Sanjay says how are you nephew? all look on, Sanjay laughs and says thing is that this song is from DDLJ but does anyone know who made this song? he tells singers, composers and lyricist of song. Sanjay says seems like Shaurya didnt tell anyone about me as he is hot and i am criminal, i just came from jail, Shurti smiles. Sanjay says i am Sanjay and i am Shaurya’s uncle, he is my nephew and i am Vaitlana’s second husband and from the time she has told me that Shaurya has lost his heart in old delhi, i am was restless to meet you all because i was like you before before all this riches, i had small sweets shop in old delhi, i still miss those small streets, all are tensed. Sanjay leans closer to Mahek and sniffs, he says Mahek.. you are Mahek right? he says to Karona that now i know why Shaurya forgot to bail me out, he has brought such beautiful daughter in law that i feel to end all grudges and hug her, he says to Mahek that i wont hug you, i might be criminal but i dont misbehave. He hugs Shaurya and says i am proud of you, smile please, he tries to touch Shaurya’s face but Shaurya jerks his hand away. Sanjay asks Mahek if she did anything? why Shaurya is angry? Shaurya leaves from there being angry. Sanjay says he left from middle of party?

In house, Shaurya says to Karona that now you know why i as not bailing out your brother? Karona says he was talking nicely to everyone, Shaurya says you didnt listen his taunts inbetwee. Sanjay comes there and says i thought we would enjoy and have wine together.. you should start drinking wine as you are getting married. Shaurya says drink wine, dance and have fun but dont do anything which will make me cancel your bail and send you back to jail. Sanjay says you have obsession with doubting people.
In mehndi ceremony. Vicky, Sameer and Shurti danced on i am disco dancer. Nehal comes to Shaurya and says lets go, these uncle, aunties are dancing on old songs, they have made this party as reunion. Sanjay says she is right, go with them, you are my nephew, Shaurya leaves with Nehal. Karona says to Sanjay that i am happy, you came on right time but dont do any drama, Sanjay says i am not doing anything but anything can happen, Karona leaves. Sanjay calls Vaitlana and gives her some instructions.

In party, Shaurya dances with Nehal and Sonal on peppy song.
Jeevan says to Ravi that Sanjay is like us, he is an item, Mansi says he came from jail, Jeevan says we went to jail too without any mistake, Balwant says we shouldnt trust these rich people so easily, they can be deceiving, Ravi says you are negative about everyone. All family members start dancing in party on high heel song, Mahek and Shaurya dances around each other.

After dance, shaurya asks Karona where is Vaitlana and Sanjay?n i dont trust them, they can be planning anything, Karona says you enjoying here, i will go and see them.
Sanjay opens gift box he sent for Vaitlana. Vaitlana and Rajiv are there too. There is scooty equipment in box, Rajiv says i dont understand how you will destruct wedding this? Sanjay says rat’s work is to remain silent, not ask questions, just look on, Vaitlana says you should use mind Sanjay, how will you stop Shaurya? you have to share plan with us, we are partners, Sanjay says aww.Sanjay is joining equipment pieces, he moves on scooty and says this is plan to destroy Shaurya’s wedding, Vaitlana says by this? she says you dont want to listen? he pulls Vaitlana closer. Karona enters room and turns away seeing them close, she says sorry, people are calling you outside, Sanjay says we will come, she leaves. Sanjay says to Vaitlana that just trust me and you will see that my plan will fail Shaurya’s wedding, he asks Rajiv to leave room, they will come later, Rajiv leaves.

Vicky comes to Ravi and Jeevan and says mistake happened once when you over drank wine but you can have one glass with us, Ravi says no, if you people get drunk then people make fun at facebook but if we get drunk then we get insulted at this age. Sanjay comes there and asks Ravi and Jeevan, why they are not having wine? Jeevan says its time to drink water only at this stage, Sanjay says have juice then, Shaurya comes there and says thank you Sanjay uncle but i will take care of them, Sanjay says to Ravi and Jeevan that lets go and tell these young people what real dance is about, lets come on stage, Ravi and Jeevan says why not, they start to leave but Shaurya stops them and says what are you doing Ravi and Jeevan chacha? Shaurya angrily glares at Sanjay. 

