This is fate update Wednesday 29 December 2021

Mahira asks Sherlin how he'd manage to kill Preeta because they're standing in a veritably busy request where a lot of people would see him Mahira replies how would he kill Preeta as she'd arrive in a auto, Sherlin mentions she has prepared for it also that she didn't have any other choice but to choose this position, Preeta arrives in the auto when it stops, the motorist reveals that the tyre is punctured, she asks him to come back after fixing it while she'd walk to the shop. 


Preeta is on the call with Karan, she desires to end it but karan warns to start a videotape call if she ends it, he says that if she doesnot hear to him he'd get angry, Preeta says she knows how to calm him, he doesnot agree but she insists that she's suitable to pacify him at the first attempt, she walks to the path and is saved from the truck, he tries calling Sherlin but it doesnot connect so he decides to call Prithvi. 

 Kritika chooses a choker asking how it's looking, Prithvi replies it's the stylish and she should incontinently buy it, he gets a call and looking at the name is shocked to see who's it, he makes the reason that it's the call from the hired killer, he replies that Preeta isn't coming out of the path and if she takes the turn he'd not be suitable to run her over as it's the road of the police station, Prithvi shouts at him which shocks everyone, he warns the killer that if Preeta gets indeed a scrape he'd ruin his entire family, the contact killer ends the call saying Shelrin is calling, she says she'd push Preeta from the path so he can run her over. 


 Prithvi is upset allowing how he'd be suitable to save Preeta, he remembers the road so rushes for it apologizing to Kritika saying there has been a problem at the office. 

 Preeta is walking while Sherlin is following her, she stars following Preeta who's walking but when she gets near her, she starts feeling dizzy, Mahira thinks that if she isn't suitable to push Preeta it would ruin their plan, she feels fine after some time, Mahira decides to stand behind her and push Preeta if she isn't suitable to still she slips and rather pushes Sherlin who gets hit by the truck, Mahira incontinently rushes to the side as she gets spooked. 


 Preeta turning is shocked to see Mahira who falls on the bottom, she incontinently cries for help. she while crying asks Karan to come as Sherlin is injured he replies that's close so would come soon, he reaches and comes by the side of Preeta, Prithvi also reaches the position, Karan is trying to pick up Sherlin, Prithvi is shocked to see Sherlin is the one who's injured, he wonders how did it all be while he's seeing that Karan is taking Sherlin, someone hands Preeta the number of the truck which caused the accident, Prithvi also follows them, Mahira is still complexed, Prithvi sees her so wonders why is she hiding and not standing in the front, he after seeing her body still wonders how did the accident be. 

 Rakhi in the house asks them to bring the paratha, Karina and Dadi are playing card, Mahesh gets a call from Preeta and is shocked, when they all question what has happed, Mahesh replies Sherlin got in an accident, Karina is upset for the baby, so they all leave for the sanitarium. 


 Preeta and Karan reach the sanitarium, Rishab also reaches, they take Sherlin to the operation theater, Rishab asks Karan how it happed, karan replies he doesnot know because he was on the call with Preeta when it happed and reached because he was near the position. 

 Prithvi also comes inquiring about the condition of Shelrin, Rishab replies they're performing the operation, Prithvi assures they would not leave the one responsible because he has filed the complaint against the truck motorist who was involved in the accident, Preeta coming from behind questions how he knows that a truck motorist is behind the accident. 


 Preeta inquires Prithvi how he knows accident took place through truck. He was with Kritika doing shopping. Prithvi was speechless, also says Kritika told him that Sherlin had an accident, and may be Rakhi had told her; Kritika will be then in a while. 

 Preeta questions why he left Kritika in the request, what was the hurry. Prithvi tries to get down as his phone bell rings. The nanny comes out of OT. Rishab requests her to try their stylish, the nanny goes to arrange blood for Sherlin. 


 Mahira was allowing about the accident, still at the venue. Prithvi calls her. She lies that she's at her mama’s place since last night. Prithvi shouts at her to keep the call down, and was determined to educate a assignment. 

 Dadi, Karina, Mahesh and Rakhi come to sanitarium. Prithvi leads them to Sherlin’s 


 room. Rakhi felt dizzy hail about her worsening condition. Rishab speaks to Karan that Sherlin is awaiting a child, and their mama is happy to hear about the news. They were all tensed. The croaker passes by and informs that family that her condition isn't stable, they must supplicate to God for her. Rakhi asks about a tabernacle in sanitarium. Preeta takes Rakhi there. Karina and Dadi also leave for tabernacle to supplicate. Rishab watches through the window of door, a gash skips his eye quietly. Sherlin was bathed in blood and breathed heavily through oxygen support. 

 Rakhi and others supplicate to God in the tabernacle corner. Rakhi felt strangely. Dadi and Karina tell her to suppose well, nothing will go awry. Karina consoles that this is the atmosphere of sanitarium while leads one to false studies, Sherlin and her baby will be fine. Preeta goes to save the honey in tabernacle which had nearly gone out. 


 The croakers try to stabilize Sherlin’s deteriorating twinkle. Sherlin was unconscious. 

 The ladies leave the tabernacle soliciting for Sherlin and her baby’s protection. Preeta turns again and finds the honey had gone out incontinently. She reads a silent prayer and follows the ladies to Sherlin’s OT. 


 The croaker comes out and informs the family that Sherlin is fully fine, but they couldn't save the baby. The news come as a blow to family members. Rishab was broken. Preeta consoles Rakhi, while Dadi and Karina clinch each other. 

 At night, Rakhi comes to the baby room. She cries holding the toys and cocoons decorated in the room. Preeta passes by and comes in to clinch Rakhi. Karina came to the door and finds Rakhi and Preeta cry in the room. Rakhi cried that she had arranged a lot for Sherlin’s child, and got this room decorated for the baby. Rakhi was broken. 


