This Is Fate Friday Update 24 December 2021

Dadi asks everyone to leave and take the rest because they must be tired, Preeta tries to leave but Sherlin stops her. 

Shristhi enters the house, Janki is strained so asks what has happed because now Karan is released, Shristhi mentions that Preeta tried her stylish to help Karan but wasn't suitable to and Sherlin still brought the evidence that Megha boggled Akshay thereby saving herself which is why she's strained. 

 Sherlin questions Preeta what's she allowing, she warns her to noway try and condemn Sherlin as she can veritably fluently catch the person without whom she can not live just as she snared the position of the favorite son in law, Preeta answers she knows Sherlin is the real killer, she accepts she was there when Akshay was boggled but it was all an accident, she says she went to meet him because he was blackmailing her with Kritika’s prints, Preeta was indeed right as the contact Bakra number 3 was none other also Sherlin, Preeta replies he was blackmailing her because of the gestation report, Sherlin is stupefied, Preeta reveals she saw her gestation report in Akshay’s house so each that she has to do now is find the reason he was blackmailing her, she'll reveal it to the entire Luthra family, Sherlin warns her to step back as she has just snared the position from her but can also ruin her, Preeta isn't spooked by her pitfalls, she leaves saying she'd find the evidence against her, Sherlin is strained but also decides to call Prithvi and Mahira to her room as they both need to be tutored a assignment for not helping her. 


 Janki takes up the telephone when Shrishti questions who's she calling, Janki apologizes to Preeta explaining she wasn't suitable to come in the court hail, Preeta mentions there's no need to worry about because Karan is back with them, she ends the call as Karan came into the room, Janki says to Shrishti she felt Preeta was bone, Shrishti reveals she'd says her hubby came back before leaving for her room, Janki exclaims ever since Sherlin came into their lives they've not been suitable to live happily. 

 Karan exclaims she has changed a lot because she didn't use to end the call when he used to come ahead, Karan sits on the settee so she asks what's he doing as she sleeps on to when Karan exclaims it's indeed a really nice settee, they both can sleep together, she gets strained when he asks her to sti with him, she sits placing her hand over his hand, they both get nervous and after seeing each other in the eyes, Preeta takes back the hand, Kara recalls how she hugged him when he was eventually evicted of the charged, they both sluggishly move their small cutlet closer to each other before eventually locking it in, they're constantly smiling after looking at each other, Karan sits up against her, kissing her forepart, he exclaims he knew she's strained after what happed in the court, Preeta still says she isn't jealous because there isn't any competition still there's only one problem because they both know the verity about Sherlin but she always manages to save herself while condemning others, they both get strained. 


 Sherlin is sitting in her room, Mahira and Prithvi both come asking if she called them, Sherlin questions what has happed as they both have come to her room after just one textbook, Prithvi and Mahira ejaculate they're glad she came back safely, she warns them to not be nice with her as Prithvi didn't suppose of her when she was asking for his help, Mahira seeing the occasion also mentions she saw her requesting him for his help but he declined, Prithvi warns Mahira to not intrude in their matters as she has no right, Mahira responds she's her friend when Sherlin stops her reviling she's no longer her friend because she didn't help her, Mahira also explains herself before apologizing, Prithvi coming in front of her explains if he'd helped her she'd not have brought back Karan and come the stylish son in law of the house. 

 Prithvi reveals he didn't help her because he knows that she'd not have given her stylish if he helped him, Sherlin still push him down explaining that his discourses would not work on her so he mustn't suppose of her, Prithvi and Mahira both try to explain themselves but Sherlin explains that she'd not be there for them when they will need her help the most but they're both tensed, Rakhi enters the room asking what happed, Sherlin reveals both Prithvi and Mahira were upset about her health so came to interrogate about it, Rakhi hands the glass of milk, Sherlin says she's feeling tried so needs to rest, Prithvi turns to leave when she asks if he has to talk of commodity but he leaves, she closing the door thinks that now everyone would have to prove their fidelity to her because her status is above Preeta in the house, which she must maintain. 


 In the morning Preeta wakes up, she also sits up on the lounge so Karan also wakes up, he exclaims that it might have been the first time he has seen her face after waking up, Preeta also says the same but he says she's lying as she always gapes at him, Preeta starts laughing saying that it's a joke still Karan forces her to accept that she used to gawk at him still she also thinks of leaving to prepare the breakfast because everyone would be staying still Karan pulls her towards him demanding that she stay with him because he's really missing her. Mahira seeing them thinks she's only staying in the Luthra house because of Karna still he doesn't indeed look at her, she thinks she'd have to take sure Preeta suffers as only also Karan would give her the attention she deserves. 

 Mahira is sitting on the table, prithvi comes with the black coffee and offers her some but she refuses, he questions what has happed when she says that she's strained because Sherlin is frenetic with them still Prithvi assures her that he knows how to calm her down. 

