They are about to go inside when Prithvi gets a call from his office, eh accept it, Karan asks Preeta to come with them both and leave Prithvi a she can come later, Preeta asks to hi if she can go with Rishab and Karan and he agrees. After they leave Prithvi thinks about what he has to do after going inside as the Doctor will recognize him at first sight, he feels frustrated.
Sameer comes and Mahesh looks at him, He asks doctor Semma how she is feeling and says that he was drugged, everyone looks at him with amazement and do not believe him but he is adamant that he was drugged with something and the person broke Sanju out. When they are talking Rishab and everyone come and ask about what she has to say and when she is just about to say anything, she sees Prithvi, Rakhi also looks at him and then they all go and asks him about his injuries and tend to his wound.
Prithvi signals the doctor to not tell the truth in the amidst everyone is occupied with tending to his wounds, Karan asks if he is okay now and asks the doctor about the person who tried to hurt her and was the father of Sherlin’s child, the police walk in and asks the reason that they were called for and who called them. Mahesh says that he called them because Doctor Semma wanted to report something, Rishab says that she was being targeted and was not safe and there was a murder attempt on her life, Preeta asks doctor to not be afraid and tell the truth as the Police is also here, Prithvi is worried and when Karan sys to the police that he will explain and starts to say everything from the beginning when Sherlin was engaged to his brother and how they met Doctor Semma to when she tried to hide her pregnancy from all of their family. He then says that she is a very clever girl and does not deserve to be a part of their family.Police asks Karan if he wants that they should arrest Sherlin, they ask he and she agrees but then the phone rings and it is from her house, she receives it and hearing it gets worried, Rakhi thinks that Rishab must feel bad as he only agreed to marry Sherlin and now he has been deceived. The doctor puts the phone down and everyone starts to ask question if she knows the truth regarding Sherlin, they all; force her and so she says that Sherlin came to meet her and had a sits near her uterus and so wanted to consult a Gynecologist, she says that she gave her some medicines and it will make her okay. Preeta and Karan force her to say the truth but the doctor is adamant t and says that they cannot force her to say the truth and what they are saying is a lie, hearing this all of them get
amazed, Karina start to say that this is because of Preeta as she is a very clever gir, Karan sys that Preeta is  telling the truth and she is right, Police ask  him to be quiet and let the Doctor say the truth, Karan says that she is telling the truth and the Doctor is lying, Police ask him to be quiet, Rishab jumps in and says that they both are right and will never say anything wrong regarding him and he knows that.

Karina asks Rishab what he thinks of Sherlin and even he doubts her character, he says that he doesn’t know what to think but only knows that both Karan and Preeta are not lying, She ask him what he thinks of Sherlin and does he love her, he gets angry and says that he knows nothing and will not say it at this moment, Prithvi steps in and blames Karan as how can he say anything regarding Sherlin as she is a very good and honest girl, he then turns towards Preeta asking how can she think of a girl like this as she himself is in an engagement, Karan and him both starts to have a heated argument, Karan asks him the reason he is taking sides of Sherlin to which he says that he is only doing because he is a gentleman and any other person like him would do it, Rishab asks him if he feels that he is a gentleman and he asks if Rishab thinks otherwise. Karan yells at him and brings a photo of Sherlin and him, he gets amazed after which he says that she was about to fall and he saved her, there is nothing between them, Karan gets angry, Police stop them saying that they must not fight as they have to find the culprit.

The Doctor ask Police to ask anyone from the Luthra’s as they all know and can he ask them, Police says that they must ask only her as it is the procedure and she must come with them, Prithvi comes and ask the police of he can have a word with her, Police ask the Doctor and she says that he can as she has no problem, he ask for forgiveness on behalf of Preeta ibn front of the police and when they are alone h says to her to says there same as she said I the house otherwise she would have to face something very bad, Doctor begs for mercy and then leaves.