 Sherlin sat in her room in deep torture. Her mama comes in, kiss her forepart and consoles her son. She wasn't then when the accident took place and arrived by the first flight. Sherlin was lost. Her mama says she understands her agony, they've multiple dreams to fulfil. Soon, Sherlin will anticipate again. Sherlin utters Prithvi. Sanjana was shocked to hear her call Prithvi’s name. Prithvi comes to the room and leverages Sherlin. Both cry hard. 

 Sanjana close the door of the room and was in deep shock. Prithvi inquires how Sherlin is, and how she feels. Sanjana warns them against this lawless act. They were ignorant of Sanjana’s words. Sanjana tells Prithvi to leave her son’s life and go down. Prithvi shouts at her to stop talking right now, he might say commodity which she'll not like. Sanjana corridor Prithvi from Sherlin but Sherlin forces her mama outside rather. Prithvi calms the hysteric Sherlin and requests her not to stress herself and take rest. He gives her water. Prithvi tells Sherlin to believe it was good. The baby would have cried and must have been a burden on her; she's now free of all the unborn occupation. Sherlin and Sanjana was shocked to hear his studies. 


 Prithvi exclaims whatever happens is for the benefit and if the child was born, he'd have made her life as hell as she'd not have been suitable to sleep or stay awake so it's the for the stylish, Sherlin exclaims it feels as if he doesnot cares after what has happed and the child belonged to them both and was a sign of their love, Prithvi making her sit apologizes saying that he doesnot know how she feels, Sherlin exclaims that she wants vengeance of what has happed as she wants him to take the vengeance for the loss of their child he must kill anyone responsible, Prithvi asks her to at least inform about how the accident happed, Sherlin replies she doesnot know because she felt dizzy and got in an accident, Prithvi promises her to get the vengeance for her. 

 The contract killer is enjoying, Prithvi hits him from before with the glass and tries to kill him, Prithvi asks why did he want to kill his Sherlin baby, the contract killer says he didn't want to kill her, Prithvi still formerly again hits him in the head with a bottle, before throwing him then and their in the shop, he doesnot indeed let him explain, he pleads his innocence saying he didn't hurt Sherlin, Prithvi replies he has the last chance to speak the verity else he'd hit his head, 

 the contract killer replies that Sherlin was pushed by the other women who was with her, Prithvi demands the name, he replies Shelrin hired him to kill Preeta with the truck but she wasn't coming down from the path and so Sherlin advised to throw her but rather was pushed by the women who was with her. Prithvi shows the print of Mahira, he replies he can fete her at any crowd, Prithvi recalls that he saw Mahira by the accident point but she said that she's at her maters house. Prithvi leaves after formerly again hitting him from the reverse. 

 Dadi is in her room, she asks Karina what has happed, Karina replies she can not see Rakhi as she's crying a lot, Dadi responds that Rakhi was really happy she was going to be a grandmother but all her dreams were ruined, Preeta enters but Dadi refuses to take the drug as she isn't feeling well, Karina asks her to not go on her gashes as she got emotional, Dadi replies she mustn't lie as she knows Karina because she's a really strong women still she mustn't cry else no bone would remain strong enough, Karina replies she tried a lot to remain strong, Dadi and Karina both are hugging, Preeta requests her to not cry, everything would be fine, Karina questions how would everything be fine when there's no chance of another baby, 

Karina seeing Preeta stand blurting that her relation with Karan is really strong so if they plan a baby also everything would be fine, Dadi also replies if she has a child also it would give the family an inheritor furnishing, them with all of the happiness, Dadi asks her to suppose what she says as she's the only bone who can give their family happiness.

Prithvi enters the house, Kritika stops him asking what's the matter and why is he so tensed, he leaves without saying anything, Sanjana asks her to go and meet Dadi as she's staying for him, Sanjana follows him stopping her saying that he must stop following her son, Prithvi warns her to stop snooping in his matters because it'll ruin her life, Prithvi explains she must stop talking because he's really frenetic, Prithvi warns her to not intrude in their matters as he really loves her, Sanjana replies they no longer have any relation because Sherlin is his history, he responds she's the mama of his future child, or was the mama, he only respects her as she's the mama of Sherlin still she mustn't stop him as he can do anything because he of the wrathfulness, she knows what Sherlin means to him.

He can do anything for her, Prithvi replies that he'll be the one to give the justice for Sherlin, he'll remove anyone who tries to stop his path, he doesnot give a levee but only seeks vengeance for Sherlin, Sanjana explains it means he knows who's behind the accident, Prithvi replies he has the capability to do what no bone indeed thinks about, the person must seek remission as he'd not give them the time, he's only fussing to give the discipline. 

Sanjana prodigies who the person is, she thinks it can be anyone but if in order to reveal the verity they find the verity about Prithvi, the entire family would ask questions which harm Prithvi would not only but also beget problems for Sherlin, she prays that everything is fine. 

Preeta is in her room, fussing for what has happed, how Rakhi was crying in the room, Karan also enters the room searching for Preeta, he comes to her, she incontinently hugs him, and doesnot indeed leave him, she taking a step back is standing, explaining everyone in the house is really tensed especially Rakhi because who was crying, everyone hoped for a life filled with happiness but now are shattered, Preeta replies Rakhi loves her a lot and she feels they should also give them commodity in return, Karan assures that time would heal everything, Preeta replies Rakhi gave him life, he in return gave her a life so she feels they should also give her a life, Karan questions what does she mean, she says she desires to be a mama. Karan is amazed, they both look into each other’s eyes, he remembers the moments spent with her. 

Karan kissing her forepart is really happy and constantly smiling, she has given him the stylish news of his life. 

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