Friday 7th January Update On Once There Was A King

Gayatri tells her maa that she was correct; people who fly too high fall quickly. Gayatri tears as she clutches her mother. When Rana ji enters, he sees Kunwar ji and Kokilla attempting to stop Bari Raani maa from leaving. Rana ji pulls her aside and tells her that no one ever leaves their own home. This isn't Bari Raani maa's home, she claims. Who did this, asks Rana ji? Bari Raani maa advises him to inquire about Raaj Mata. Everyone is staring at Raaj Mata, who is standing upstairs. Raaj Mata was offended by Bari Raani maa after she questioned her about her daughter-in-law. She's discovered that steps are steps today.

Seth ji tries to explain to his wife that he didn't have a choice. She didn't say anything to him. He was restless, and he claimed that Gayatri was his daughter, so why would he do it on purpose? She inquires as to why he is explaining; while some think he is the city's richest businessman, she believes he is the poorest. He was willing to trade his own daughter. Why didn't he inform Gayatri or her? Seth ji inquires about what happened at the Royal Palace as they see Gayatri arrive. Gayatri claims that her husband suspects her of being involved in the trafficking as well. She claims that her respect has been harmed today, that she can forgive him for his deal, but that her self-respect has been harmed.

She claims she wants to repay him, gives him all of his gifts, and claims she is the daughter of a businessman, therefore he must get all of his money back. She claims he has gotten everything back, including his daughter's jewels. Seth ji falls to the ground, claiming that he has betrayed their trust, that he has been precise in all of his calculations throughout his life, but that he has failed to calculate his daughter's happiness. He claims to be her father and that he will always be at her side; he promises to do what no parent has ever done to a daughter. He places his hand on Gayatri's head and assures her that he will always keep her close to him.

She can give her head but not her respect, argues Bari Raani maa, who claims to be a true Raajput. Rana ji pulls her aside and tells her that he is unable to speak to Raaj Mata, but that he would call Gayatri to apologize. The servant informs him that Gayatri has left the palace, and he claps. Raaj Mata wonders how Bari Raani maa is able to do this. Bari Raani maa congratulates Raaj Mata on her daughter in law leaving within ten days of marriage in the house where the daughter in law came in a Doli and left after death. In the palace, this is a new fashion, yet this is Raaj Mata's home. She is a visitor who must depart. Rana ji apologizes, but Bari Raani maa wonders why he is punishing himself for the mistakes of others.

When Rana ji looks at Raaj Mata, Raaj Mata apologizes for what she said. At the very least, says Bari Raani maa, she has realized. Is she staying, Rana ji inquires. Bari Raani maa claims that her bruising is still fresh and that she must leave right now. She'll return once the bruise has healed. She walks away. Raaj Mata is told by Rana ji that while Bari Raani maa has forgiven her, he will not forgive her or Gayatri. The next morning, Rana ji remembers Gayatri by playing gun shooting. Bari Raani maa had warned him against entering into a marriage without love. Raaj Mata appears. She asks Rana ji why he put his gun down, hoping that his rage will be directed in the proper direction this time.

He inquires as to what she is implying. Raaj Mata inquires as to why he is enraged by that innocent girl's actions. Gayatri, who was sitting on her head, is approached by Maa. She reminds her of a lehnga and says she has always wanted to wear one, but she recently stated that she has matured. Maa claims that her lehnga hasn't changed, only that she has grown up. This was her room before, but she is now sitting on the bed, but she isn't here because she doesn't belong here. Raaj Mata claims that despite knowing she was leaving the palace, he nevertheless allowed her to depart. Rana ji claims that he must have stopped someone who was on their way out.

She used so many deceptions to get here that she won't be leaving this location that easily.

Gayatri inquires if Maa misses her. Maa claims that no girl in the world will not feel compelled to return home after marriage. And if she stays here, she will be subjected to society's ridicule for the rest of her life. Gayatri claims she is aware of the situation and is prepared. Maa wonders why she isn't ready to fight back.

Raaj mata claims she left the palace after he insulted her and that he will now reclaim her. It will not be required, according to Rana ji, because her Rani Gayatri Devi would return to the palace till the evening. If she doesn't return, Raaj Mata wonders.

