Nisha says to Jhanvi that we dont know with whom Survi is, but i am sure that they are not good men for Survi, you have to take decision for your sister’s safety, just help me and get her, Jhanvi gets tensed, Maa helplessly looks at her.. Suddenly they hear Survi scream Di.. they turn to see Survi running to them. survi hugs Jhanvi, Jhanvi asks if she is fine? Jhanvi sees Adi coming there, Nisha is stunned.

Jhanvi hugs Survi and emotionally looks at Adi. Adi glares at Nisha. Adi says to Nisha that I told you I wont let anything happen. Adi recalls flashback, he called goon and says police is coming to get you, i know your address, leave that godown if you want to be safe, think if I can locate your godown then I can kill and murder too, flashback ends.

Nisha says to Adi that i came to help them too but you are here to help them, she turns to leave but Jhanvi says dont you dare try to hurt my family because then I wouldnt think about hurting you, dont use my goodness that I have to show you your badness and next time I wouldnt let you repent. Adi says to Nisha that we dont have proof of this kidnapping but that doesnt mean you will be safe because from now on, game will be yours but we will play tricks, you will plan but we will play it.

Adi says within 7 days I will throw you out of my life and house, now get out, out! Nisha leaves in embarrassment. Maa taks Survi from there. Jhanvi thanks Adi, Adi holds her hands and says dont thank me, i am sorry, your family has to bear all this because of me, your family needs you so be with them, Jhanvi sees his holding her hands, Adi notices and leaves her hands, Jhanvi composes herself, she leaves. Adi looks on, he calls Sameer and says i need your help..

Nisha comes to her house in anger. Driver stops her and says I need off today, today is my wedding anniversary so I want to take my wife and kids out somewhere, Nisha slaps him and says you want off? take permanent off, dont show your middle class face again, she takes keys from him and asks him to get out, he leaves. Kaki sees all this and is disappointed.

Adi comes to Maa and Survi, Adi says to sorry to Maa and says your family has to face so much because of me, this is my fight. He says to Jhanvi that dont come to my house from now on, be away from Nisha, things have gone too ahead, i cant put your life in danger, you have done so much for me Jhanvi, thank you, Thank you so much for everything, he turns to leave but Maa says whatever happened, its not your fault, Nisha have shown her real face and she doesnt desver to be in your life and about safety of my kids, I have always taught to fight and face everything so they cant runaway like cowards now, we are with you, Jhanvi will remain with you till she doesnt bring your family’s respect and honor, you are like my son and very good man so we are going to fight this and come out of it stronger, Adi thanks her. Maa says Jhanvi will be with you in this fight, she will lookafter everything, you both have just to punish Nisha for her deeds.

Nisha is breaking things in her room. She breaks glass by crushing it in her hands, her hand bleeds. Adi comes there and sees the mess. Adi says come downstairs, your relatives have come to meet you, Nisha asks who? Adi says your memory has gone week, I told you that i will throw you out of this house in 7 days, this is first day so come down, he leaves. Nisha kicks and looks miffed.

Nisha comes in lounge and sees recorder. Kaka says once they test Nisha’s voice sample then it will be clear who complained against Baba. Nisha thinks Adi is smart but I am not going to give my voice sample. Nisha gets downstairs but acts like slipping, Raj is on stairs too, she nudges Raj and he falls down from stairs, all are shocked to see Raj in blood at end of stairs, all run to him. Adi sees Nisha standing in stairs, he glares at her, Adi and Kaka takes him to hospital. Nisha have sigh of relief, she smirks that she didnt have to give voice sample.

Jhanvi and Maa sees Survi sleeping. Maa says Nisha should get punished, Adi is right. Survi starts yelling in sleep, she shouts to let her go, I want to go home, Maa tries to wake her up but Survi cries and screams. MAa hugs her and says see everything is fine, Jhanvi is here, Jhanvi is in tears seeing Survi’s mental state, she wipes her tears and looks determined.

Raj is brought home with bandages on his head and hand. Nisha asks Raj if you are fine? my foot slipped, I didnt do it deliberately. Adi says nobody asked you, we all know your intentions. Nisha says voice recording expert left. Adi says you wanted that right? but dont worry, i will prove you guilty. Jhanvi comes there and says I have solution for that, all look on. Jhanvi says Nisha you are very smart but you are bad human, you put someone’s life in danger so skip voice testing? it wont matter to you, i just came to say that only two women were in house that house, Nisha and Me.

