I do Update Wednesday 22 December 2021

Just as humaira is about to put the ring on ayan’s cutlet, nikhat, shocked after seeing the videotape, looks at razia’s happy face asking humaiar to put the ring, stops ayan from extending her cutlet, important to everybody’s amazement. 


 Razia reprimands her for similar audacity to stop the engagement. Haseena asks if everything is alright. Razia cites it as jejune geste. Razia asks ayan to put the ring on humaira’s cutlet. rashid asks nikhat whats the matter and if she wants to say anything. She says if they could talk inside. Shirin and mamu say that its nasty to leave from then, in the middle of the ritual, and that they can talk about whatever she wants to in fron tof the family. Razia asks her to step back brutally. 

 Ayan too stands up saying that she shouldnt fear anything as he’s with her. Haseena says that her mistrustfulness was right that commodity is wrong, thus the hasty engagement. Razia comes up saying that she’s veritably disappointed in her geste and takes her forcefully outside. Nikhat breaks down saying that she can prove that nothing happed between ayan and humaira. Eveerybody is shocked. 


 Rashid’s mama too breaks down the glass window to come out of the locked room. 

 Razia tries to forcefully take her inside, but nikhat continues that she’s absolutely fine and tries to show the videotape proving ayan and humaira’s innocenec. In the commotion, the phoen flies off from nikhat’s hand and rashid heists it and sees the videotape, while razia tries to keep telling him to keep the videotape away and start the engagement. 


 Rashid’s mama too comes out of the room. 

 Shirin and rashid are relieved to find that their children are pure after all, and nothing happed between them and asks razia if she isnt happy to find that. Razia says that they shouldnt produce a drama in front of the guests as the videotape has nothing to do with this engagement. Rashid says that there indeed is a relation between them as they wewre forced to get into this relation due to this only, and that now it wouldnt be. Razia tries to repimand rashid for making such a joke. Rashid’s mama says that not rashid, but she’s the bone who played a joke on everyone int his family. 


 Mamu is angry as to whats passing in the house, which is making them the butt of jokes, when they used to be the most admired in the total of bhopal. He reprimands nikhat for creating such a drama. But rashid’s mama says that nikhat isn't the one to be criticized, but his own woman, razia. She says that this whole plan is by razia. Razia pretends to dissemble ignorance and horror to at her blameworthiness, but rashid’s mama tries to put light on what had actually happed. unfit to take it any longer, mamu asks rashid’s mama to tell them everything easily. She tells mamu as to how razia had cooked this plan each on, and faked to have saved her son’s respect by tainting it herself by her evil plan to get the engagement done, and she had locked her in the old storehouse so that she wouldnt try and intrude in what she wanted for humaira. 

 Scene 2 

 Position Asad’s hearthstone 

 Asad looks lost on the roof. zoya joins him to give him the paste. zoya says that she thanked but did nt get a chance to say sorry since mangalpur. When asad asks what's she sorry about, she says that she’s sorry for everything and utmost of all for the fact that he wanted to spend some time alone without her, but she did nt allow that too. She's also sorry for everything differently that makes him bothered at her. She tells him that she’s got a paste for him for healing his injuries. Asad refuses for her paste. 

 They thus spark off into a verbal arguement, again about who's orthodox and who's ultramodern and what's the description for the two terms. While zoya accuses him of being traditional, asad says that she’s ultramodern in just her clothes. Asad and zoya again get into one of their petty fights, wherein asad asks her to leave his house as soon as possible and not suppose about making this her own. 


 Zoay retorts back saying that she only puts her name on effects that are actually hers, and not like him, who goes around drawing her name on his hand, pointing out to the cut in his hand, that looks like a Z, the original letter of Zoya. She says that she'd leave the house as soon as she can, and till also she'd try and stay down from him, asad too thanks her for that because for him, that meant he’s staying down from trouble. Zoay goes down in frustration. 

 zoya is being reprimanded for having lost her i card, cell phone, atm etc by her family in law. She assures him that she owuld get them back soon. Just also, asad too enters and is given coffee by nazma. After the call, zoya tells naazma that she’s going out and that she should tell dilshad about this. Nazma is a bit worrie that she’s going out so late but zoya tells her that she'd come home soon and that she shouldnt solicitude. After she leaves, asad is veritably upset. 


