, he says that they will have it themselves, they leave and make a plan to get out of the house and run away. Sherlin says to Prithvi that they will ask the doctor to go and send them both away but he says that the doctor will tell them the truth, they agree that they will stay inside, Sanju says that he will go and kill them but Sherlin takes it from him and says that he cannot take it to kill them, she says that they have given him the money and so he must stay inside. Preeta asks Karan to stop saying that she feels that the Doctor does not want to talk to them as she is feeling guilty because she lied in front of everyone and now doesn’t want to talk to them, Karan starts to call the police, no one picks he call he gets frustrated, he starts to knock again, Preeta asks him to calm down and come with him as she has a plan, he ask her, she says that there must be a copy of Sherlin’s reports with Bahavna as the hospital keeps one for record so they must go and get them, Sherlin hears them and gets worried.

Prithvi and Sanju are arguing, they come and ask her the reason for being worried she tell that they both have gone to the hospital to get the copy of her reports. Sanju realizes that the doctor is missing, they all search the house but are unable to find them both, Sherlin says that she knows a way where they could have gone, they go to look at that place, they enter the room, Sanju make fun of Sherlin that she should not attempt suicide, they both starts to argue, Prithvi gets annoyed and so to make them both calm down he breaks a vase, asking her as to what she wanted to tell them , Sherlin heads to the window, they all get shocked to see that Doctor escaped. Sherlin tells him that they must go to the hospital.

Karan and Preeta go to the hospital and ask Bhavna that if they ca get a copy of Sherlin’s reports, she says that the hospital does not have any backup but someone came to collect her reports just a moment ago, Preeta asks her, how can she give the reports to anyone, Bhavna says that she gave only after Doctor Semma called her, Both of them get depressed, Karan asks her about the time when that man came, she tells him tat he just left and would be outside, Karan leaves

