Karan and Preeta had reached outside the room. They knock at the door and calls Manisha to open the door. Prithvi holds Ritik and Manisha responsible for gathering them. Prithvi looks towards his bruised face in the mirror. Outside, Rishab says Manisha must be drunk, they should break the door. Prithvi thinks no one can save them today. Karan and Rishab makes the final effort and breaks into the room. Inside, Manisha had clutched Prithvi’s collar. Shrishti twists Karina feet, she gets very hurt and then starts to cry saying that she is now handicapped because of Shrishti’s mistake, Mahesh tries to calm her down but she does not listen, everyone gets tensed. Dadi while acting scolds both Mahesh and Shrishti and then kicks them out of the room.

Prithvi says to Preeta that Manisha was the one who is trying to molest him, she says that he is lying, Karan also gets angry, Prithvi says that she herself said in the court room that girls now do this to men, They do not believe him, Rishab asks him what he was doing in the room, he says that he came to use the washroom but she followed him and tried to take advantage of him, Prithvi tries to swear on Preeta that he was honest to her and didn’t even hurt Manisha, He asks if she understand that he is the Victim, he holds Preeta’s hand and tries to make himself feel good, Karan and Rishab both make him fall back.

He says that he is the one who is the victim, and challenges Rishab to find out who was the one, he then asks Manisha, she says that she was drugged by Karan, Rishab tries to deny it, Prithvi starts to blame her and they start to argue,,Preeta tries to make an excuse that she has to go and pick up the mobile but he does not let her, she is left confused and then says that he is hurt and must now look good as his personality, they all leave, Prithvi thinks that now their plan failed and they will not be able to find Manisha and her recording.

They all are standing when Prithvi says that he is hurting and now she must come and apply bandage, Rishab tries to taunt him and then Preeta takes him away, Shrishti is shocked to see Prithvi look like this, she thinks and coagulates Karan but Rishab says that it was not him and Manisha did this. Shrishti asks Sameer about what horned to Prithvi, he at first denies but then when she insists he says that she tried to take advantage of him and that is why he looks so worse. She gets very amazed as to how can a girl be so cruel.

Manisha says that Prithvi is very clever and they both must be very careful of him and now they both must be careful of him, they got greedy because of him and she only took him by the color because she wanted to expose him. he tries to calm her down making her understand that she did the right thing by not saying anything because otherwise she would have been exposed, Rithwick says that he thought she was cheating on him with Karan, she asks him why did he think anything like this, he says that he must leave, Manisha takes him from the back door.

Prithvi is talking to himself, he say that he never r thought that being hurt would bring happiness to him, she comes back and then he says that he is very hurt and the wounds are paining, she say that she will apply the medicine which will make him feel better, she starts to apply it , he thinks that he is very lucky to have a girl like Preeta, he is and idiotic to follow Sherlin all the time, Karan, Rishab come to the room, they are amazed to see him so close to Preeta, Prithvi thinks that it is the right time to make both of them get jealous of him as he is the one to marry Preeta.

They all are at the door and are amazed to see Preeta so close to Prithvi, he holds her hand to make them jealous, he says that she came to him after leaving everything, this could only mean one thing that she loves him and she must say this to him, Karan does not bear this and go inside, she takes her hand and walks outside, Rishab asks if his hand are hurting, he says that they are not, Rishab hand him the box and ask him to apply it by himself, he thinks that they both will burn of jealousy, he thinks that Preeta was finally with him for some time and he felt really good.

He leaves to attend the cake cutting ceremony, he says that it is really his victory as the truth of Manisha did not come out, he goes to eat the sweets.Rakhi cuts her birthday cake, everyone enjoys having a bite from her hand. Rakhi thanks Bee ji for reaching in time. Bee ji says after all Rakhi had emotionally blackmailed her. Mahesh blames Rakhi for always blackmailing. Prithvi comes to eat the cake from Rakhi as he brought a huge gift for her. Sherlin wonders why Prithvi seems more than happy today; and where did Manisha go?

