Wednesday, January 5, 2022, Update On Mismatched

Reema begins the episode by questioning Anokhi about Shaurya. Anokhi believes I won't be able to inform you. Reema informs her of a seminar to which SIAC will send the best ten students, as well as pay for their travel and lodging expenses. I'll make sure to go, Anokhi says. Reema inquires about Shaurya once more. 

Anokhi receives a call from Ahir. Reema is leaving. Ahir invites Anokhi to meet him at a cafe. Anokhi inquires about Babli's well-being. Yes, Ahir says, it isn't about her; just come. I'm coming, she says. The preparations are visible to Devi and Shagun. Devi requests Shaurya's assistance with Shagun.

I'll shortlist the designs, Shagun says. Kanchan inquires as to how long you intend to insult us. Gayatri tells him to forget it, that he shouldn't take her words to heart, and that he should have been accustomed to it like I had. Anokhi is on his way to meet Anokhi. She inquires whether there is anything unexpected. He presents her with roses. He claims that you are aware of the meanings of various flowers, stating that a white rose can be given to anyone and a yellow rose to my best friend. She expresses gratitude to him. He presents her with a crimson rose. 

She is concerned. I love you Anokhi ji, he continues, and you would realize the meaning of this rose. She is taken aback. He inquires as to what transpired. This, she claims, cannot happen. He inquires as to why. She says, "You know how much I adore Shaurya." He claims you loved him, that you both broke up, that you claim you have no relationship, and that you should tell me if you don't like me.

She answers no, but I considered you to be my best friend. He apologizes, saying that he didn't mean anything by it, that he respects you greatly, that he likes you, that he loves you, and that he wants to marry you. She says she won't be able to marry you. He says, "I understand your job objectives; I'll wait; you may take your time, and then we'll marry." She says no, I'll never be able to marry you. But why, he wonders. She claims it's because I'm already married to Shaurya, whom she adores. He is taken aback. She demonstrates the sindoor. He sobs. Shagun goes to show Shaurya his designs. I'm busy, he says. She requests that he see her only once. He yells at her. He inquires as to what is wrong, and I respond that I will not marry you because I am already married. Devi inquires, "Did you get married?" "When did you get married?" "With whom did you get married?" "How could you not tell me?"

Badimaa, he exclaims. His dream comes to an end. Shagun inquires, "Where are you lost?" He inquires if Badimaa has taken any medications. Devi claims that Shagun will administer medicine to me. Are you a child, he says, because you won't get better if you don't take your meds, and I'm waiting for you to get better. I'll take it, Devi says. Kanchan stands by and observes. Devi is forced to eat drugs by Shaurya. He explains, "I mean, you have to look after yourself," adding, "Sorry, I can't always chase you down," adding, "Tej and Alok went for new campus preparations, and I have to see this campus operate." He leaves. I guess he couldn't accept our engagement, Shagun says, so we should spend some time together, just the two of us, if you say so. Devi responds, "Fine, devise a strategy, and let me know when you're ready to talk to him." Sure, replies Shagun. Devi claims to have left his phone in this location. Shagun says I'll hand it over to him.

Anokhi apologizes to Ahir, but I'm not sorry; you understand. She sobs. She says, "Whatever occurred, I'm sorry," "Whatever I said, I'm not sorry," "I told the truth, I'm married now, it's the truth, I'm not ashamed or guilty," and "I told the truth, I'm married now, it's the truth, I'm not ashamed or guilty." I'm not sorry, either, Ahir replies. "I told you the truth, and I'm not ashamed or guilty." He inquires as to when this occurred and whether or not you informed anyone, Babli... You are the first person, she claims. Shaurya is approached by Kitty and Bebo. He claims that there is no party and that we do not need to discuss it. Shagun appears. He responds, "I mean, there's no party right now," implying that Devi is recovering, that she is excited, and that you must assume responsibility. Shagun stands by and observes. He claims that this information should not be made public. Shagun hands him the phone.

You left something on the table, he says. He says, "I hope you heard it as well." She says, "Wait, I'll come along." He leaves in his car. What's wrong with you, Bebo says. He didn't even see Shagun, according to Kitty, and left her. Shagun becomes enraged. Did I lose my friend, Anokhi says, because I've always considered you my best friend. Never, said Ahir, will I not be your best buddy. Will you keep my secret, she asks. He claims that I will not inform Babli or anyone else. She expresses gratitude to him. She says, "I'm still perplexed, but I'm thrilled." She goes on to explain, "I feel like I've always wanted this," adding, "You gave me best wishes, and I know it will truly help me."

Shaurya arrives at college. He is greeted by the students. He claims he has no idea when the engagement drama would finish. The ring is visible to him. Reema and Anokhi are present. Shaurya takes the ring from his finger and places it in his pocket. He smiles when he sees Anokhi. He is noticed by Anokhi. He greets you... He sends her a message. She is the one who keeps the phone. He takes the coffee cup from the table. He extends a friendly greeting to everyone. He claims that I have some important task with Anokhi. What is it, Anokhi inquires? He inquires, "Should I say," "It will be officially announced today," "I will inform you," "Next week, there is a seminar," "I want to inform you guys that top 10 students will be going," "Because Anokhi is a class topper, she will also go to Delhi and lead the other students," "I want to inform you guys that top 10 students will be going," "I want to inform you guys that top 10 students will be going," "I want to inform you

If you don't mind, Reema, I need to brief her. Sure, replies Reema. She leaves. Anokhi says she has an assignment to finish and will see you later. He says, "I've dispatched Reema for this," and then goes on to say, "Do you behave like this with your husband?" and "What will happen if you say it once?" She begs him to put an end to it. I'm still the HOD and director of this institution, he continues, and I'll call you Mrs. Anokhi Shaurya Saberwal by your full name. Shaurya is being asked to cease by Anokhi. He requests that she read the seminar piece. She double-checks. I love you, he says. A student approaches and expresses his skepticism. Shaurya explains everything to him. The individual departs. Can't you be quiet, Anokhi asks? Okay, Shaurya says.