Jhanvi says to Adi’s family that if I give my voice sample and they test it with their sample and it doesnt match then it will be proven that I didnt call police and Nisha did, Kaka says I dont have problem with it, I am ready, he asks Adi to prepare to arrange Jhanvi’s voice sample, Nisha gets tensed hearing all this, she glares at Jhanvi.

Nisha calls her goon and says I cant bear hurdles in my way, this time you have to kidnap Jhanvi and makes sure to kill her, you can do something inbetween kidnapping and killing, i want you to torture her so much that her soul shivers down, do anything you want with her but just finish her, Nisha ends call and says Jhanvi didnt want to involve her family so I have found way to solve my problem, I hate you Jhanvi.

Nisha’s goon comes to Jhanvi’s house dressed as deliver boy. Maa asks what he wants? goon says I came to deliver things to your neighbor, can I get a glass of water? Maa looks at him suspiciously. Jhanvi comes there and says I have closed Survi’s room door so she can sleep easily. Maa goes to bring water. Goon sees Jhanvi’s back to him, Goon points gun at Jhanvi as she has back to him, he pulls trigger and is about to shoot her.. but someone calls Jhanvi’s name, goon hides gun.

Jhanvi sees guards standing on door, they say we are your bodyguards,Adi have sent us for your and your family’s safety. Jhanvi says okay. Jhanvi calls Adi, Adi asks did bodyguards reach? she says it was not needed, Adi says Nisha can do anything so your family’s safety is most important, I cant let anything happen to you people. Jhanvi thanks him and ends call. Maa comes there with water and says where did dlivery boy go?

Jhanvi comes to Survi and says eat something, you know time is best healer, you wont remember all this, you have to do some effort today, lets go. Survi doesnt move. Jhanvi calls Maa and hints at her. Jhanvi and Maa starts dancing on itni si hasi funnily, Survi finally smiles. jhanvi brings, Survi starts dancing with them, Jhanvi twirls and is about to fall back but Adi comes there and holds her, they get lost in each others eyes.

Jhanvi is singing and dancing with her family. Jhanvi twirls and falls into Adi’s arms who comes there. they share eyelock, Maa and Survi are happy to see him. Adi asks if she is okay? she nods and moves away. Adi says to family that i just wanted to check if everything is fine and Baba wanted to meet Jhanvi too, Baba comes there. Adi says i am sorry I came without informing. Maa says we are protecting your body guards, they have to threat here, all laugh. Maa says from the time I have met Adi, i dont worry about Jhanvi, he wont let Jhanvi get hurt, thank you.

Adi says dont thank me, what Jhanvi has done for us, nobody can do it. They all sit down. Maa goes to make tea. Adi asks Jhanvi if everything is fine? she nods, Adi asks Survi when she is joining college? Survi says from tomorrow, I have project, its related to textile business and I have no idea about it, Adi says I have textiles work so I will help you out, Survi says sure? he says yes, Survi goes to show him project, he leaves.

Jhanvi says to Baba that everything will be fine now,. Baba says Adi’s luck is very bad to get life partner like Nisha, he might get free from Nisha but the loneliness will remain in his life, he wont be able to trust anyone now. Jhanvi sadly looks at him, Baba says i wish he would have got girl like you instead of Nisha but we cant have false hope now, you are 10 years younger than Adi then why you would think about him? I thank you for removing Nisha’s dark aura from Adi’s life, God bless you. Jhanvi sees Adi helping Survi and gets tensed, she emotionally gazes at him.

Raj says to Kaka and Kaki that I think Nisha did that deliberately, I could have saved her but she slipped and pushed me down. Kaka says my heart cant believe it but once Jhanvi’s voice test is done then truth will come out, we will know if my experience, my trust on Nisha was wrong all the while.

Adi is leaving Jhanvi’s house. Jhanvi says we dont need guards, I can take care of myself, Adi says I know you are strong, you take care of everyone, you should take care of yourself, you are very precious, everyone loves you a lot, you have no idea about that, jhanvi gets mesmerized with his words, she is lost just looking at him, Thori dair ther jaa plays as Adi sits in car and drives away with Baba. Jhanvi smiles totally in love.

Jhanvi is sleeping in morning, she wakes up and gets Adi’s call, Adi says today is voice test, what you are doing for me, it means a lot, seriously thank you. Jhanvi says if I say that i am busy and I wont do your work sir then your thank you will be wasted. Adi says if you call me sir then I will call you Ms. Agarwal, also you dont know how to talk in small words and you are a modern warrior, what you decide to do, you do it at any cost, Jhanvi says wow. Adi says seriously take care of yourself, Nisha can do anything to prove herself innocent, please you mean a lot to me. Jhanvi smiles broadly and says thank you, I will be careful, she ends call and smiles.