Preeta notices Karina was staring at Shrishti. Shrishti tells Preeta that she tried Preeta’s trick of twisting a feet, and hurt her second foot as well. Preeta was angry at Shrishti for ruining their relationship with Karina. Shrishti murmurs Karina would never get better.
Manisha and Ritik come to the corridor, she was determined to play the game with Luthra family like they did. Shrishti watch them together.

Ritik leaves by giving her a kiss on her forehead. Shrishti shouts at him to stop.
Karan was upset. Rishab and Preeta console him and were hopeful that they will soon be successful in revealing Monisha’s truth. Prithvi heard the conversation and thinks he can never let them win, else his truth would also be unveiled.

Shrishti asks Monisha who it was, he kissed her and she gave a flying kiss in return. Monisha place her foot and makes Shrishti fell down. Monisha says she warned Shrishti to remain in her limits already, and puts the blame over Shrishti. They fell into a cat fight. Rishab, Karan, Preeta and Prithvi and Sherlin all force them away from each other.

Prithvi and Sherlin ask Monisha what it was all about and where is Ritik. Monisha says she was speaking to Ritik when Sherlin jumped in. She is completely crazy and has no mind at all. When Monisha has left, Sherlin tells Prithvi that Shrishti must surely have spotted Monisha with Ritik.

In the room, Shrishti was furious over Monisha. She says Monisha was meeting her boyfriend.

Monisha comes to Ritik and tells her about her fight with Shrishti. Ritik says they need to unveil Prithvi and pull Monisha out of this drama. He didn’t want her involvement in the issue. They must tell everyone that Prithvi was blackmailing Monisha and forced her to do all this. Monisha asks what about Prithvi’s property. Ritik asks if she really think Prithvi would name his property after her. Firstly he has nothing in hand, and secondly he isn’t a fool to lose all his property by himself so easily. Monisha was hopeful that he might do it. Prithvi reach there warning her about being trapped badly. Monisha replies that Shrishti saw her with a waiter, considering that waiter as Karan. Prithvi was relieved then asks Ritik to go underground for some time. Monisha reminds Prithvi about his promise to name his property after them, she now demands Prithvi to transfer all his property after Ritik’s name in return for their help.

Rishab and Preeta ask Shrishti how she can be so sure that it was a boyfriend. Shrishti relates it to Indian serial where boyfriends are always sent out through backdoors; besides they were kissing and hugging each other as well. Karan says when drunk, Monisha told him about her boyfriend but he was unaware that her boyfriend was in their party.

Ritik wasn’t ready to trust Prithvi and asks him to bring the original papers of his property. Prithvi makes up that it will take some time to bring the property papers. Monisha deters she also needs time to think if she will help him or not. Ritik holds a broken bottle deterring him further. Prithvi promises to bring the papers in court tomorrow. Monisha boasts that they are the most powerful in all this situation.

There, Rishab says Monisha must have been in her room with her boyfriend. And when Prithvi went there, she instead attacked Prithvi. Preeta asks Shrishti how did her boyfriend looked. Shrishti hadn’t seen the face. Karan says their attempt didn’t go in vain.Shrishti says that her hair got messy and that she needs that brush to correct they all ask her to stop, Dadi calls both of them and they leave, Rishab wonders if he should drop Preeta to her house, Karan runs after her and then falls at her, they hug and starts to tease each other.

Rishab is looking for the keys and after picking them up, he wonders if he would have said no at the time when she came to ask him to marry Sherlin, he wonders that she will leave Prithvi because he is not worthy of her, when he goes out, Karan and Preeta are together, she makes excuses and when she leaves, Karan thinks that she never lied and what happened to her, Preeta thinks that why did she lie, and not tell everyone the truth that is in her heart. Rishab says to Karan that if she was a member in their
house then she would take care of him very much, Rishab leaves and Karan thinks of why he said this and that he will ask Preeta.

Sherlin is driving and wondering how to cheer Prithvi because now they have even more enemies to take care of, Sherlin is driving towards his house.

Preeta is in a hurry and leaving for the Luthra’s house, Sarla asks her tp eat fist but she says that she must not and that she has to leave, Sarla says that she must take Shrishti but she denies, Preeta leaves, Sarla asks her as to why is she not going and what she did, Shrishti says that she twisted the footy of Karina after that Sarla gets angry and so she punishes her, Shrishti does the sit ups after that she hugs Sarla.