Sanjay says to Ravi and Jeevan that lets go and tell these young people what real dance is about, lets come on stage, Ravi and Jeevan says why not, they start to leave but Shaurya stops them and says what are you doing Ravi and Jeevan chacha? Shaurya angrily glares at Sanjay. Vicky says these oldies cant dance, Nehal says they can dance very well, show them. Jeevan, Ravi and Sanjay goes on stage. Sanjay says kids have shown enough dance but its time for elders to dance. He brings scooty there and says elders will dance now. He asks Jeevan to dance on scooty, Jeevan says how will i balance on this scotty? Sanjay says i will help you, bachna ae haseeno plays, Jeevan and Ravi are dancing on dance floor using scooty. 

Jeevan is running scooty all around which is of Sanjay, all are enjoying their performance, but Vaitlana presses button on remote and scooty’s handle falls down, Jeevan falls flat on floor losing balance from scooty, all are shocked. Jeevan is in pain, Kanta says you always make joke out of yourself, why you do this in every function? Mahek says dont scold him, he is injured, Jeevan says i cant get up, my bones are broken, shaurya says i have called ambulance, Jeevan says i dont know how this happened. Vaitlana says dont say that we did this too, Sanjay says dont talk like this Vaitlana, cant you see he i in pain, Vaitlana snickers. Kanta says we will all go to hospital with you. Ambulance comes there, Jeevan is taken on stature, shaurya leaves with family too. Sanjay ask guests to leave. all leave. Sanjay says to Vaitlana that Jeevan’s bones must have turned to powder, Vaitlana laughs.

All are in hospital, waiting for doctor. Doctor comes out and says he has fracture, he will move on wheel chair, he needs to rest for 6months, he will be discharged tomorrow, he leaves. All are sad, Balwant says why Mahek and Shaurya keep having hurdles in their happiness? we should functions till problems are not solved, we should extend wedding date, Shaurya says we should not take decision in haste, once jeevan is discharged then we will decide, he says to Kanta that i am here, i will make everything fine, i will bring biggest doctor and make Jeevan stand on his feet again, he ask family to go home, me and Mahek will stay with Jeevan.

Its night, Mahek and Shaurya are in hospital. Shaurya brings tea for Mahek and asks her if she is worried? Mahek hugs him sideways and weeps, she holds his arm, Shaurya smooths her hair and says you have factory of tears, how come? Mahek slaps his arm and says i told you i feel something is going to happen, we have problem in every function, first with me and now with Jeevan chacha, Shaurya says it was just an accident, dont worry, dont think about weird ideas. Mahek gets call from KD and says yes i will do my work, she ends call and says to Shaurya that i had to email KD but my mobile’s mailbox is not working, i have to mail him new recipe, Shaurya says use my phone then, dont worry i wont steal your recipe, i will delete your mail, Mahek mails from his mobile, Shaurya lovingly gazes at her, Mahek thanks him for letting her used phone.

Its morning, Jeevan comes home on wheel chair. Kanta scolds Jeevan that if you try to act young in old age then this will happen, Ravi says he is injured, dont scold him, Kanta says first you both get drunk and make scene there and now you people were dancing on kids scooty and made wedding get delayed, we dont need enemies till you both are with us, Mahek says dont say this Kanta chachi, Jeevan says only Mahek is on our side. Sanjay comes there with Vaitlana. sanjay says i am thankful Jeevan is fine now, he asks Jeevan if wheelchair is comfortable? he says i was so worried, i have brought parsad for you people, now wedding will be postponed, dont know when Mahek and Shaurya will get married. 

Shaurya comes there and says time and date have not changed, wedding will happen on time as decided earlier, he asks Sanjay what he is doing in old delhi with his beautiful wife? Sanjay says i went to mandir to pray for Jeevan, Shaurya says atleast spare God, Sanjay awkwardly laughs and says you joke a lot, i will come to see Jeevan daily, Shaurya says you dont need do that and wedding will happen on decided date, Kanta says we cant do that, i have to remain with Jeevan all the time, he will need me with him always. Shaurya says you dont need to be with him, i have brought someone who will be his life line, they will take care of him all the time. He calls nurses cammy and sammy, he says these girls are fully trained, they will take care of Jeevan, they will cook, bath, do everything for Jeevan, one nurse says his Jeevs. Jeevan is drooling over young foreign nurses, Ravi says i have sprain in my back too, can i have nurses too? Mahek laughs.