If anyone knows about it, she says... Then we'll see, he continues, and I'd like to know if you accept this marriage or not. She says, "I'll see when you meet the requirement." You forgot something, he says. What is it, she inquires? He says, "I love you," and you can answer, "I love you, too." She smiles as she walks away. He gives a warm smile. Babli becomes frightened. She dashes to her residence. Ahir has her in his arms. She screams angrily. Is everything okay with you? he inquires. Yes, she says, and then asks, "Where did you go this morning?" For an imp meeting, Ahir states. Is it a serious case, or is everything fine? she inquires. Yes, he says. She inquires whether I should prepare something sweet; I had received a call for an occasion and decided to prepare some sweets. He assures you that you will be able to make it. He has roses in his jacket, she notices.

He allegedly brought roses to a meeting, according to her. She tosses the rose petals into the bowl of water. He smiles and walks away. Anokhi overhears the students discussing Shagun; there is a regulation that no professor can have a romantic relationship with a student; else, they will be expelled. Anokhi claims that Shaurya would be aware of the rule, but we broke it nonetheless, and now we have to hide it from everyone. Kanchan searches Devi's room for evidence. She obtains a telephone. Devi arrives at the location. Kanchan stows the phone away. She makes a lot of excuses. Devi claims that dusting has already taken place in my room, so don't be concerned. Kanchan then goes on to warn that you should be concerned once I have proof against you.

Anokhi arrives at Shaurya's cabin and inquires about the current situation. He says, "I'm delighted you know your rights," adding, "Only a wife can enter to her husband's cabin without knocking," adding, "You came to my cabin for the first time after marriage, let us perform some rasam." She takes a step forward. Okay, let's get down to business; it's your obligation to distribute this consent letter to all of the students. He pulls her aside and says, "Can't you stay a little longer? I'd want to hear you and talk to you." He has her in his arms. She shoves him and says, "You know the rule, there can't be a personal relationship between a teacher and a student, we can't have any relationship," and she continues, "You know the rule, there can't be a personal relationship between a teacher and a student, we can't have any relationship, you forget this all the time, I'm not done yet, you don't think of anything, you know no one can do anything to you."

Please calm down; I don't enjoy breaking rules; I love you; I married you; it occurred so quickly, he adds. She claims that this isn't a minor matter and that it could jeopardize your reputation. He claims that because we are husband and wife, this ridiculous regulation will not damage us. We are wrong, she claims, because this rule was made before our relationship. He responds, "I'm glad you said we, not you; that's a start; I'll manage everything; blue is my favorite color; I'll be happy if you wear blue in the opening ceremony." She claims that she is concerned about the future. He claims that our future will be the same, and that I will shoulder the blame. Shagun stands by and observes. Anokhi responds, "I know, you just filled the maang." Shagun is taken aback. Shaurya notices Shagun approaching the door.

He says, "Fill out the form, read the details carefully; we have entrusted you with this responsibility." He has a pressing question for Shagun. The ring is on his finger. Anokhi walks away. You can tell Anokhi about our engagement, according to Shagun. He declines. Shagun inquires as to her purpose for being here. He claims that it is an economics seminar, that it is my cabin, that I am the HOD, that any student can come here at any moment, and that he is the HOD. She says yes, but it's a personal matter, and she'll speak with you at home. She believes I am powerless in the face of Anokhi, but I need to do something to be near to him. She leaves the house and runs into Anokhi. Thank God, Anokhi thinks, she didn't know anything.

Vineet's photos are printed, which Babli notices. She is concerned. Vineet both laughs and frighten her when he sees her. She flees the scene. The man claims that I was the one who did the work. I'll give you money, says Vineet. He claims that because you sought a divorce, he will drive you insane. Anokhi prepares her belongings. She adds, "I'm really thrilled about the seminar," "I have to go forward," "If this seminar goes well, Shaurya will take me to new places," "Can anyone change in love?" Reema appears and says that she will assist you and that she will take anything unique to the opening ceremony. Anokhi wonders how the blue color will seem. Reema is given a gown. No way, says Anokhi. Reema now has more choices. It isn't special, according to Anokhi. Reema inquires, "Are you all right?" Yes, Anokhi says. She hides the sindoor with her hand.

According to Reema, you're acting as though you're going on a trip with your boyfriend. No, Anokhi says, you leave now and we'll meet later. Shaurya and her selfie come into view. Are you missing me, she understands his message. She wonders how he knows everything. You'll miss me when I go to the seminar, she says. She deletes the message from her inbox. He responds, "I read it," "Don't miss me there," and "Focus on the seminar," with SIAC providing the best representation." Yes, Sir, did I go insane, what am I doing? she says. Okay, Shaurya Sir, don't worry about it, she says. Mrs. Shaurya Saberwal, he says, "OK." She believes he will not visit her.

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