Sherlin says that they have the last clue to her pregnancy, he says that they have done it and that he has the cleverest girl with him, he says that he was able to do it because she called the nurse after keeping a cloth on her face. Sherlin says that they must take care of Doctor Semma but Prithvi says that they must not worry as Sanju is going to kill them both, he will not even take money from them as they are also his enemy, Prithvi says that he is feeling very good and now everyone will face failure in front of them, Sherlin says that the Luthra’s will be ashamed inform of her that they thought that shew was pregnant, she hates them even more and will make them pay after she gets married with Rishab, Prithvi says that she must focus on keeping Karan and Preeta way from them both, they are the worst enemies, they must make them pay , Sherlin and Prithvi agree to make lives of everyone miserable.
Karan is sitting outside, Preeta asks if he would come in, he asks her if she would not come to their house Preeta thinks of what Rakhi said, she gets depressed, Karan says sorry, they start to stare at each other after that he leaves, Preeta is left crying, he thinks that thought that he would be able to clear her name but was not able to do so, he did not prove to be a good friends. Preeta goes inside, Sarla is waiting angrily and does not answer even when Shristri asks her, Preeta comes in, Sarla asks where she was, she says that she was coming home when Karan came and said that he needed her help so she went with him. Sarla says that she knows where Preeta was says she went to their house and knows everything, Preeta gets scared and is not able to say anything, Sarla gets angry and says that
they think that _Preeta is trying to marry Rishab and so she wants that their engagement gets broken, Preeta hugs her, Sarla says that she knows this but Luthra’s do not believe her and Karina does not like her, she is trying to degrade Preeta.
Preeta says that she will tell Sarla everything she knows, Sherlin is not a good girl and she is having an affair with some other girl and if she marries Rishab then she will destroy his life because he is such a simple man. Sherlin is with some other guy and is also going to be the mother of that person, Karan and herself always got some clue but were not able to prove it and how can she let her destroy the life Rishab as they both have done lot for them, they also jumped into the fire for her, Sarla says that she knows this. Preeta then says that the doctor also said the truth regarding Sherlin but lied only because she was in some pressure. They both are only trying to save Rishab from this danger as she is having an affair with some other guy and is also hiding that she is pregnant and she knows this because of the doctor, she tries to convince Sarla to make everyone realize the truth regarding Sherlin and they must believe that Sherlin is a bad girl, Sarla gets angry asking Preeta if she knows what she is saying as she wants that Preeta live a happy life, she knows what she is saying as Sarla wants to live a life that is not filled with hatred, Preeta says that she knows that what the Luthra’s said was wrong but she will see that after some days they will get okay, Sarla says that she will not be able to bear when someone says such big things, Preeta says that they were in anger, Sarla says that someone never says things like this in anger.
Sarla say that Preeta as talking just like Pragya, and it is her fault as Pragya also kept everyone above her, she will not let the same thing happen to her what happened to Pragya, she will not go to the house every again, she says that she will not go, will happen if Dadi need her, Sarla say that they will arrange for some there doctor and she will not go, Sarla doesn’t hear anything that Preeta has to say, She says that she has the right to take at least one decision of her life, saying this she leaves, Preeta hugs her Dadi.
Rishab is walking and thinks of all that Karina said and I very angry, Karan walks in and picks up the pillow, he asks Rishab what the matter is, he gets angry and says a lot to Karan asking him the reason he did not take him into confidence even when he said, Rishab says that it was because he could have handled the situation and kept everyone from saying things that they have because of Karan, he feels bad for Preeta, wondering why she has been barred from coming to their house when Karan was with her in the plan. He says that Sarla also wants that they make arrangement for their Dadi as she will not let her come to their house, he says that he would have told him the truth as he is feeling bad because Preeta was blamed because of him, Karan tries to explain but Rishab does not listen and asks him to leave.
Sherlin asks in amazement from Karina if Preeta will never come, Karina says that she has made sure that Preeta will never come to their house, Shel45rin hearing this get excited, Karina gets a call, Sherlin thinks that now she is happy as she will marry Rishab without any worry.
Shristri comes to Preeta asking about what the problem is, Shristri says that when Preeta smiles she feels happy knowing that she is happy but when she is crying Shristri also feels bad and gets heartbroken, Preeta says that she is fine, Shristri disagrees saying that she knows that she was attached to Dadi and she knows how hardships she faced when she first went to their house to help Dadi. Preeta says that she only wants their mother to be happy and whatever she said to them is for their own benefit and she will never do anything that will hurt them, Preeta sees Sarla standing in the corner, they all share a hug. Prithvi is clean9ing his wounds, he hears a knock on the door, running for his gun he thinks that all of his enemies are now defeated, he opens the door and it is Sherlin who says that she has to say something important, he is very excited to hear what she has to say, she tells him that Preeta will n0pt come to Luthra’s house anymore as Karan has told this to her, He says that this will not happen and she will come back to their house, everything will be like before she says that Rakhi has also told her to not come to their house anymore.
She says that this means that he does not have to keep any relation with Preeta and can break it at this very moment, he says that Preeta is suffering a lot, hearing this she gets angry and asks ig f he has started to love her, he says that he doesn’t but
is really lying, she asks him to break their engagement at this very moment, he denies it at first but then she forces him and he starts to leave unwillingly.
Karan is in his room thinking of what Rishab said that he was also the one responsible for all the mess and why does Preeta have to face all the trouble, he gets a call from Preeta who starts to talk with him and she says that she will not co me to their house anymore. He says that she must not do this as |Dadi needs her, and will she listen to Sarla which Preeta says that she is a doctor but first a child of her mother and she will not do anything that is against the wishes of her mother, he begs her to not do anything of the sort and come back, Preeta says that she will no0t come back and will find a new job, he says that he will recommend her but she stops him, saying that she will do it by he own, she gets called in, before leaving she wishes Karan luck for his matches and he also wishes her luck.
Preeta is sitting inside the office when the women taking he interview says that she found her resume in the logs of their house, she says that she sent it when she first came to Bombay as she was also looking for a job the, the women says that she was not able to get a job the as she had little experience but she s overly qualified, Preeta thinks of what she had heard her mother say to her brother regarding the financial problems, she thinks that she might be able to make some money that will help her family in the household affairs, she says that she will take the job no matter what.
Karan is very depressed and hitting the bag, he picks up a ball and thinks of what he did with Preeta and how she said that she will not come back to their house, he starts to blame himself about his overconfidence and how she would have taken down Sherlin very easily, he also said lies and that is the reason that he lost, he say that he is the one who lied and now Preeta is paying the price, He thinks that Sherlin and Prithvi will succeed in their mission, he is adamant that both of them are involved in this and he will not forgive them both. He is adamant to bring back Preeta to their house with all her respect.
Prithvi is standing at Sarla house and ringing the bell, Shristri comes and ask the reason for ringing the bell, he says that Sherlin is right to say to him to break the relation, Shrishti asks him the reason from getting quiet he says that he came to break his engagement, she says that he must keep to his word, he says that he will do it after she tells him the reason of hating him, she says that she feels that he is a dishonest person, he encourages her honesty saying that now he will break the bond, Sarla comes and ask him as to how did he came, she says that be came to break his engagement, Sarla get shocked but he very cleverly handles the situation and puts the blame on Shristri that she does not like him and he will try his beast to prove to Shrishti that he is a god person. Sarla ask him as to how did e get hurt, he says that he got injured after falling because of rain, she asks him to be carefull,Prithvi ask about Preeta, saying that he will himself go and collect her, she stops him saying that Preeta left their job, he asks her the reason and she tells him everything, Prithvi acts as if he is in disbelief, he starts to question everyone targeting Karan and Rishab as they always said ha they were friends of Preeta but when she was being blames both of them did nothing, he then says that Karan used to say such big things but he never said anything at which Sarla says that they teach their children to not speak in between elders, he says that he knows this but he also knows that Rishab is big among them and he should have said something.