Shaurya says to Kanta that you trust me? these nurses will take care of Jeevan, functions will happen on decided dates, i promise, everything is sorted, i have to go to plan for tonight’s party, he smiles at Mahek and says i have sent clothes for your family, be ready for party, Kanta says you will send clothes for us? Shaurya nods, he smiles at Mahek and leaves. Balwant says is this wedding or government’s budget? there are too many surprises.

Shaurya calls Mahek, Mahek sees him calling and blushes seeing Kanta and Balwant looking at her, she comes out of room and takes Shaurya’s call. Shaurya says remember your promise? Mahek says which promise? Shaurya says you promised to give me first kiss, you are going to fulfill that promise this evening, an evening which will be so special that you and I will remember forever Sanjay and Vaitlana comes home, he comes in room and is miffed, Vaitlana says why your face is pale? your nephew is ahead of you, arent you proud of him? you can say big words in jail but finally you know reality, Sanjay says these words are for losers like you, i have handled big things, this is nothing, Vaitlana says do one thing, open library of bollwood songs as you cant do anything, it will be helpful for future. Sanjay says the one who has fake nails shouldnt be threatening people with her nails, he pulls out her fake nail. he calls his man and says tonight should be full and final, i dont want any mistakes otherwise you know what will happen, Sanjay smirks, Vaitlana looks on.

Shaurya’s servant comes to Sharma house with gifts which Shaurya has sent, Nehal is excited, Mahek smiles seeing gifts, servant leaves. All start seeing gifts, Ravi says he has sent gifts for all family members, Balwant says he has sent coat pant for me. Nurse takes Jeevan’s gift and says to Kanta that i will make Jeevan wear it, Mansi takes it from her and says Sammy or jerk whoever you are, Kanta will make him wear it. Balwant says my pulse is irregular too, please check it Sammy, Mansi says all men are not well from the time nurses are brought here by Shaurya, Ravi says dont glare at me. Mahek opens her gift and sees note From Shaurya, it reads “i will steal your eyeliner your eyes today, be ready Mrs. Khanna”, Mahek smiles and thinks what Shaurya is upto?
Mahek’s family arrives at Shaurya’s house. Karona says dont be shy, Shaurya have given costume to everyone so we all are looking same. Mahek is wearing gown. She comes in party and is mesmerized seeing its theme as disney’s fairy-tales party. 

Mahek is lost seeing all that. Nehal says to Mahek that when Shaurya got to know that you like fairies and princess, he created this fairy world and made us wear all all these clothes just to make you feel special, Mahek smiles. Karona says to Kanta that Jeevan seems to be enjoying himself, Kanta says this is because of Shaurya too, Jeevan smiles at nurses, Kanta glares at him. Shaurya comes in party and says welcome everyone to a story of some child which is starting now, her name is Mahek Sharma, see you liked fairies, princess and cartoons so i created that world for you, Mahek lovingly looks at him. Shaurya comes her, Shaurya is wearing white tuxedo, Shaurya says will you include me in your dream life Mahek Sharma? Mahek smiles and nods at him, Nehal says how romantic, Shaurya makes her wear crown, lights are switched off, all have turned on flash lights of their phones to give atmosphere dreamy feel, Mahek hugs Shaurya and is in peace in his arms, all clap for them. 

Mahek and Shaurya starts dancing on mere Saudargar song in party, they waltz across the floor, Mahek puts her arms around Shaurya’s neck and smiles at him, Shaurya holds her waist and dances with her. Shurti is dancing with Vicky but glaring at Mahek and Shaurya. Mohit and Sonal are dancing too. Kanta says to Mohit that i forgot Jeevan’s medicine at home, go and bring it, he says i wont go, she says go or else i will slap you, Mohit huffs and leaves party to bring medicine. Mahek puts hand on Shaurya’s cheek and dances with him. Vaitlana comes in corner and calls Sanjay and says i am seeing reality so my dear husband wake up. Sanjay says i am not in mood to romance, let me work, he ends call and drinks wine. Mahek lovingly hugs Shaurya at the end of dance, all clap for them.

Shaurya brings Mahek to poolside, he has put blindfold on Mahek’s eyes, she says where are you taking me? he says dont you trust me? she says more than myself. Shaurya takes off her blindfold, Mahek sees table for set at poolside, its decorated with rose petals and scented candles.