Maa makes Jhanvi eat yogurt and says I hope everything will be fine. Jhanvi says Nisha tried to avoid this voice test. Adi calls Jhanvi and asks if everything is fine? Jhanvi says Maa’s mixie is broken, can you fix it? he says what? Jhanvi says you keep calling me to ask everything is okay so I told you, Adi says I will meet you as recording headquarters, take care, she ends call. Sameer comes there. Jhanvi says Adi told me you will meet at headquarters? Sameer says Adi doesnt want to risk your safety so he sent me to fetch you. Maa asks Jhanvi to take God’s blessing and then leave.

Jhanvi goes to pray with Maa. Maa says all the best, everything will be fine, suddenly mandir’s diya blows off, Maa and Jhanvi gets tensed, Maa says this is bad omen, Jhanvi says dont worry, everything will be fine. Sameer says lets go. Jhanvi leaves. Maa is tensed. Jhanvi and Sameer comes out of house, guard says I have to remain with Jhanvi, Sameer says I have talked to Adi, you stay here and take care of her family, Jhanvi says to guard that its okay, you stay here, I will go with Sameer. Guard nods. Sameer and Jhanvi goes to his car. Sameer is tensed and says sorry Jhanvi, she asks what? he says nothing. Sameer sits in car and drives away.

Kaki prays to Lord to help Adi. Adi comes there and smiles. Kaki sees him, he touches her feet, Kaki aks if he will take Jhanvi? Adi says guards are with her, dont worry, Kakis ays be careful. Nisha sees this and says Adi you wont find Jhanvi but her death news for sure.

Sameer is driving car and is silently crying. Jhanvi asks Sameer why he is crying? he says nothing, nothing. Suddenly a van comes infront of their car. Some goons come out, Jhanvi asks what is this Sameer? take car back, Sameer looks away from her. He opens lock of car, Jhanvi is stunned and looks at Sameer, goons open door and tries to grab Jhanvi, Jhanvi kicks them and beats them with tool she got from car, she screams for Sameer, Sameer is in pain seeing her like that but doesnt help her. goons grab Jhanvi and puts blindfold on her eyes, they put her van and leaves. Sameer sees this kidnapping and says Adi forgive me, i am sorry, forgive me please, he cries.

Jhanvi is trying to free herself, goons tie her hands too. Adi is driving car on same road as goons van, Jhanvi is fighting against goons in van but they hold her still. Adi stops car at signal, goons van is beside his car on signal. Adi doesnt notice it. Jhanvi looks out of van and sees Adi’s car, she helplessly looks at her and cant scream as they have put cloth on her face too. She keeps looking at Adi but Adi is busy in calling Sameer and says why is not picking call.

Jhanvi pulls cloth from her mouth and screams for Adi, Adi turns to look at her but some biker comes inbetween them and Adi doesnt see her. Adi calls Jhanvi and says she is not picking up too, there is some problem, i should go to Sameer’s house, he drives away from there while Jhanvi helplessly sees him going without noticing her.

Nisha gets call from her goon. She comes in corner of house, goon says girl is in our trap, Nisha says to goon that good, you know what you have to do but make sure it looks like suicide and not murder. She ends call and smirks. Kaka comes there, Nisha says today is Jhanvi’s voice sample test, I dont think she will reach there, Kaka asks why? it was her idea then why would she not go? Nisha says they say something and do something else, truth will come out with this voice testing that Jhanvi did that call so I dont think she will reach there, she leaves, Kaka looks on.

Adi comes to Sameer’s house and sees goons there, goons runaway. Adi sees Sameer’s parents tied, he asks what happened? father says some goons took Sameer with them, they said that if Sameer didnt do their work then they will kill us, Adi asks what work? Adi calls Jhanvi’a maa and asks who took Jhanvi for voice testing? Maa says your friend Sameer came to take her, Adi is stunned to hear it.

Nisha gives things to servant. Chinni asks why she is giving her things? Nisha says sometimes we need to help those who are poor so they bless us, Adi comes there, Chinni says mama is nice, Adi asks her to leave, she leaves. Adi grabs Nisha’s jaw and pins her to wall, he asks where is Jhanvi? she says she is not my friend so I dont know. Adi asks Nisha please tell me where is Jhanvi? what are you going to do? Nisha says first her kidnapping then rape then murder. Adi fumes in pure hatred for her

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