Prithvi says that they both tried to break their engagement saying that he had a relation with Tapse saying that she is their family member and friend and what happened to that friend ship, he says that this is not done and he really feels bad, he apologizes if he has something wrong, Shrishti says that he has something wrong as he is trying to push her mother to fight. Sarla asks her to go and prepare tea, she says that she does not know how to but then leaves, she thinks that it would have been good if instead of Luthra’s his engagement was broken.

Dadi comes asking for the postman when she greets him and when they ask him to sit down he says that he has to use the bathroom and goes to Preeta room, he smells her cloths the thinking that he thought that she was a hurdle in his plans but
now he realiz3ed that he loves her, he also loves Sherlin who is very smart, intelligent and very clever unlike her who is disciplined and cares for the elders. He says that she gave a tough time to Sherlin and they both are in a tie, he then talks with her photo saying that he will also keep her like a princess and will treat her just fine but he cannot leave Sherlin.

Karina asks Sanjana to come and they all sit together, Pandit jee also comes and when Rakhi comes Sanjana asks her the reason she is not smiling, Rakhi says that she is quiet as the one who it was meant for I not with them so she is quiet, Karina asks her to prepare some snacks when Rishab also comes and greets them, he asks the reason thy ae in such a hurry to get him married, Karina and Sanjana says that things of happiness should not be postponed and they must get them married. Karan come from behind, Sherlin thinks that now Karan must prepare for her enter into the house as nothing can stop her not even Preeta, Karan asks her the reason for being so happy, Karina says that she will  be happy one that there is nothing to worry about, Sanjana also agrees adding that n9ow there are some people who are away from their house, Rishab asks in anger, Sherlin handles the situation saying that she meant to say that now their marriage will be arranged early and everything will be okay, Karan says that he thinks otherwise and does not feel the same.

Sanjana then says that she was talking of Preeta and family as they had been involved in a lot of their problems and it doesn’t feel right to be so involved in someone else’s problems, Rishab gets angry and is about to leave when saying that he has some important work, Karina tries to stop him saying that his first priority must be Sherlin, Rakhi helps him saying that he will come back as soon as the work is over, He leaves.

Sarla is scolding Bi Je when Shristri comes with tea, Preeta enters saying that she got the job, Sarla and everyone is amazed to hear that, they ask her about the job at which she says that she got It in ICB and it is the cricket board of India, she got it in T20 matches as players who get injured o the field have to get treatment, thy all are celebrating when Prithvi comes from behind and also congralutes her, saying that she has taken the right decision to not go back to the Luthra’s and he feels blessed to have been engaged with her as she is a lot talented  then both of them. he asks her out on a date but she says that she would not be able to go a she has to go to a function with her senior, Shrishti also ask to come but she stops her saying that she also does not have an invite and will go with a senior, Prithvi ask for their leave thinking that now Preeta will not interfere in the Luthra’s affair and will stay away from Karan.

Karan is talking on the phone and enters the kitchen, he is talking with a Doctor explaining to him that he will bring the girl to his clinic and he must help him, the doctor is adamant saying that he will do everything to help him and they will also get to talk. Karan says that he will bring her and he must do all that he can. He is filling a cup with oil when his sister comes and sees him, when she is about to talk he leaves the Kitchen.

Sameer comes and Kartika are both in the kitchen when she is confused, he asks her to which she says that she saw Karan filling a coffee cup with oil, Sameer tease her saying that she is a dumb person and he does not listen to her.