Sanjay meets his goon and asks if everything is set? goon says yes i did everything.
Mahek sees whole pool area decorated with flowers, she says you did all this Shaurya? she hugs him and gets emotional, she says you dont know much happy you have made me, you have made my dreams come true today and i couldnt do anything for you, i have nothing to give you, Shaurya says you remember you used to call me devil? so make this devil as your prince, Mahek says what you mean? Shaurya says not everything should be told, like in your fairytales, princess kiss devil and make him prince, Mahek says not prince but frog, she gently pushes Shaurya away.

Mohit comes to Sharma house and says i was enjoying party and they sent me here, he finds Jeevan’s medicine. Sanjay and his goon are at Sharma house too but Mohit hasnt seen them, Sanjay says its time to execute plan.

At poolside, Shaurya pulls Mahek closer, tere sang yara plays, Shaurya puts hand on Mahek’s neck and pulls her closer, they lean in and close their eyes, they kiss each other and melt into each others arms.

At sharma house, Sanjay presses button and bombs blast in house from the packet his goon has placed earlier. Mohit was still in house. Whole house catches fire. Shaurya and Mahek gets call, they are shocked hearing the news.

All sharma family reaches their house and see whole house on fire. Shaurya comes there too. Kanta is crying for Mohit, Shaurya jumps in house ignoring fire, All are worried for him, Mahek cries for Shaurya. Shaurya goes in house to search Mohit and PD. Shaurya comes out of house with PD in his arms, Shaurya brings PD out of house, Kanta asks where is Mohit? Shaurya looks at house and goes in burning house again to find Mohit. Shaurya screams for Mohit. Mahek says let me go to Shaurya, all try to stop Mahek and grab her arms but Mahek jerks them away and runs into to burning to go behind Shaurya, all are hysteric and calls out for Mahek to stop but she doesnt, Shaurya is searching for Moti, he sees Mohit lying on floor in a room, he asks him to get up, Mohit is coughing, Mahek comes there too, Shaurya says are you mad? why did you come here? 

Shaurya and Mahek pulls Mohit up, Shaurya takes Mohit from there, Mahek says i cant let my mother’s memories to burn like this, she starts collecting her memorable stuff. Shaurya brings Mohit out of room and says you go out of house, i will bring your sister, Mohit leaves. Shaurya comes in room again and sees Mahek crying, Shaurya’s hand gets burned while coming to her, Shaurya says i have burned my hands alongwith my heart in your love, Mahek is hugging carton of things related to her mom, Shaurya picks her up bridal style and start taking her out of burning house, Mahek emotionally looks up at Shaurya, Shaurya intensely holds her gaze while going out of house with her, naino ki mat suniyo plays in background.

Shaurya lifts Mahek in his arms. Mohit comes out of burning house, he is coughing. Shaurya brings Mahek out of house, Mahek is dizzy, all are crying. Karona hugs Shaurya and asks if he is fine? she says are you both mad? Shaurya says we are in love but we have symptoms of madness, Mahek sadly looks at her burning house.
Rajiv is dancing, Sanjay says why you are not dancing nicely? sway your back and hips, you are dancing like donkey, i will slap you, continue dancing, Sanjay dances with Rajiv. Vaitlana says dont make this your jail cell Sanjay, focus on work. Sanjay gets call and says to Vaitlana that work is done, Shaurya’s dreams are burning now, he saved girl but house got burned and wedding is cancelled, Vaitlana is happy, Sanjay asks Rajiv to keep dancing.

Mahek comes to her burnt room and looks at burnt photo frame of her family, she weeps seeing it, she recalls sweet moments with her family. Shaurya comes there and is hurt seeing Mahek in pain, Mahek cries and says everything is finished, Mahek falls in his arms and cries.

Balman says everything is burnt, nothing is left, i dont understand how fire broke out, Mahek was going to marry from this house but everything is burnt now, how we will do it now? Police comes and says there was short circuit. Mohit says to doctor that i was going to die today. Mahek sees Shaurya’s burnt hands, doctor comes to treat Shauryas hands. Shaurya stares Mahek and says to doctor i get fine with prayers not with medicine and now i have wife alongwith mother to pray for me, Mahek says doctor check him, he thinks his rubbish talks are his sense of humor, doctor says they have minor burns, they are fine, he leaves. 

