Friday 7th January 2022 Update on My Heart Knows

Atharv begins the episode by telling the audience that he is a regular guy who used to bribe Malhar, but that he can no longer do so. People say they will defeat Malhar. Malhar claims that I did not steal money from him and that his Police uniform is in good condition. Sampada displays a photograph of Atharv presenting money to Malhar. Malhar remembers Atharv's drama and offers him the money that they had taken from him. People begin throwing stones at Malhar and others, as well as damaging property.

Malhar, according to Anupriya, is incapable of completing this task. When someone tosses a stone at her, Kalyani tries to defend her. Malhar shoots his bullet through the air. See how Aurangabad Singham stoops down, says Atharv. He instructs Malhar to fire at him. Malhar plays the tape he made while Atharv was attempting to give him money. He urges Sampada to snap a picture right now, and that it's a good thing he doesn't trust them. Pawar arrives at the location. Malhar requests that they detain Atharv's troops. Atharv requests that he hand over his money. Kalyani donated that money to Aao Saheb, says Sampada, and you're all together.

Malhar claims that if you falsely charge Kalyani, no one will be worse than me. Aao Saheb is asked by Sampada to speak something. Pallavi claims that Kalyani provided money to Aao Saheb and informed Malhar. Malhar inquires as to where Kalyani obtained the funds to be presented to Aao Saheb, stating that he trusts her and wants to know the truth. Anupriya makes an attempt to talk. Malhar specifies that he only wants to hear from Kalyani. He brings her inside and tells her not to make her degrade herself in front of Atharv. He tells him, "I know you didn't take that money," and then asks him where the money came from.

Kalyani claims that she did not take the money and that she has no idea where she received the money to present to Aao Saheb. Malhar asks her to tell him everything. Atharv and Sampada enter the room. Atharv inquires of Malhar as to why all of his women betray him. Anupriya phones the insurance agent, who informs her that Kalyani had taken the money Madhuri had set aside for her. Why did you tell this, Kalyani wonders. Aao Saheb would never have accepted it, Anupriya tells Malhar. Aao Saheb becomes irritated and leaves. Kalyani comes up behind her and tells her to pay attention. Aao Saheb wants her to return and refers to her as illegitimate. He continually calls her illegitimate and says that by saying this, we are hurting you, that this word may be piercing your heart like a dagger, and that if legitimate relationships are good, illegitimate relationships are not bad. She claims to have done so much for genuine Sampada, but she has repeatedly insulted them.

She claims that we have done a lot of wrong to you and that we have always protected and respected our relationship. She claims that your life was in danger as well, and that you had given us everything, which your Aai had kept for you, and that you were prepared to face Malhar's wrath silently. She sobs. Anupriya says you should be proud to have such a wonderful grandchild who would never let you down. Aao Saheb, says Kalyani. I can't look her in the eyes, says Aao Saheb. Kalyani declares, "I am not going anywhere."

Aao Saheb asks if it is required to prove that you are my blood every time. Kalyani and Aao Saheb exchange hugs. Atharv inquires about his finances and what a family drama is. Aao Saheb says they'll get money today and tells him to keep it, but not to bother Malhar and Kalyani. Vivek arrives and claims that the sahukar was a liar who gave a false order and is now refusing to obey. Aao Saheb is drowsy and takes a seat. She holds Atharv responsible. Atharv claims that he would have aided you if Malhar hadn't stolen all of his money. Malhar approaches Atharv and gives him a hug. He expresses his sorrow, saying, "I am extremely sorry that you have suffered such a great loss." He claims that I will track down the genuine thief.

He claims that the notes had chemicals on them, and that he knows that only a few people have the habit of touching the notes and counting them by licking their fingers and putting them in their mouth. He claims that he will light the flame and find the perpetrators. He asks Atharv to open his mouth and checks, but Atharv isn't the person he's looking for. I want my money, says Atharv. Pallavi claims that she needs to clean the kitchenware. Nobody can leave until everything is checked, according to Malhar. Pallavi feigns faintness. Atharv instructs Vivek to dial Doctor's number. Why spend money, Kalyani adds, when she knows how to bring the unconscious to consciousness. She says she will become conscious when I make her smell a cow dung-smeared slipper. Pallavi rises.