 Karina also comes questioning where is everyone differently when Mahesh along with Dadi enter from the frontal gate mentioning they were just fulfilling the vitamin D but Dadi scolds him explaining she only went because of him, Dadi shouts at Ganesh scolding him for not preparing the table, he brings the dishes and indeed apologizes, Rakhi still explains she'd serve them as they made some redundant dishes on the request of Preeta, she comes revealing she allowed to make all the dishes which they like as Karan came back, Kritika jokes saying she'd have surely made apples in the breakfast, Karan taunts her explaining they grow on trees, Kritika gets strained so starts hitting him, and indeed complains to Mahesh, Dadi orders them to concentrate on the breakfast. 

Sarla is puffing her head as she's suffering from extreme pain, Janki questions why did she come out as she was about to bring the breakfast in the room still Sarla reveals he wasn't feeling comfortable in the room so came out, Shristhi also comes, seeing her mama is strained but Janki mentions that Sarla doesnot hear to them, Shristhi decides to call Preeta but is stopped by Sarla who assures the pain would go down in a day or two as she's suffering from high blood pressure, Shristhi isn't induced so agrees to not call Preeta is Sarla goes with them to the sanitarium and they've a complete medical check-up. 


 Rakhi makes Sherlin sit, Prithvi ejaculate it's worthwhile to see the love that exists between them, Dadi reveals it isn't the love of a mama-in- law but that of a grandmother as she's really was to be one, Rakhi reveal she'd be more pleased if the child is a girl. Karina announces that she feels they should get Prithvi and Kritika get married after three days as Karan has come back after a long time and indeed Rishab is coming back since utmost of the issues are going to be resolved, Rakhi has a suggestion to perform the form performed for gestation after two days, Karina agrees explaining there's no need to seek her blessing as it's a matter of joy. 

Karan leaves saying that he'd leave for the justice practice, Prithvi also leaves saying he needs to leave for the office, he doesnot indeed have anything for the breakfast, Rakhi asks Preeta to invite Sarla for the form explaining they would not hear to any defenses, Mahira thinks she's inviting everyone but has forgot about her so she feels her life is being destroyed in this house. 


 Sarla explains she knows she isn't well but she's formerly having the drug which the croaker will define as she has been having so why should they go as he'd define the same drug so what's the need to waste plutocrat, Shristhi exclaims that plutocrat isn't more important also her so they've to go to the croaker, Shristhi explains that when she's strained she goes for shopping so if Sarla doesnot want her to waste the plutocrat also should come with her to the sanitarium, Sarla agrees explaining it's better to go to the croaker else she'd waste the plutocrat, Shristhi mentions she'd accept and won't tell Preeta, she indeed asks Janki to not say anything to anyone. Janki asks them to go while she'd prepare the lunch. 

Sherlin enters her room, she feels pain so incontinently calls for an appointment at the megacity sanitarium so a check-up can be performed. 

 Shristhi and Sarla reach the event, she asks for the croaker explaining they've an appointment for her mama, the receptionist asks the name of her mama, Sarla incontinently reveals her name, they're pointed towards the event and Sarla starts scolding her asking who does she suppose they're as no bone really knows them, they aren't a megastar so have to reveal their name as they're the ethics, Shristhi says she isn't that small, Sarla leans against the pillar as she's feeling dizzy and is about to fall, Shristhi asks the nanny to bring the wheelchair but Sarla refuses explaining she'll feel more when Shristhi keeps on talking with her, they move towards the cabin. 


 Sherlin has her train in the and, she calls someone, Prithvi is in his cabin when he gets a call someone on whom he starts scolding saying they're good for nothing because the company is constantly suffering losses, Sherlin calls him but he ends it, she formerly again calls it but also he answers it saying she must end the call if she has telephoned it for time pass, Sherlin mentions she needs him but he explains that only his business needs him, she still explains she isn't feeling well, he asks if she's suffering from pain, Sherlin asks him to meet her at the event of the megacity sanitarium 

Shristhi and Sarla are with the croaker who advises her to perform some tests as soon as possible, Preeta enters the room chatting the croaker also asks the croaker to speed up the process, Sarla scolds her questioning why did she call Preeta, still Preeta says that she was right to call her, the croaker asks Preeta to go to the first bottom. 


 Shristhi and Prithvi enter the sanitarium, Prithvi explains if she's feeling well they should go back and come when she suffers from pain, Sherlin responds why does he want to stay for her to have some kind of pain, she'll have the check- over now as they've come, Sherlin exclaims she has an appointment, the nanny asks the name of the case, she reveals since she's pregnant she'd be the case, the nanny replies the normal croaker is off duty so they can consult with the discussion croaker who's Roshni Desai, Prithvi is shocked, Sherlin remembers she was his partner but Prithvi tries to differ saying that Roshni wasn't so clever so can not be a croaker, he feels she'd have come children but Sherlin questions how does he know all of this, he calms her but she leaves. 

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