Nehal asks how fire broke out? Mohit says i dont know, blast happened and i felt like i died, i closed my eyes and saw great grandfather but i opened my eyes and saw tall man, i mean Shaurya, he was coming to me, Shaurya says you make good stories, i know a friend Poonam, she makes poor shows, you go to her. Ravi says whats in this carton that you put your life in danger for it? shuarya says i saved Mahek’s memories, we make home with these memories, how could i let these memories burn which make us learn how to love? Kanta hugs them and says to Shaurya that we should push marriage date ahead, we cant have mandap here, Balwant says to Shaurya that you are almost son in law of house so it doesnt matter if marriage happens after a month, Mahek says how will marriage happen in this burnt house? Shaurya says if you people think i am yours then let this marriage happen, let Mahek become mine, i am your son so please let this marriage happen, i will handle everything.

Sanjay says to Shaurya that you want to bring your bride’s whole family here before wedding? Shaurya says right, i know you want to see me happy right? Sanjay says yes, Shaurya says all wedding functions will happen from this house and all will remain in limits, Vaitlana says where will Mahek’s family live here? only few guests can live in guest house not whole refugee camp, Shaurya says they are my relatives and you people are refugee here not them. Mahek’s family is in Shaurya’s lounge. Mahek says should i go and check what is happening there? Kanta says its not good, we should welcome them to our house not to be burden on them, why Shaurya wants to marry you so badly, if wedding happens after a month then it wont matter. Shaurya says to servant that shift PD and Balwant in Karona’s room. 

Jeevan and Kanta will live in Vaitlana and Sanjay’s room, Ravi and Mansi will live in Sameer’s room and Mahek and Nehal will live in Shurti’s room. I will live with Mohit in room on terrace. Mahek comes there and says Shaurya please dont irritate your family, we will live in guest house. Shurti says she is right, our guest house is bigger than their whole house, Shaurya says our garden is bigger than our house, should i shift you there? Sanjay says they are our relatives, they are our inlaws like our Gods, what Shaurya is saying will happen and we will live in guest house. Shaurya says Mahek leave, your luggage will be sent to your room, Mahek leaves. Shaurya says to Sanjay that i haven forgot all incidents, once i get free from wedding then i will do postmortem of everything, be ready, Sanjay says you are welcome nephew.

Nehal and Mahek are in Shurti’s room, Nehal says this is great room, Shurti is hot. She lies on bed and says wow this bed is so good, she makes Mahek sit on bed, Mahek says dont irritate me, i already feel awkward here, dont know how his family is feeling. Nehal says these curtains are so nice, Mahek chill, she sees Shurti’s makeup and says she has so much makeup and its so good, Mahek says its not ours, dont touch. Shurti comes there and claps, she says Miss Nehal and Miss Mahek Sharma, its against manners to touch someone’s things, Mahek says it wont happen again, she asks Nehal to put her perfume down, Shurti says i wont touch it now, you people must be used to second hand things so keep it Nehal, she leaves, Nahel says i will punch her.

Jeevan says to his foreign nurses and says i will make you both wear sarees when i get fine, she coughs, one nurse does his massage, he says i am much better now, Kanta glares him, Jeevan says they are both nice, Kanta says you should be praised too for sitting so peacefully between them, Jeevan says i am injured, my hand broke, Kanta says but pain is in your heart, i will handle you once you get fine. Vaitlana comes there with refreshment, she says to Kanta that if you feel hungry at night then you can eat all this, Kanta says we didnt need anything, Vaitlana says i dont like that you deny everything, we are lucky to not only welcome bride but her whole family, Kanta and Jeevan is hurt hearing it, Jeevan says this is all not needed, thank you for thinking about us, Vaitlana says can i take my clothes off? he says no, she says i mean from my cupboard, Kanta says yes its your room only, Vaitlana says i forgot that, she takes her clothes and leaves room. Vaitlana is angry, she goes to see Sanjay.

Sanjay recalls Shaurya’s threat about doing postmortem, Vaitlana comes there and says you should die in this pool, you are nothing but crap, go back to jail, Sanjay shouts to shut up, Vaitlana is surprised, Sanjay says you keep saying rubbish, you are woman and its your work to raise voice, leave or will dig your grave her, she pushes her away, she says how dare you touch me? Sanjay grabs Vaitlana’s neck and strangles her, he says leave me, i am going to kill you, Vaitlana pushes his hand away and leaves. Sanjay says he will die, its out of limits now, he calls his friend juggi and says come to me tomorrow after leaving jail, i have work.