Sarla enters the house thinking that’s he must give Prithvi surprise but then sees that he is giving all of his property to Manisha and Rithwick, she gets amazed and asks him to not do this, he does not listen to her and ask the lawyer to do what he says, when the lawyer leaves, he says that he has no choice because if he does not do this, they both will back out, he must do this, she does not believe in this plan, Prithvi does not listen to anything she has to say and leave.

Rakhi is with her servant who says that his mother always made him eat sugar before doing anything good, she also makes Karan eat the sugar, Preeta comes apologizing to Karina for being late, Rakhi says that there is no need to be sorry and she can go with both Karan and Rishab, she say that she must first take care of Karina but she says that she has no need to worry and must go with them.

Rishab asks Preeta s to why did Shrishti not come, she says that she will reach the court straight from home, when they leave Karina says that it is good that she did not come to their house because if she comes then they will have to face her again, she is adamant that she is not hurt, they all start to laugh, Karina says that she will not admit that she is hurt because she cannot even walk, Karina says that she will not lose to Shrishti.
Prithvi calls Rithwick asking if they are coming to the court, he say that they have not got the papers like he promised so they will not come, Prithvi handles the situation saying that they will get the papers as soon as they reach the court, Manisha says that she only trust him, they must call the lawyer to inspect the papers, she calls him, Manisha thinks that she hates Karan and will make both him and Preeta pay. Prithvi gets frustrated thinking that they both will make him mad.

Preeta is heading to the car, Karan suits with her, Rishab says that he is not the driver and Karan must come in the front, he says that he is in no mood to drive the car, Preeta says that is not a matter of concern and she will come to sit with him, when she comes, Karan gets mad and stat to tease him forcing him to sit in the back seat, when he sits he says that he took his position back, she says that’s he never understands him, Karan says that sometimes thing have to be taken from the heartPrithvi is anxiously looking for Rithwick, he stumbles on a man, saying sorry but then it is Rithwick, who asks him where the papers are, Prithvi asks for Manisha and he denies it saying that they will first inspect the papers, Prithvi gives them to the lawyer and when he starts to read the transfer agreement, Manisha takes it form his hand, just then when she is about to read it, Karan comes and she accidentally drops it, it lands under Karan’s foot, he tries to pick it up but Karan takes it and is about to read it, Rithwick says that it belongs to him and they must give it back, Karan give sit back, they all; start to think of something that is in their head, they go inside the court.

Prithvi is outside, in the court room the judge asks why does she want to withdraw the case but the judge
says that they cannot withdraw it at this moment and the case can only be withdrawn after they have married, they all get surprised and ask him to listen to what he has to say but the Judge stays that all that they want will happen their marriage.

Sameer and Shrishti are both fighting on the phone, he says that when he was talking to her he took a wrong turn and now will be late at which she says that she does not want to talk to him and he must end the call, the auto driver  ask her to speak in a low voice as he is not able to concentrate, she starts to taunt Sameer and then they have a fight about who will reach the court first, when she ends the call she requests the driver to drive fast.

After coming out of the court, Prithvi gets a call and he leaves, Manisha is standing with them and ask for their leave, saying that she will meet Karan on the engagement day which is after three days, Karan is left shocked an when she Is about to leave, she kisses Karan who gets amazed, Preeta is also stunned by what she did. She takes out her Dupatta for him to clean the lipstick that is imprinted on his face.

Manisha pushes Prithvi away, she says that she will hurt him and will break his head, She says that she will hurt him very badly and he must call Rithwick, he calls Rithwick who is also near them, when he comes Manisha says that she was told by the judge that they both must first get married and then they can withdraw the case, he is also shocked to see it, Prithvi holds her close and says that she must stick to the plan and that they will have to work together.

Rishab asks Karan to stop, they are standing and when he stops he says that he is very angry and will in no case marry Manisha, Preeta says that they know this, he is very angry with her and is not listening to what she is saying, he says that he will not talk with her as he is angry and might say something that can hamper their relation as friends.

