Mehek and Shaurya comes there and sees this, Shaurya get angry. Jeevan comes there drunk and says he got slapped. Shaurya says how dare you raise hand on him? Khanna says they cant handle wine and got free wine so kept drinking it, Shaurya says shut up, they are our guests, Khanna says who asked them to drink so much wine? Shaurya says who made them drink it? Khanna says they are not kids that were forced to drink, Sameer says calm down Shaurya, we were just drinking for wine, Khanna got angry when Ravi insisted so much, i am sorry.

Mansi asks Ravi to not embarrass himself, Ravi says first they made us get drunk and now slapping us, Shaurya says i know who did this, he glares at Vaitlana. Shaurya says dad many times embarrassed himself and got insulted being drunk many times but no one raised hand on him, khanna says i didnt drink like slum people and got out of limits, Karona says they are our guests, Shurti says why angry on us because of these outsiders? Shaurya says it will take me 2minutes to throw you out.

Mahek says dont fight and dont be angry. Shaurya helps Ravi to get up, Vaitlana asks servant to bring lemonade, she says rich habits dont suite everyone, we should have met at hotel, they would have been in control, we gave them one glass of wine but they drank whole bottle, they will get perfect soon, Shaurya says i know how perfect we are, i wanted you people not to show your reality but i was wrong, snake always bite, once they leave then i will deal with you all alone, Vaitlana says thank your, you have cursed us, taunted us and now threatening us too, will you kill us now?

Karona says dont argue please, Vaitlana says make your son understand, she starts crying fake tears and says i did so much for Shaurya, he was outsider but i raised him like my own, his mother left him so Karona gave him love of mother, he ordered us to stand in line for his inlaws and we fools stood in line, i did all arranged nicely and even after doing so much, we are at mistake? tell me Shaurya what did i do wrong?

i gave them expansive wine, they dont have manners of drinking, we worked so hard to welcome them and if they behave like roadside people then its our fault? she cries, Shurti smirks. Kanta says dont blame each other, we did mistake, dont fight among yourselves, Vaitlana says wait a minute, i am not talking to you so dont interfere, this is between me and Shaurya.

She says to Shaurya that starters of food was of 5000 each, you eat this food, i respected them, made them sit beside me when they dont deserve, Shaurya says shut up, Vaitlana says you are thinking of making relation with them? look at them, there is no match between you and this girl(Mahek), there is no match between our lifestyles, how will they fit then? they couldnt even handle wine and they will handle our lifestyle? are you expecting us to shop from old markets after marriage?

Mahek folds her hands and says its our fault, i am sorry, stop it, she says Kanta chachi lets leave, Shaurya is worried. Shaurya helps Jeevan get up as he is fully drunk, shaurya says to Vaitlana that i will see you, he glares her and leaves with Jeevan and Ravi. Vaitlana wipes her fake tears and says it spoiled my makeup, Sameer make a drink for me, he says sure.

Mahek comes out of house with her family, she says our way is there, Shaurya says i am dropping you people off, she says no thanks, we will manage, she asks Kanta to handle Ravi, Kanta doesn’t. Mahek asks Shaurya to leave Jeevan, its her uncle, she will handle him, Shaurya moves away from Jeevan.

Ravi says slap..slap..slap, i am not scared of your slap but your love inlaws, Kanta says enough Ravi, Jeevan starts singing song. Shaurya says i cant leave you people like this, i will drop you, Mahek says we will leave, Shaurya says my driver will drop you please. Mahek says we forgot that we cant eat english food but now we remember it, she leaves with her family without even looking at shaurya,

Shaurya is hurt seeing her go, yeh dooriyan song plays, Shaurya recalls their happy moments in garden, his proposal, Mahek’s blush, their hug, he is in tears.

Kanta pushes Ravi and Jeevan in their house. Jeevan and Ravi are singing funnily, still drunk. Balwant and PD are confused seeing their state. Mahek is hurt seeing them, she runs away to her room. Jeevan says i will sing for my wife now, Jeevan holds Kanta’s hand and starts singing bar bar dekho.. he tries to dance with her but she pushes him away.

PD says what is going on? Balwant says what is this? you people went to talk about proposal then what is all this?

Shaurya throws away things in his room, he recalls Mahek’s words before leaving, he slams his fist on table. Karona comes there and says what are you doing? why you are hurting yourself? Shaurya says they were insulted here, i cant show my face to Mahek’s family, i promised to be with her for life and i couldnt stand with her for 30minutes only, Karona says it happened from both sides, Shaurya says no, it was dad and Vaitlana’s plan to make them get drunk, i am ashamed to call him father,

Karona says dont hurt yourself, try to heal your wounds not probe them, we will go to meet Mahek’s family, i am sure everything will be fine, they are grounded people, they will understand. Shaurya says yes, i am going to Mahek but you wont come, they will be embarrassed seeing you so i will go alone.