 Scene 3 

LocationAyan’s hearthstone 

 Razia still preteneds to be ignorant, but rashid’s mama says that she wouldnt bear with her drama presently like all the times that she has done formerly, since its the question of her grandson after all. Mamu says that though its clear that ayan and humaira are innocent but why does she repel this relation so much, when everybody agrees to it. Rashid’s mama says that only the two children do nt agree to this relation. 


 Mamu says that now she’s crossing the line by mentioning that humaira does nt agree to this relation, since she tried to give her life when ayan said no. rashid’s mama clears that she gave up her life because she coudlnt bear what her mama had done. Razia again pretends to be shocked to see that she’s being indicted for leading her son to self-murder. 

 Eventually shirin interferes saying that they should ask humaira only as to whats her opinion on this and if she wants to get wedded to ayan. Humaira remembers ayan’s words to her and razia’s pitfalls too. while the whole family delays for her to answer, she's largely tensed as to what to say. The screen freezes on her tensed face. 


 On entering a call on the landline, asad gets up to take the call, but nzma intercepts in between. When asad asks who it was, she said it was for someone’s delivery. Asad is anxiously strutting around. 

 When zoya arrives, asad calls her and gives her the parcel for her cell phone that she hd reported stolen. As he goes down, zoya confronts asad saying that she knows he thinks that she’s helpless. He says that he does nt but yes he does feel sorry for what happed at mangalpur to her for which he was incompletely to be criticized and that this act could lessen his guilt a little. As he leaves, zoya thinks to herself that asad can be really manipulative and asleep to others feeling, and remembers how he'd scouted her on several occassions. She thinks that asad wants everyone to just hear to him still. 


 She goes to his room and decides to refuse to accept the phone that he'd given her. She's shocked to find that asad did nt put up a important of a fight against her, as is typically the case. While going out, she trips over and finds herself in asad’s arms who grabs her to stop her from falling. She composes herself and walks out, leaving asad allowing that he has to stay down from zoya to avoid any trouble. 

 Asad comes out of his room and is shocked to find mariam’s cousins but is relieved when he knows that they havent told dilshad anything. As she goes to attend to a call, mariam’s faather asks asad to look out for mariam, as she’s headed this way to bhopal. He also says that though he'd saved zoya, and they do nt have a problem with that but they're after mariam. He says that they've the faith that he habituate help mariam but have a mistrustfulness that the foreign retruened zoya would. Telling asad to look out for maraiam and tell them anything that he knows, thy take asad’s and dilshads’ leave. Asad finds zoya coming out of the room, and having formerly told mariam’s cousins that she’s gone, he grbs her behind a pillar and puts a hand on zoya’s mouth to stop her from speaking. After they've left, while zoya continues to keep demanding for the reason for similar geste, he goes in his room without answering. 


 Scene 2 

Location Asad’s hearthstone 

 Razia tries to defend humaira saying that when ayan has profusely said no to the marriage, also how could humaira say no and what if she says yes, would the family agree for it also. Ayan asks razia to stop talking and let humaira speak for herself. 

 Razia demands to know that if humaira said yes to the relation, would ayan marry her. ayan is left speechless but eventually manages to say that humaira would noway say no. Mamu asks ayan to give a direct answer. Ayan agrees that if humaira says yes, also he too used have a problem. Shirin asks humaira not to be spooked and give her answer. humaira remembers ayan’s flirting with her, but razia confronts her to say yes, as that's what she always wanted and that this is the chance to snare it. Humaira eventually says yes, much to ayan and rashid’s mama’s horror and razia’s pleasure, but also completes her statement that she does nt want to marry ayan, relieving him and his granny of their misery and shocking razia. 

In his room, ayan thanks nikhat for saving him from getting the discipline for a crime that he noway committed. Rashid and his woman come in apologizing to him for their mistake and say that they would noway prejudge him again. Rashid’s mama too comes in saying that it used be again since they would leave the house. Shirin asks her to forgive razia. But rashid’s mama is adamant that what razia did wasnt a mistake but a premeditated conspiracy, which made them misdoubt their own son and bear so poorly to them. Ayan too says that they wouldnt suffer presently due to mamujaan and leave the house surely. 