Karina is very angry and says that they never listen and now because of her Police came to their house for the first time and it was all because of Preeta, Karan says that they are telling the truth and the doctor is lying, Karina tells him to be quiet and only speak if he thinks that she is lying or saying something wrong, Karan steps back and Rishab is standing in an angrily mood. She says that they doctor told them that Preeta never wanted Sherlin to marry Rishab as she likes him for herself and it was also proven when on the day Sherlin was ill the doctor said that Sherlin only has a case of acidity and she was adamant the Sherlin is pregnant. She always ignored it but now thing have gotten over their head, she turns towards Preeta saying that she always thought that she belongs to a middle class family and she knows that humans want the things that they do not have and so she wants to marry Rishab as he is rich. Preeta gets stunned hearing this, Rishab asks her to be quiet as he knows that she is a good girl and is not greedy and he knows this because when they came to Mumbai, she had nothing and when he put a lot of money on her hand she gave him the money back because she saw a child who was hungry and a person who cares for other people are not Greedy, he says this in a very adamant voice. Karina is saying to Preeta that she has brainwashed her sons, Karan stop her saying that she is thinking wrong but she says that she will make them feel embarrassed in front of the world, Rishab says that people have not even take into consideration god, she says that she is the member of the same club in which Sanjana is a member and when she will come to know of it then this will; result in their family being disgraced. Rishab stops her saying that this is not what happened, she says that ey know it but the society will say that a middle class girl wanted to become a member of their family and created problems for them.
Karan yells at her, Mahesh stops him saying that he must not misbehave, Karan tries to say something but he doensot listen , saying that he knows that Preeta did not want to
marry Rishab as otherwise Rishab would have noticed the signs being a boy himself, since he did not feel anything of the sort then this means that Preeta never wanted to marry him but referring to Preeta he says that she does not like Sherlin, Karan tries to say something but he scolds him, saying that they thought about something and never tried to prove it. Karina says that she is happy that someone is with her and says that Preeta is bad for them. Rishab stops her saying that she is not right, Karina says that she must remind them as once before Karan was sent to jail because she came under the influence that Sherlin is having an affair with someone and he was sent to Jail. Karan say that she was the one who brought him out of Jail.
Karina ask what did it prove, the society still thinks that Karan is guilty and has was thrown out of the team. She says that she does not like her after Karan informs them of the fact. Rishab says that they have no problem in clarifying anything if things go South, Karan say that Preeta got Rishab ready for marriage, Karina does not believe it saying it rubbish, Rishab says that it was the truth as she believed her at that time and still does.
She says that if this is the case then he must call Sherlin’s mother and ask her to have another checkup of Sherlin before marriage, she forces him and he agrees saying that they must end it here and now, he is tired of thinking, this has resulted in him feeling stressful and not understanding what to do.
Karina says that she will tell Sarla the future, Rakhi will not be able to handle it and then she will help Rishab in his worries, this will result in that he will fall in love with her and so she will be able to become the owner of property worth millions, she asks if Sarla is happy. Mahesh stops her saying that she has said enough at which Karina gets angry saying what Rishab said as she has a lot to do in their upbringing and always loved them both and now they all are saying things to her. Rishab wants Sherlin to have another checkup and this will lead to a lot of Embracement of her friend in the society, she loves Sherlin as she has loved Karan and Rishab and will not tolerate that any middle class girl says anything wrong about her as she knows that Sherlin is a girl of good repute. Karina also says that she wants Preeta to get out of her house and never come back.
Prithvi is standing outside and very happy to see that family fighting with each other, he says that Karina has said all the things that will make his fight easier, She also said things to Sarla that will crumble her arrogance and now she will not break his marriage, he then thinks that he must not feel overly joyed, he has not yet won his war and must carry it on.
Sarla is taking some money when Shristri comes and gives her medicine, she says to her that she must give Rakhi her medicine and leaves, Shristri asks her questions but Sarla says that she will tell her after she gets back, she insists and even her Dadi comes but Sarla wants to go and when Shristri asks again she slaps her, Dadi scolds her, Sarla starts to cry and says that she is worried. She starts to cry at which Shrishti get worried and ask if she is dumb at which she says that she is not dumb rather both Preeta and Pragya are in danger. She says that Preeta got into a lot of problem because of her affection for them and now is paying the price for it. Preeta is also like it and says to Shristri that Preeta loves Luthra’s and cares a lot for them but they do not feel it rather Karina do not feel this, she thinks that Preeta is after their money and wants to become rich and she will suffer the same fate like Pragya but this time she will not let it happen and will continue to stand with her daughter till she is alive. Sarla says that preeta needs her and no she will leave, Shristri says that she will also go, Bi jee says that she must also go with her as it is the right time. Sarla asks Shristri to go and bring a shopper that has some proof regarding Sherlin, she also asks Bi jee to go and check and she agrees, when they are searching Sarla locks them and says that she will handle everything and Shristri must take care of Janki and Bi jee.