If she does not return by night, Rana ji says he will accept all Raaj Mata has to say to him, but if she does, he will be proven correct. And he is certain that his point of view is correct. Maa tells Gayatri that she has always fought through all of life's trials and tribulations. She inquires as to whether Gayatri will succumb to this struggle in her life. She claims that even fire has to struggle with air to stay blazing, and that if Gayatri does not fight back now, she would regret it for the rest of her life. Gayatri wipes the tears from her eyes. When Gayatri returned to the palace, Kokilla was singing downstairs. Gayatri, who is passing her by, draws her attention. Kokilla claims that her previously successful game has failed once more. Rana ji was directing a caretaker to begin work on the demolished house's reconstruction.

The caretaker takes a break while keeping an eye on Gayatri at the door. Gayatri had returned home quickly, according to Rana ji, if she had been gone from the royal palace. Gayatri claims he was referring to the destruction of fragile houses due to monsoon flooding. Their relationship was also strained, so she returned to repair it. Rana ji takes a bath and wraps himself in a towel from behind. Gayatri inquires whether he requires anything more. He turns to face her, and Gayatri declares that she will fulfill all of the responsibilities of a wife; otherwise, she would not have married him at all if she had known about the transaction. He needs to give her some space. As Rana ji advances, he inquires of Gayatri if she has eaten anything.

When Gayatri protests, Rana ji forces her to sit on the bed and tells her that not all of the responsibilities fall solely on the shoulders of the wife; some also fall on the shoulders of the husband. On the table, everyone is expecting her, and he will just join them. Gayatri smiles as she walks away. When Gayatri arrives at the meal, Raaj Mata expresses her delight that the Royal Palace's moon has returned. Raaj Mata asks if she felt any spice, which Kokilla dislikes. When Rana ji enters at the dinner, he notices Bari Raani maa's chair is empty. Raaj Mata is confident that Bari Raani maa will return soon. Rana ji says he'd like to express something today that's significant to him and close to his heart.

He says today that he'll have a drink for the one he took a long time to understand, but that all the misunderstandings are now resolved. Rana ji invites Kunwar ji and Kokilla to join them, as Raaj Mata clutches her drink. He also urges Laksh to put his wine down. He claims that happiness is rare in the life of a palace since there is always a war going on inside. In conflict, the other's attack is on the chest, but in the palace, it is on the back, and this is Raaj neeti. He claims that there is a winner player in the palace now, and that this drink is named after him. Kokilla inquires as to whether Kunwar ji is referring to him or her. That person, according to Rana ji, is... Turns to Gayatri after pointing the drink towards Kunwar ji, Kokilla, and Laksh.

He introduces her as Rani Gayatri Devi. He claims that her innocent face created such a knot with her father that it entangled Raaj Mata as well; he claims that he has seen a lot of actors, but none like Gayatri. There must be clapping for her because she acts with herself. Rana ji is stopped by Raaj Mata, who orders the servants to leave. This is King's order, says Rana ji, and no one will leave their seat till he finishes. He congratulates Gayatri on winning the game and becoming the Rani of Amirkot. She can avoid everyone except him; she has become a Rana ji Raani, but Indravadhan will never own her.

Rana ji claims that the Amirkot crown has been defeated in front of her, but that Indravadhan will never be defeated. Today is her day of triumph; he declares that she will be given all of the rights of a Raani in this palace; she has gotten all she desired. Laksh, Kokilla, and Kunwar also sip from their glasses. The glass is dropped by Rana ji. Gayatri was in tears. Rana ji gets up and walks away. Raaj Mata claims that Rana ji made a mistake today. Swarna is to take Rana ji inside, she says. Gayatri is told by Kokilla to cease her theatrics because Rana ji has revealed her truth in front of everyone. Raaj Mata yells at her to stop, and Swarna is instructed to take her to her room.

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Swarna walks out of the room. Swarna is asked by Gayatri if she believes she has pulled a trick on her. Swarna claims to have complete faith in her and a strong attachment to Rana ji. She only hopes that it will all be over soon. Gayatri claims that he is edging away from her as much as she is attempting to draw closer to him. Swarna embraces her. Kunwar ji was at the room first thing in the morning.

Rana ji sat down and began working on his files. Kunwar ji claims that Rana ji has successfully regained control of the British government and has also restored his relationship with the British government, which had deteriorated due to Rani. He claims that it will be of little use since she will continue to sabotage British relations. He needs to evict Raani from the palace and usurp the title of Rani from her. Rana ji tells Kunwar ji that whatever relations he has with his wife, she is Rani of Amirkot, and he must remain silent. In the palace, he cannot say anything negative about Raani.

Rana ji claims that he is the Raja here, and she is his Rani, and that anyone who opposes her is also against him. Rana ji gets up and walks away. Kunwar ji claims he hasn't launched any attacks yet, or he won't be a Rani or a Raja.

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