Karan takes the cup and thinks that what he can do to make Sherlin get hurt.
Rakhi asks Karan to eat something but he says that he is fine, they plan to invite all of their family members to the functions of marriage, Sameer spies on Karan and sees that he is planning to stop Sherlin, Karan throws a ball at her and she gets scared, they all scold Karan and ask him to go outside to play, Karan asks her to forgive him and he will go to play in his room, Sherlin thinks that he always tries to harm her but his plan failed, she tries to throw a ball at him but he stops her and when she goes to hand him the ball she falls down and gets hurt. They all go to help her, she says that he did this on purpose, he says that he never wanted to do this, she goes to check the cup but Sameer understands the plans and helps Karan.
She tries to check but they stop her, Karan asks her to
come with him and they will go to the hospital, she refuses but agrees at his pressure, they leave, Rakhi and Karina comfort Sanjana saying that Karan will take care of her.
Karan and Sherlin are with the doctor who is asking to give her a shot but she is not comforted, they all pressurize her and when the work is done the doctor says that she got scared and he instead of giving her a shot drew her blood. Sherlin hears them and thinks wants he can do to prevent the tests, she calls the doctor and purposefully drops the vile, they all gets shocked and ask her to give the blood but she asks him to not worry about her, she leaves without listening to what he has to say.
Karan follows her but she leaves and after that the doctor says that he must get her blood, Karan says that both Prithvi and Sherlin are very intelligent and will not make the mistake again.
Prithvi asks Sherlin if she heard him right and she says that she was confident, he gets angry saying that he thought that after the incident with the Doctor he will stop but he is coming back again and he must be stopped, She asks him to not do anything that will land them in Jail, he says that he also thought the same but he will make sure that Karan goes to Jail, Sherlin gets worried and asks him what he has in mind, Prithvi says that he will; not tell her and she must sit back and watch what happens with Karan, he says to her that he has to go to find some information regarding Karan. She thinks that he forgot to ask him about the reaction the Auroras had when he broke his engagement, she also thinks that what if he didn’t break his relation with them. Prithvi thinks that this will; result in Karan getting away from Preeta and then he will also not be able to make any plans against them.
Preeta is getting ready, Shristri comes and says that why is she not taking her to parties, Preeta says that she knows how much she loves parties but she is herself not invited and so how can she take her, Preeta turns and starts to scold Shristri about her irresponsibility, thinking that she only made things worse for her, she then thinks of the time when she had a fight with Karan regarding his fame, and how when he said that when she will stop talking with him then he will give food and how she said that she will be happy to not see his face but that is not true and she is feeling depresses, Shristri come sand ask Preeta if she was thinking about Karan. Preeta ask her the reason she think this but Shristri says that she knows this for a fact and can see it on her face, Preeta says that she was not thinking about her but regarding the part, Shrishti says that she is her sister and not dumb. Preeta tries to change the topic saying that she is doing her work and if she doesn’t do it then their mother will scold her, Shrishti asks to god to make everything alright as she knows how it feels to miss someone a she is also missing someone, that is Sameer, she thinks that she will not meet him at their house but must have a meeting with him.
Karan takes the ball in his hand and says that he feels very worried to be away from her even though he is not with her to make trouble.Karan says that he was helping her to bring out the truth, he is angry and he called her first even though she should have called him, he takes the ball and says to not stare at him as Preeta will not come, Sameer comes in and asks if he is okay, Karan says yes but he asks if he is missing Preeta, Karan gets amazed and asks the reason he felt the Karan was missing Preeta, Sameer says that he has Proof and he was taking about the Party but Karan was only interested I n Preeta, Karan asks him to shut up and get ready, Sameer gets excited and goes to get ready.
Shristri is giving Janki food and when he finishes , she says that she wants a reward but rather only needs an advice, she says that she does not know what she is happening with her as she is doing stuff that is making no sense and when
she is hungry she drinks a lot of water, she says that she owns that she was dumb but never knew that she will come to like Sameer as she never liked him and was always fighting him but recently she came to like him as she cannot lie with her, she goes to close the door the comes saying that she has a secret and cannot tell anyone and is only sharing with her, she likes Sameer, she gets Nervous and says that she does not know how to tell him and when she told him even then he was not able to understand. She says that she is a girl and wants to know if he also like her and wants to hear it from him, she says that he also told her with his eyes but she was not able to understand them. He asks her for her advice she tells her to call Sameer, Shrishti like it and then hugs Janki also telling her to keep it between them and not tell anyone.
Prithvi is waiting for a girl and when she comes he says that he knew that she will come and also knew that she will be the only one capable of doing something like this and she must do her work with full planning so that Karan will not be able to understand what is happening. He is telling her to go and destroy Karan’s life and make him feel, she says that she will do half the work and the rest will be done by Media as they need stories and Karan’s life will make a fabulous story. He says that he likes her for the confidence and asks her to give him a hug.

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