Mahek is lying on bed and trying to sleep, she gets up and says how will i live in this big house? it feels haunted. Someone puts sheet on her and takes her from there. Kanta comes out of her room too.

Mahek is screaming when she is brought in another room, she sees Shaurya and says you? he says calm down lady bheem, she sees Nehal and Mohit who has brought her, Nehal says Mahek loose your weight, Shaurya says they are my delivery job, Mahek says what is going on here? Shaurya says i want to show you something, she says what? Shaurya turns on lights, Mahek turns and sees Shaurya and her picture on wall, Nehal says how romantic, she wishes luck to shaurya and leaves with Mohit. 

Mahek sees her photos with Shaurya around whole room, Shaurya smiles at her, Shaurya says i wanted to show you this, you can arrange whole room, you decide curtain colors, bed and everything, Mahek is mesmerized by him and hugs him tightly, Mahek sees one empty frame and asks about it, Shaurya says i had to leave one frame for junior Mahek and junior Shaurya, Mahek shoves him, shaurya says i wanted to say that before meeting you, my life was little different, you have right to know about my affairs and all, Mahek puts hand on his mouth and says i dont want to know anything, i just know that present and future moments are ours together and nothing can come inbetween us, you dont need to tell anything, she hugs Shaurya. 

Mahek says i am going to my room now, Shaurya pulls her closer and says sleep here, Mahek says very funny, i will come here after two days so keep your mind in control, i have some work to do too, Shaurya says do it on my laptop, i will keep staring at you, i swear i wont irritate you. Shaurya lies on bed, Mahek starts working on his laptop, Shaurya keeps looking at her, Mahek says you know my skills are hidden my mother’s recipe’s book, my mom have made most weird dishes, Shaurya says i know, she says how? Shaurya says Kanta chachi showed me book, where is it? at your home? Mahek says no its in my carton here and safe, she says people cant think about dishes which my mother used to make, Shaurya says go to sleep now, you will have dark circles, people will say that boy is handsome and girl is not, Mahek says then marry your ex-girlfriend, she leaves his room.

Vicky is sleeping and snoring, Shurti is irritated and cant sleep, door knocks. Vaitlana comes in her room and says to Shurti that if you sleep tonight then you will be deadbody, Shurti says atleast respect our privacy, Vaitlana says your privacy is public in my account, listen to me if you want Shaurya, i have plan, she tells her some which is muted, Shurti smirks.

Its morning, Mahek asks servant about juice, he says its for Shaurya, Mahek says i will take it to his room. Mahek says to herself that Shaurya must be sleeping till now.
Shaurya comes out of washroom in just towel, Shurti is lying on his bed, he says what the hell are you doing here? Shurti says this is my place sweetheart, see i chose your clothes too. Mahek comes there, Shaurya says be in your limits, how dare you come in my room, Shurti. Shurti says to Mahek that he might have not told you anything, you know Shaurya and i have history, sometimes back i had my pictures in this room, we were in love but i still love Shaurya, i cant sleep thinking that my Shaurya will be of someone else, how? 

Shaurya pulls her away from Mahek and says leave from here, Shurti says to Mahek that i am still his weakness, he cant control himself when i am around, i love him. Shaurya says to Mahek that i wanted to tell you all this but you didnt listen, she is saying rubbish. Shurti comes closer to Shaurya and says we used to have so much fun giving love bites to each other, i remember everything. Mahek goes to Shaurya’s washroom. Shurti says Mahek has gone to cry in washroom, Shaurya says i have never seen such cheap women like you, go away. Mahek brings water bucket and throws water on Shurti, Shurti is shocked and says how dare you? Mahek says this was only way to doze off your fire, she stands beside Shaurya and says i dont care what was between you and Shaurya, she holds Shaurya’s arm and says he is my would be husband, if you dare try to eye him ever again then you wont be able too see your husband, you are sister in law so remain one, dont cross your limits, i am from old Delhi, i know how to fight, she pulls Shaurya closer and says take permission before coming in our room next time, she gives juice to Shaurya and sternly asks Shurti to leave now.. Shurti says Mahek Sharma.. she huffs and leaves.