 Zoya is shocked to find asad coming out of his room. As asad approaches zoya, she starts carrying crazily about falling stars in the sky. He leaves without saying anything. After he’s gone, she calls out to mariam, who says that she’s veritably empty. 

while mariam eats in the kitchen, zoya asks what would she do now. Mariam says that she has formerly talked to her family who'll take her to dubai. Zoya tells her that she should know that noone then knows mariam did nt get wedded or she was helped in running off by zoya. She also tells her that asad shouldnt know about this at all. When mariam asks for further food, zoya starts filling up her plate with rice. dilshad sees this and asks if she’s empty. She says that yes she is, while mariam hides behind the fridge. dilshad is shoot off to her room by zoya in haste. 

After dilshad is gone, zoya gives mariam the food saying that she'd have to hide in the store room till her family comes to get her, and that asad shouldnt at all know that zoya’s helping her in this. 


 Asad cant get sleep remembering mariam’s pater’s words. As he stays awake, he finds the figure of two people from the curtains and is surprised. 

Zoya hides mariam in the store room, apologizing that she does nt have a better option for her to stay, since she just got a memorial from asad in the morning only. Mariam says that any place is better than the place her parents were transferring her to. Zoya says that soon all this would be over and she'd have a big house, where when zoya comes to meet her, would surely come and stay in her store room. 


 Asad asks zoya, standing outside the store room about the noise but is shielded off by her, engaging him in meaningless arguements, to go and sleep as its getting late. Just also mariam, hiding in the store room way on the radio which starts publicizing out music and important to zoya’s horror, asad notices it and demands to know what and who's playing the music. Mariam stops the music. When asad asks about the song, zoya pretends that she did nt hear anything. he begins to go the store room but zoya stops him saying that she did nt hear anything, and he must have due to excess stress and asking him to take rest, tells him to go and sleep. After he’s gone, zoya too leaves. As she leaves, asad again comes back to the store room. 

 Scene 2 

 Position Ayan’s hearthstone 

 Nikhat says that she too feels veritably bad when rashid has to hear to mamu still with bowed heads. Shirin tries to explain that they too are a part of family. But rashid’s mama says that mamu has just done a concession with them and not considered them as family. She tells rashid to go and tell their descision to mamu. 

Rashid goes to razia’s room to talk to her. Razia says that she knows what he wants to taalk about and what would be her response at that. She says that he cant leave this house indeed if he wants to. Rashid says that he wants to just live with his family in peace. Razia says that a person may ask anything, but gets only whats in his fate, that which is written by himself as he has done. She says that now if he leaves, also he wouldnt live in peace but rot in jail and leaves it on him to decide. Rashid says that he has given 17 times of his life to them and their business, and asks her to free him now. Razia says that he’s free till he’s in the house. And that if he tries to leave, also she'd also have to take the needed step, saying that she hopes he understands. As rashid leaves shocked, razia thinks that he’s trapped in her conspiracy, and she cant let him leave, since if he does, also the world will know that he may have committed the crime, but also that she herself was the architect behind the crime and she can noway risk that. 


 Ayan says to humaira that they might be getting seperated due to his going from the house, but they would ever be together. he thanks her for what she did moment by saying no. She asks what if she said yes. Ayan jokingly says that also he'd have faced this discipline with her wholeheartedly. Humaira too says jokingly that she’s not an idiot to marry him. After he leaves, she's in gashes and is surprised to find nikhat watching him. She tries to make stories about ayan’s kittenish nature. But nikhat asks him point blank about her love for humaira saying taht she can lie to the whole world but not her as she knows that she loves him dearly, so much that she was willing to give her life for him. Humaira breaks down saying that she might, but he does nt love her back. nikhat offers to talk to ayan, but humaira stops her saying that she can live like this, but noway accept her love in front of ayan and that her first love would always be deficient. 

 Scene 3 

 Position On the road. 

 Rashid, driving his auto on the road, in the rain, remembers his family’s anguish against razia and razia’s trouble to him. He shouts out in despair. 

 Scene 4 

 Position Asad’s hearthstone 

Asad is surprised to find a radio, when he opens the store room’s door. He enters the store room and approaches the radio, while mariam is hiding behind a draped curtain. She tries to be as demure as possible. Asad, searching around is surprised as his eyes find commodity. 

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