The episode starts with DD and Naani hearing sound from kitchen and going to check. They see food on floor and get tensed. Sid enters and asks Naani to relax and go and try to engage Biji in her talks. Naani goes and starts conversing with Biji. Biji asks what happened. Nani says cat entered.

Sid orders food from restaurant. Roshni asks what is he doing. He says his family does not know if food is from restaurant or home and says there is a gujrati restaurant nearby and he used to go with his girlfriend/Roshni there. Naani comes and sees him arranging food and tells he is her son and not damad. He says as a son it is her duty to take care of her needs.

Everyone enjoy food. Sid sees restaurant pamphlet between rotis and signals Raj and Roshni. Raj starts coughing to divert attention and Sid picks pamphlet.

Rajveer takes Sam to bathroom and tries to lure her. Roshni enters and throws water on him. He gets irked. She says she will not let him ruin either Kritika or Sam’s life and asks him to get out. She tells Sam because of weak girls like her, loafers like Rajveer take advantage.

Naani continues feeding Biji and Biji praising her hospitality. Rajveer comes drenched. Biji asks if he did not have bath at home that he came here to bath. He says washroom’s shower. Roshni comes and says he fell in bathroom. Sid senses something is wrong.

Kritika sees Sam coming from behind and senses Rajveer loafer has done something. Sid goes behind Roshni to kitchen and asks if Rajveer did something again to Sam. She says yes, but she handled situation. He angrily tries to walk out to confront Raj, but she stops and says she does not want any problem now. They both slip and fall on kitchen floor. Sid lifts her up.

Sid comes out of kitchen and sees Yash entering home with bouquet and hugging Roshni. Biji asks who is this man. DD says he is Yash, Roshni’s childhood friend. Whenever Roshni has problem, Yash helps her. Simran says let us go now. Biji says okay. DD says Yash has come after many days, so Roshni will come after some time. Roshni says no and writhes in pain due to finer injury after falling on floor. Yash nurses her wound. Sid sadly looks at them heplessly and Biji also is surprised to see the drama. Roshni tells Yash that she has to go. Sid tells DD is right, she should stay with Yash and he will drop her. Yash nods yes. She stops Sid and says she will accompany him. He says it is okay and leaves with family. Naani and Pratima angrily walk into their rooms.

DD in her husky male voice asks them to come in and relax. Roshni asks DD why did she do this drama in front of her sasural, she is bahu of that family. DD asks if she has gone mad and tells she purposefully called Yash to show Sid that Roshni has someone to take care of her and did not do anything wrong. Roshni says she did wrong and says even for 3 months, she is bahu of that house and Sid’s wife, she does not like problem in their lives and asks her to accept this family. DD again tries to speak. Roshni pushes her macho male looking hand and walks out. DD says Yash sorry.

Biji is waiting for Roshni. Roshni comes home late. Biji scolds her. Sid says she must have stuck in traffic. Raj says Sid is right, roads are full of traffic and cars. Raj asks if she had food. She says no, but Sid says she must have had feast as DD and Naani and whole family would have taken care of her. Biji asks servant to keep food back in kitchen. Roshni sadly leaves.

Roshni eats biscuits standing in a balcony. Raj comes with food and asks her to eat. She says she is not hungry now. He says she will if she eats from his hand and while feeding her says she respects elders and this nature will make her win in her mission. Roshni thanks her. Sid brings food and smiles seeing them smiling.

Biji takes Roshni for a competition. Her friend taunts roshni that it is Punjabi competition and not Gujrati. Biji says she knows and her bahu will win it for sure. Hosts announces competition and its rule.

DD sees Sam and asks where is she going. She says she got a job in PR firm which takes care of client’s needs. DD says she feels something wrong and asks her not to join. She says she will be careful and leaves. DD asks Mona to explain and stop her.

Biji spreads items on floor and asks Roshni to practice for competition. Sid comes and asks what is it. Biji says is helping Roshni practice. He jokes and she walks out angrily. Biji says they don’t have love at all and act as arranged marriage couple.

Roshni prays god to help her, lights lamp with match sticks and gets an idea. She goes and starts decorating cardborad with match sticks and sleeps getting tired. Sid comes there, picks her and makes her sleep on bed. He drapes blanket on her, keeps pillow next to her, and sleeps.

Roshni wakes up in the morning and sees Sid sleeping. She sits back for practice and thinks she will win the competition for Biji.

Roshni reaches competition venue and presents her matchbox design. Everyone likes it. Biji gets busy talking to Simran and Kritika. Yash comes there to meet her and she leaves. Competitor lady sets matchbox design out of jealousy. People shout about fire. Roshni runs to rescue her design and burns her hand. Yash helps her. Biji sees him touching her and gets angry.

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