She thinks that she had said to Karina that if she looks at her with suspicion then she will make her pay. Preeta is crying when Rakhi places her hand on her, she says that she only wanted the family members of this house to happy but they are all worried and she feels bad, she then turns and sees Rakhi standing behind her.

Preeta turns and sees Rakhi standing there she hugs her saying that she never wanted this and never told the doctor to lie in front o0f everyone and she clearly saw the name of Sherlin on the list, Rakhi says that she knows that Preeta was right and she always thought better for them, Rakhi then says that she must have thought that it is their Sherlin but Preeta is sure and is adamant but Rakhi says that sometimes good people also lose their way and she then says that she must stay away from their family until Rishab and Sherlin get married. She then says that she wants her to stay away bas it is tge best for the both of their families as she respects Sarla a lot,
Karina is seeing this and says that Rakhi finally understood and now Rishab will remain safe.
Sanju says that Sherlin must not
look at like this at him, she say that Prithvi got into a lot of problem because of him and when he went to save him, he threw him out, Sanju tries to say but the child starts to scream at which Sherlin scolds her. He says that they both must take care of their problems alone a s he is leaving and when he is about to leave She takes out the gun asking him to fulfill his job, Doctor walks in and goes to the child, Sherlin says that she saw what happened after she deceived them and now her sister will wonder what happened to her daughter.
Karan is thinking and then understands that she got scared after the call as someone threatened her and she did not tell them the truth, she says that she is sorry and will no longer help him, he does not understand, she leaves and he follows her asking as to what the matter is she says that she feels very bad as everyone said a lot of bad things to her and she cannot bear them, he confidence is shattered, she no longer knows what to do, has he thought that what will her mother think and what will happen to her family as now they all will get hurt and this is what exactly happened, she did all she could to help Rishab and she was proven told that she wanted to marry him, she was proven wrong and they all said that she is proving Sherlin wrong as she is a middle class girl and wants to marry a rich boy.
She says that there is only one way and she will only come back after Rishab gets married, Karan s runs behind her and ask as to what the matter is she says that she is not an idiot and is leaving because someone else also said this to him, he asks the name she says that it is Rakhi, Karan gets shocked.
Prithvi comes and blames Doctor Semma that she will tell everyone the truth then he will kill her, he got injured because of her and he will kill her right, she begs him but he counts down preparing to kill her.
Preeta is walking down the road, thinking of what Karina said regarding her and how she wanted to make a place in the heart of the Luthra’s, she also thought of Rakhi’s words thinking as to how will she be able to stop her if she wanted to go there, she thinks of what she will do.
Prithvi tries to kill her but Sherlin strops her saying that they will not kill her, he asking why says that he and Sanju both got into problem because of her and they must kill her, as they got into problems even when she was unconscious and now when she is awake they will surly get hurt. Sherlin says that they want that their secret remains and she promised that they both will leave the town and will never come back, when they leave Sanju says that they both are bigger goons then him and he must keep in touch with them.
Preeta is walking when Karan comes saying that he will drop her, she refuses and says that she will take an auto but he insists, she agrees.
Sarla is very worried and ask the auto driver to move fast she forces him after which he also agrees, Preeta sits beside Karan and they go. Sarla walks in the Luthra’s house and asks the servant where Preeta is he does not answer, she is about to leave when Karina stops her asking her if she wants to know where Preeta is, she then says that she has taught a lot of things to her daughter which include making relations with her Rishab, Sarla gets angry and stops her.
Karan and Preeta are driving when he turns at the wrong way, she ask him he says that they’re going towards Doctor’s house, she asks him to stop the car but he does not listen and says that they will prove that she was right, she says that his family said a lot of bad things to her and she can no longer bear them and he must
leave her. he says that they will go to her house and she will tell them s she was scared at their house, he will record everything and prove that Preeta is true, she says that she does not care for herself rather wants his family to be happy, he makes her agree to his plan.
Sarla is very angry and says that nothing makes a person honest like money and they have everything, Karina says that she must not tell; lies and not yell, it is her house, Sarla says that she has raised a very honest daughter and she is the only one who does not understand Preeta, she has always tried to blame Preeta for trying to break Sherlin and Rishab’s relation, hearing their loud voice Mahesh and Rakhi come, Rishab also comes and says that he knows Preeta is true and no one believes that she was wrong, Karina says that she believes it at which Sarla says that she knows that Preeta was true and she also believes that Sherlin is not the right girl for Rishab and what did she do wrong if she tried to break their relation as she wanted him to have a good and happy relation with anyone except her, Karina gets shocked hearing this, shouting her to stop talking Rishab is relieved to hear that someone also sees what Sherlin truly is.
Sarla says that her daughter will not come to their house anymore as she can no longer bear it, Rakhi asks for forgiveness but she denies it and asks them to arrange for some other physio therapist and leaves, Rishab goes after her and does not listen to anyone.
Prithvi is angry, wondering why is it taking so long, Sherlin goes to check, Sanju ask him to calm down and chill as everything will be alright, he says that Prithvi must give him the money whioch he owes him, Prithvi says that he will not give him the money as he was th one who saved hi from the Luthra’s and the police and so he must give him the money, Prithvi says a lot of bad things to him and they start to fight over money, Sanju places a gun on his head after that Prithvi knowing that he will be killed calms down.
Sherlin asks Doctor Try hurry packing, the niece is very scared and asking the doctor to hurry so that they can leave, Sherlin doesn’t like it and threatens to throw her put of the window, she says to her to hurry and take what she has packed.
Sherlin hears that both Sanju and Prithvi are fighting, she goes to stop them but Sanju warns her to say away from their matters, Prithvi signals that he has lost his senses and she must stay quiet, Sanju then calms down and asks him to not do anything like this ever again as they both are friends.