Mahek says next time i will boil water then throw on Shurti, how dare she touch my husband infront of me? Shaurya says i am not your husband rightnow, Mahek says if you have doubt then you can change your decision now, Shaurya says nothing like that, relax, he gives her water and says dont be so angry, Mahek drinks water to cool down, Shaurya says i am hot boy so girls are little sad, Mahek throws water on his shirt and says if show sympathy to any girl then i will send her to graveyard, you in hospital and i will go to jail, Shaurya smiles and says people will say a lot and do a lot but they dont know that i am yours because you understand me, he smiles at her. Nehal comes there and says what you people keep finding in each others eyes? Shaurya says my family is calling you, Shaurya says you go, i will come, she leaves. Mahek looks at Shaurya and sweetly smiles at him.

Sajay drags Vaitlana to poolside, she says leave my hand or else, he says else what will you do? send that cheap Shurti in Shaurya’s room again? or you have some cheap women type idea in your mind? listen carefully, your work is to remain in corner and keep doing makeup, if you try to do anything again then i will break your face, Vaitlana says what to do? you dont tell me anything, Vaitlana says darling i am sorry, i did mistake but tell me that we have to bear all these cheap people here and its difficult for me, Sanjay says i get mad, just dont think anything, he calls his goon Jaggi. 

Jaggi comes there with his team. Vaitlana asks who are they? Sanjay says he is my friend, he killed one man last night only. Jaggi shows her dumbbells, Vaitlana asks what is this? Sanjay says Mahek and Shaurya cant marry, if they marry then Mahek will leave KD’s job and will start working for Shaurya, we need her recipes to destroy Shaurya, he says tomorrow when all will be busy, you will make Shaurya drink spiked drink, Mahek will be getting ready as bride and Jaggi will drag Shaurya in pool and Shaurya will die drowning in pool, all will think that Shaurya got inebriated and lost balance and fell in pool and died, he dances and leaves, Vaitlana looks on.

Balwant to Shaurya that we are old fashioned people, we dont drink water from our inlaws house and now we are sitting here, you are handling all expense of marriage, Kanta says to Shaurya that its your goodness that you brought us all here but Mahek should be going to her inlaws house from her house, if we cant do it then we can book resort or banquet hall to do her bidai, Ravi says we had dreams of Mahek’s marriage, let us do it, we want to welcome our groom and then you take Mahek with you with respect, please agree to it, Shaurya says we will do as you people decide, Balwant says long live son.Sanjay break things in his room and says i wont spare him, how dare he change venue of wedding? i will kill him, Vaitlana says calm down, Sanjay says his death date will not change, Shaurya will die tomorrow only.

Mahek sees dream of Shaurya drowning in pool, she wakes up and runs to Shaurya’s room. Shaurya is sleeping, Mahek wakes him up and says are you fine? she cries and hugs him, Shaurya says i am fine, Mahek says i saw bad dream, Shaurya gives her water and says calm down, what did you see in dream? Mahek says i saw someone was drowning you in pool, it felt like someone was forcing you to drown in water, Shaurya says dreams watched with closed eyes are never true, Mahek says i am feeling like something bad is going to happen, Shaurya says this is your doubt only, Mahek says
from the time wedding preparations have started, only bad things are happening, Shaurya says it was just coincidence, dream about good things, about us, its only one night then we will be together forever and i wont let you sleep so you wont be seeing dreams after getting married to me. 

Mahek hugs him, she goes and brings carton f her memories, Mahek says to Shaurya that we are shifting to hotel before wedding so can i keep this carton in your room? i want to keep it safe, Shaurya says sure, what is in this carton? Mahek shows him dress and says this is first dress my father gave me and this cap was made by mother for me, this is her last memory, i cant live without these things, she shows him her mother’s recipe book and says this is my strength, my mom wrote all recipes are in it, till marriage you have to keep all these things safe, i will take it from your after marriage, Shaurya keeps her carton, Mahek says i am love you Shaurya, Shaurya hugs her and says i love you to Mahek, Jag ghoomiya song plays and they share emotional and tight hug. Mahek pulls away, Shaurya cups her face and says our lives are going to change from tomorrow, be ready.

Its morning, Mahek’s haldi ceremony is going on, all are applying haldi to her. Kanta applied haldi to her, Mansi applies next.

Shaurya’s haldi is going on in house too. Karona says will you live our phone or i take it? shaurya puts it down 


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