Kalyani instructs her to play a different role. Atharv claims that I was concerned. Malhar asks if I need to check you or if you'll accept stealing the money based on Atharv's words. Pallavi is being asked by Malhar to accept the fact that she has taken the money. He inquires as to whether she will consent or not. In a flashback, Atharv urges Pallavi to steal the money bag and promises her half. If you mention Atharv's name, Sampada claims that he would not forgive you and will never help you. Facebook comes to an end. Pallavi informs Malhar that she had stolen for her own purposes rather than on Atharv's request.

She brings the cash and sits on the ground. Atharv says, "My money," and is about to take it, when Malhar grabs an iron rod and slams it on the money notes. I showed you the receipts, Atharv claims. Malhar introduces himself as Bapat's father and instructs him to complain to anyone he wishes. He tells Pallavi that Atharv is her brother, the one who messed with Godaveri's respect, and that if she finds out the truth about him, she will feel terrible and regret it. Kalyani informs Anupriya and Aao Saheb that the sarees will be sold at the college. Aao saheb promises to speak with Principal and obtain his permission.

They will make money, according to Kalyani. Aao Saheb kisses her on the forehead and tells her that she looks exactly like his Aai. Anupriya becomes upset because she thinks she's talking about Madhuri. Aao Saheb clarifies that she is referring to Anupriya and informs her that her daughter Kalyani looks exactly like her. The cradle is moved by Keshav, who explains that Kalyani was spared the first two times, but not the third. Sampada requests a cup of tea. Anupriya is making her a cup of tea. Kalyani scoops up the tea cup and spits into it. She requests that she serve Sampada tea. Atharv appears and says he will see them. He takes a sip of the tea and swallows it.

Anupriya and Kalyani are taken aback. Atharv recommends tea. Kalyani approaches Malhar and invites him to tea. She claims that she should have informed him about Madhuri's money withdrawal. Keshav takes a look at them. Kalyani declares that she would deal with everyone who is bothering her in this manner. Malhar believes Kalyani spat in her tea and is about to vomit. What occurred, Kalyani wonders? She claims not to have spat in his tea and swallows it to prove it. She then tells Malhar that she didn't actually spit in Atharv's cup, but only pretended to.

Anupriya pays a visit to Keshav. Keshav is the one who arrives. Atharv considers what is going on in Maai's life and concludes that she went near the well. Keshav inquires as to why she is alarmed when she sees him, and she responds, "I am only concerned for you, who loves you selflessly." Anupriya asserts that no one else can make this decision for me, and that this is my family, and no one loves me more than Kalyani. How can you forget that Kalyani possesses Atul's blood, asks Keshav? He claims that while he was unable to avenge Atul, he will punish Kalyani. Anupriya claims that you planned to kill my daughter and that if you are rescued from me, you would be able to hurt her.

She tries to attack him with a stone. Keshav claims that you lack the strength to murder me and that the Deshmukh family is using your helplessness. They are heard by Atharv. When I have my vengeance, Keshav adds, I'll take you far away from here. Stop this craziness, Anupriya pleads. Keshav is leaving. Atharv believes Anupriya is having an affair with her boyfriend, right in front of everyone's eyes. He returns home. Sampada claims that a Shaadi vivaah man arrived and promised to post our photo on his website and pay us money. It will be recorded that we met on his website and married. Atharv becomes enraged and informs Sampada that if anyone finds out about our sham marriage, they would... He motions for the man to depart.

The man informs him of his website and claims that one of his clients is a family member named Anupriya. Atharv responds, "All right, I'll phone you." Guy walks away. He informs Sampada that Kalyani is looking for a man for her, and Maayi's new boyfriend has arrived. As the cylinder delivery person, Keshav returns home. Aparna instructs Kalyani to bring the milk to a boil. Kalyani informs Billu that gas has arrived and threatens to abandon him in the jungle if he refuses to allow the nakras to drink milk. She claims that if he eats milk, he will become smart like her, and that if she abandons him in the bush, he will not become mogli. When Anupriya sees a gas truck, she assumes that no gas has been delivered today. She notices the footprints and becomes suspicious. Keshav continues to use the nozzle.

Kalyani hears a music and dances in the kitchen. Anupriya dashes into the home and exclaims, "Kalyani!" Kalyani is going to fire the match stick since she doesn't hear her.

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