Rishab asks Sarla to stop and begs for her forgiveness and insists that she must forgive him as he was not able to do anything, she says that he must not say this and he was the only one who helped them in every matter even when her daughter was in jail. She says that she knows that not everyone feels like him and when as he heard what Karina said then how ca she let her come back. Rishab says that he will make sure that nothing happens to her but she must let her come to their house, Sarla is adamant saying that she will not let her come a she can longer hear someone say anything wrong about her daughter, Rishab feels disappointed over his family’s actions.
Sarla says to Rishab that he can come to her house anytime he wants but she will not let Preeta come back to his house again, she leaves and he tried to call her but she does not listen, Karina comes and says that she loves him a lot, he says that Preeta was not a member of their family yet still cared for them, he leaves saying that he knows Karina loves him a lot but she must  not do anything of the sort that can hurt anyone, he leaves after which Karina says that she wanted Preeta to leave as she had become a habit and she will do everything to keep her family safe from Preeta.

Preeta asks Karan if he is sure that Doctor is inside the house, he says that he is sure as he called the doctors family and they told him that everyone else was out of town but even then the doctor doesn’t open,
Prithvi comes and gets tensed seeing Karan and Preeta, he says that they are here, Sanju tries to plan saying that he will kill them but Prithvi stops him, Doctor asks if they can have water, he says that they will have it themselves, they leave and make a plan to get out of the house and run away. Sherlin says to Prithvi that they will ask the doctor to go and send them both away but he says that the doctor will tell them the truth, they agree that they will stay inside, Sanju says that he will go and kill them but Sherlin takes it from him and says that he cannot take it to kill them, she says that they have given him the money and so he must stay inside. Preeta asks Karan to stop saying that she feels that the Doctor does not want to talk to them as she is feeling guilty because she lied in front of everyone and now doesn’t want to talk to them, Karan starts to call the police, no one picks he call he gets frustrated, he starts to knock again, Preeta asks him to calm down and come with him as she has a plan, he ask her, she says that there must be a copy of Sherlin’s reports with Bahavna as the hospital keeps one for record so they must go and get them, Sherlin hears them and gets worried.

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