Mahek comes to her room and cries inconsolably, she recalls Khanna and Vaitlana’s harsh words, how Vaitlana said they are no match, she breakdowns, do pal song plays as she recalls her moments with Shaurya.

PD scolds Jeevan and Ravi and beats them with stick for being drunk, she says you insulted yourself in inlaws house. Jeevan and Ravi are not drunk anymore, Jeevan sits in Pd’s feet and ask her to beat them more, Pd leaves, Jeevan cries and says we lost our minds. Ravi cries and asks Kanta to forgive them, we dont desverse to be forgiven but i promise to never touch wine again, Kanta says move back, we went for daughter’s proposal but you got insulted there, because of you people, i cant show face to anyone.

Ravi fold his hands to Mahek and says forgive me, he sits in her feet, Mahek says what are you doing? Jeevan and Ravi fold their hands infront of Mahek, Mahek says you both are my strength, my pride, you did mistake but its small, dont do this, they cry and ask her to forgive them.

Shaurya comes there and sees everyone crying. Shaurya is hurt seeing all this, Jeevan tries to sit in his feet, he says you people didnt do anything, Jeevan says forgive us, Ravi cries and fold his hands, Shaurya says dont embarrass me, Ravi says because of our mistake, Mahek and your relation should strain, forgive us.

Mahek says Shaurya i want to talk to you, she weeps. Kanta says we all will go inside, you both talk here. Mahek says no, there is no talk in my life which i cant do infront of you people, i will say everything infront of everyone. Mahek says to Shaurya that i dont want to do this marriage, all are shocked, Jeevan says dont say this, Ravi says please dont do this, Mahek says let me say, my family is my priority and there is no one above them for me, we are emotional people and do mistakes, we dont know how to roam around high standard people.

Shaurya comes to her and holds her arm, he says i say sorry on behalf of my family, forget it, Mahek says its not about forgiveness, maybe we are not made for each other, we have distance between us like dream, my truth is my family and my dream is to be with you, Shaurya says i have come to close this distance, Mahek says you cant close it, marriage happens between two families, two cultures, not just two people.

Vaitlana was right, there is no match between your and mine family, we are like two opposite banks of river, and even if we get married for sake of our love, it wont workout much, our marriage will break due to our realities. Kanta says dont worry Mahek, we are with you, we will set everything right, Mahek says i know you all are with me but let me feel once that i am with my family too. She says to Shaurya that to be with you, to enter your world, i would have to break all ties with my family or family would keep getting insulted all life but i cant accept my family’s insult, all cry hearing it, Shaurya sadly looks at Mahek.

At night, Shaurya is in his room and recalls Mahek’s word and how she broke off relation. Otherside Mahek is crying in her room, recalling their moments, Jo behji thi dua song plays, they both are hurt and broken. Mahek takes her phone and calls Shaurya. Shaurya picks her call, Mahek is weeping and not saying anything, Shaurya is pained listening her cry, Mahek says i am sorry, whatever is happening, i am sorry about it, she cries and drops her phone, Shaurya ends call, he puts phone near his heart.

Mahek looks at ring in her finger which Shaurya gave to her, she cries more seeing it. Kanta sees Mahek crying in her room, she is hurt seeing it, Nehal comes there and asks Kanta to do something. Kanta leaves from there being helpless, Neha is sad seeing Mahek’s state.

Its morning, Mahek is leaving for office. Kanta says listen to me, think about it once more, dont take haste decisions, Ravi says dont say no, Shaurya is really nice guy, you will be happy with him, Jeevan we are no match to his family but you are matched with him, Kanta says you will adjust there, Ravi says we would come to meet you there on festivals and you can come here anytime you want, PD says give her space,

Mahek says the world where my family doesnt exist, i dont exist there, Ravi hears dog barking, he opens gate of house and sees Shaurya with his luggage and puppy, all are shocked. Shaurya comes inside, Mahek says you? this puppy? Shaurya says his name is tamatar lal, remember? Mahek says why have you come here with your luggage, Shaurya says its obvious i didnt come to buy grocery here,

Mahek says to Shaurya that middle class families have many work at morning not like rich people who have many servants, so dont waste time and tell me why you are here? then leave, Shaurya says i want to be part of your life, she says what? He says i will live in your house from today, Mahek is confused.

Shaurya says to Kanta that i want to be part of your world and life, Mahek thinks that we are no match so she doesnt want to be part of my family but can i be part of your family? Jeevan chacha tell me can i live here with you people? Mahek says i dont like jokes, Mahek says you think its all easy? what you want to prove by doing all this? Shaurya says whatever happened at my house made you upset, you cant be part of my family but i want to be part of your life, please Mahek i want to live with your family, please let me in.

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