Prithvi is also trying to make explain to Manisha that everything will be fine, Rithwick asks him to leave her hand, he says that he has handled a lot of girls but cannot talk with Manisha, he ask Rithwick to make some since into her head, he leaves calling her a bomb, she start to yells and even does not listen to Rithwick who is finally able to calm her down. She also says that she does not want to marry Karan and cannot live happily with him in any way.

Rithwick says that what Prithvi is saying was right and they cannot bac out as this is all their mess, she says that she will not marry Karan even if she is dead, he says that they have to play the game for some time and she will not marry him as they will win the case, she asks him how much time it will take after that, he says that he does not know this but they will have to play the game.

Karan is very angry and pushes everyone away, he say that he does not understand what they plan but he will not play this because his life is at risk.

Rithwick says that this is what Preeta wants and she is doing exactly that, Karan asks them to not hug him because they will not lose anything and if he marries Manisha then his life will be destroyed, He says that she had one hour and destroyed his life and what will she do if she comes to his house, he leaves, Preeta runs after him but he goes away.Sameer is very worried and says that they must not tell the truth to their family, Rishab doesn’t agree, saying that it is better that they hear everything from them, Rishab asks him to open the car door,he opens it and is looking for Shrishti he then levees after waiting for them.

Shrishti is looking for them in the e court, she then is about to dial Preeta’s number, she looks Manisha who is crying and then some guy comes and makes her stop crying by comforting her, she then tries to go and confront them but then remembers what Preeta said and decides that she will not go, she thinks of what to do. Rithwick says that they must go from there and leave, Shrishti hides and decides to make a video, she takes their picture and when they leave, Shrishti thinks that she has done something very good and now if she goes and shows it to someone, Manisha will deny it so she will keep it a secret,.

Karan enters the car, he is angry, Preeta also comes and sits, Preeta says that he must not look at her like this because she does not know how to drive the car, Karan asks her what she wants, she says that she wants him to back off and not marry Manisha, because she only wants to see him happy and not so frustrated and angry, he realizes that he was also very loud, they patch up, Karan then starts to joke with her.
Preeta gets a call from Shrishti who says that she must come to the café as she has spotted Rithwick with Manisha, Preeta yells which scares Karan and then they both leave to reach her.

Prithvi gets a call from Sherlin, she then ask him what he was doing, Prithvi gets frustrated and says that he was with Preeta, she gets jealous but then he says that he was in the court and the judge was a little over because he gave the verdict that they must first get married and then the case will be withdrawn, She gets worried about what will happen, Prithvi then says that nothing will happen and he will retain all that is his because Karan will now go to jail once again, he will then take revenge from Rishab for what he did to him years before. He says that she must come with him, he really wants to spend some time with her, as it has been a long time, she says that he must then come to hi house because she is already there. He ends the call, then thinks that he is just wasting time with her but will really spend his life with Preeta.

Shrishti calls Preeta to hurry but she says that she is behind them, they ask her what she is doing out there, she says that Preeta told her to not fight so she kept her distance, Preeta then starts to scold her, Karan places his hand on her, then says that she must remain quiet, Karan asks Shrishti who says that this is the only exit and they will find out when they both come out, Karan says that he will; bring the car and they both must wait, she is looking at him, he starts to joke with her by saying that she must look for Manisha and not him, when he leaves Shrishti asks if Preeta has started to like Karan, she instantly denies it, Shrishti is not convinced, Preeta scolds her asking her to come with her to the cafe.

In the cafe both Manisha and Rithwivck are enjoying but she is still stressed, she says that she is still worried because of Karan, he says her to not worry because Prithvi is right about Karan that he is just acting and when he backs out they will win, Manisha then finally understands.

Dadi gets very stresses saying that she will not let Karan marry Manisha, Rakhi says that they cannot remain calm and will not let him marry her Rishab says that will not let him marry her because they will find out some solution, he says hat Preeta is with and looking after Karan, he says that Karan was about to back out from the plan right outside the court but Preeta must have calmed hi m down, Mahesh also says that Preeta is a very good and clever girl. Rakhi prays that may Preeta be with them because otherwise they will not be able to win this war

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